Op-Ed: Role of Space Aggressor Squadrons in Promoting International Collaboration and Cooperation in Space

Shamsheer Pal Singh
Aeronautics Today
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2023

General Idea: The U.S. Space Aggressor Squadrons have a big role in helping capable countries (other than partner nations) establish friendly and responsible Space Forces and help the US achieve allied dominance in space.

Concept of a Space Military Satellite | Source: freepik

The establishment of the United States Space Force (USSF) in 2019 marked a significant milestone in the field of space, emphasizing national security, enhancing collaboration, and developing new capabilities to address potential threats. Given the crucial role that space-based technologies and systems play in modern-day warfare, the USSF’s progress over the years has laid down a robust foundation for this new branch of the armed forces.

To expand on the USSF’s international collaborations, it is imperative to familiarize capable nations with the concepts and practices of the Space Force and conduct joint training exercises such as tabletop exercises, Space Situational Awareness (SSA) exercises, and technology demonstrations. These initiatives will enhance interoperability and develop common procedures for space operations. The term “capable nations” refers to nations with high defense budgets, technologically advanced space organizations, and strong air forces that do not have a dedicated Space Force.

These partnerships should be contingent upon the recipient country’s adherence to international norms and standards for space security and responsible behavior. Collaborations such as these will promote friendliness among other emerging space forces, reduce space threats from other nations, and help the USSF become a stronger space superpower. For example, closer ties with a capable nation like India could provide the USSF with access to new technologies and expertise, enhance its own space-based capabilities, and promote regional and global space security. By providing training, equipment, technology, cooperation, and diplomacy, the US can play an important role in helping other countries develop their own Space Forces.

The Space Aggressor Squadrons can play a significant role in this initiative by simulating realistic space-based threats and attacks to help emerging military forces better prepare for potential conflicts in space. With enhanced capabilities and simulation-based training, new Space Forces can develop effective strategies to protect space assets and help the US maintain a strategic advantage in space.

The United States has always promoted responsible behavior in space and has been against the weaponization of space. While the initiatives suggested above require a great level of understanding, cooperation, and diplomacy, they work along with the USSF’s commitment to reduce the risk of mishaps, misperceptions, and miscalculations in space. All of this could result in the formation of responsible space allies with similar ideologies and a decrease in space threats.

Organizations like SFA can also play a crucial role in promoting international collaboration and cooperation in space by facilitating dialogue, sharing knowledge and expertise, encouraging partnerships, and advocating for international space policies. This can ensure that the benefits of space-based technologies and capabilities are shared by nations around the world, and that space remains a safe and stable environment for all.


While it may seem like a utopian idea, achieving such understanding in a new military domain like space is not impossible. It will help the USSF distribute its load and responsibilities and create a friendly scenario if proper efforts are made in a timely manner. We are at an initial stage, and with focused efforts and strategic collaborations, a safer and more secure space environment can be created. The implementation and success of these ideas would depend on various factors like diplomatic relations and evolving geopolitical dynamics.



Shamsheer Pal Singh
Aeronautics Today

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