Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: A Conversation with Nancy Najm

Gianna Pinasco
Aerospace Xelerated
5 min readJul 3, 2023

The story behind Cloudhoods is one of passion, resilience, and a commitment to gender equity. In this interview, we not only uncover the motivations that propelled Nancy Najm, Co-Founder & CEO, on her entrepreneurial path but also delve into the UAE's role in shaping Cloudhoods.

Nancy Najm, Co-Founder & CEO of Cloudhoods

Cloudhoods, a pioneering EdTech platform, was founded with a clear purpose: to provide comprehensive support to women in the domains of mental well-being, parenting, and professional growth. This visionary platform emerged from the founders’ personal experiences and their profound understanding of the distinctive challenges and needs that women encounter throughout their lives. By addressing these areas crucial to women’s holistic development, Cloudhoods strives to empower women, fostering their well-being and facilitating their personal and professional growth.

What fuels my dedication is a firm belief in the strength of community and the power of support in “womanhood”. I am driven by a commitment to empowering women to achieve their goals for the betterment of society as a whole.

Tell us more about your experience in UAE’s startup ecosystem. What kind of support have you received along the way?

My experience in the UAE’s startup ecosystem has been an exciting and fulfilling journey, filled with both challenges and opportunities. The ecosystem’s dynamic nature, which makes it both challenging and attractive, has played a significant role in shaping my entrepreneurial experience.

The UAE is ahead of the game — always pushing towards both gender and business equality. There hasn’t been a better time for women to establish their businesses than now because of all the support they keep getting from both government bodies and independent programmes.

The startup ecosystem is known for its vibrancy and constant growth. There are abundant resources, initiatives, and programmes that aim to foster entrepreneurship and innovation. The availability of such resources has been instrumental in providing support and guidance along the way.

Photo by ZQ Lee on Unsplash

However, the liveliness of the ecosystem also poses challenges. The competitive nature of the market demands continuous adaptation and innovation. Keeping up with the rapid pace of change can be demanding, requiring entrepreneurs to stay agile and embrace new trends and technologies.

One of the most valuable forms of support I received in the UAE’s startup ecosystem was through various accelerators. These programmes provided invaluable guidance, mentorship, and exposure. Participating in accelerators opened doors to a lot of networking, new partnerships, collaborations and industry experts through which the learning experiences gained were of great value.

What role do initiatives play in supporting female founders in the region?

Throughout her career, Nancy has faced challenges as an entrepreneur and a woman in tech. Her experiences have fuelled her passion for empowering and supporting female founders. As co-chair of the 2022 Female Angels Movement and a member of Women in Tech and Arab Women Entrepreneurs, she actively works to diversify the industry and provide networking and mentorship opportunities. Nancy believes in the importance of empowering women and unlocking their innovative potential.

Having witnessed firsthand the challenges women face in the industry, including discrimination, lack of representation, and limited access to funding, I firmly believe in the importance of being part of initiatives that empower and promote women.

Nancy Najm, Co-Founder & CEO of Cloudhoods

What advice would you give aspiring women entrepreneurs looking to start their ventures in the region?

  • Embrace your passion: Find a business idea or industry that you’re truly passionate about. Starting a venture requires dedication and perseverance. Having a genuine passion for it will help you overcome the obstacles along the way.
  • Build a strong support network: Your network is your net worth! Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can offer support, guidance, and mentorship. Connect with other women entrepreneurs in the region through networking events, women empowerment groups, and online communities. It is important not to view other women as competition but as an opportunity to collaborate. Each connection you make, no matter how small, can have a profound effect on your success.
  • Seek out mentorship: Look for experienced mentors who can share their knowledge and expertise with you. Seek out successful entrepreneurs, both men and women, who have navigated the business landscape in the MENA region. Their guidance can be instrumental in helping you avoid common pitfalls and make informed decisions.
  • Be adaptable and resilient: The entrepreneurial journey can be challenging, and setbacks are inevitable. Stay adaptable, and open to change. Cultivate resilience to bounce back from failures and setbacks, using them as opportunities to learn and grow.
  • Be confident and persistent: Unlike men, women often hesitate to ask for what they want and take strict, calculated risks only. Once you build your network, go for it wholeheartedly. Be confident to fight for what you want to achieve and have credibility on the matter. Know your numbers, financials, and industry. Investors look for leaders that can get the business to grow in value, so show confidence in your know-how and competence in running your company. Be bold about your business growth strategy. Don’t wait for the perfect timing - there is no such thing. Don’t wait for the perfect product - it will change along the way. Remove the imposter syndrome, thinking it’s not perfect or good enough yet. Believe in yourself and go for it. Don’t let self-doubt or setbacks hold you back. Stay focused on your goals and commit to pursuing them, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

Thank you, Nancy, for sharing your insightful and inspiring story with the AX community!

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