Programme FAQ

This Aerospace Xelerated FAQ is split into three sections. Each section answers commonly asked questions, but if you have a query that’s not covered we’d love to chat to you in an Office Hours call.

Aerospace Xelerated
Aerospace Xelerated
6 min readAug 22, 2021



What is the Aerospace Xelerated programme?
Aerospace Xelerated is a 3-month funded programme for exceptional autonomy and AI startups striving to advance the future of aerospace. The programme was formerly known as the ATI Boeing Accelerator.

In light of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, the next cohort (Jan-April 2022) will have both physical and virtual elements to its 12 week programme. Should the UK reinstate a national lockdown, the programme will become fully virtual.

Who is the Aerospace Xelerated programme for?
We’re looking for exceptional autonomy and AI startups striving to advance the future of aerospace.

We’re especially interested in innovative startups building solutions within the below thematic areas:

  • Assured Autonomy: Develop technologies assuring safe operation of autonomous flight functionality, including but not limited to AI/ML functions, on autonomous vehicles.
    Assured Assurance technologies include design-time techniques for more robust neural nets, run-time monitoring, and tools for building assurance cases to provide evidence of system safety to certification authorities.
  • Autonomous Navigation: AI applied to autonomous navigation using perception algorithm solutions for unpiloted/unmanned/driverless environments.
  • Generative Design: AI applied to generative design to explore all the possible permutations of a solution, learning from each iteration to quickly generate design alternatives.
  • Smart Maintenance: AI applied to predictive analytics on maintenance data to develop smart maintenance solutions.
  • Adaptive Learning: AI applied to predictive and prescriptive analytics for training of learners based on their role and performance history. Learners have a diverse set of skills, abilities and backgrounds and include pilots and mechanics.
  • Reduced Workload: Flight automation technologies that reduce crew workload by providing robustness and reliability to automate routine flight tasks.

How do I apply to the Aerospace Xelerated programme?
Applications for the accelerator are submitted through the programme website — — and are open from 23rd August 2021 to 12pm 8th October 2021.

Who is behind the Aerospace Xelerated programme?
Aerospace Xelerated is brought to you by Boeing, and programme partners including Defence and Security Accelerator, DASA (with more TBA shortly).

If you’d like to become a programme partner or learn more about how to get involved, please contact us.

Is an aerospace focus a requirement?
We are very happy to support businesses and technologies developed in (or for) other industries on the programme. As long as your business and technologies could be relevant to the aerospace industry, we’d love to chat.

Why not look at the range of industries our portfolio works across? Feel free to contact us if you’d like to discuss if your startup is a good fit for the programme.

What is the accelerator’s objective?
The Aerospace Xelerated programme is an accelerator programme designed to support the growth of startups in both the UK and global aerospace ecosystems. By supporting these innovative early stage technology businesses, the programme aims to bolster the growth and competitiveness of the aerospace industry.

How many companies will be on the programme?
Each Aerospace Xelerated cohort is made up of 8–10 startups.

What is the application process?
Please note: the following is subject to change, as the application timeline for the 2022 cohort may change.

Stage 1
Applications are open from 23rd August 2021 via the programme website, Once applications close at the beginning of October 2021, applications will be reviewed by the programme team. If your startup passes the selection criteria, you may be contacted for follow-up questions.

Stage 2
Your submission will then be reviewed and compared to the other applications in your category (i.e. assured autonomy or smart maintenance) by the programme’s selection committee. The selection committee is made up of Boeing, the programme team, and the programme’s partners.

You will be notified if you have been longlisted on or before Monday 25th October 2021.

Stage 3
Longlisted startups may then be invited to follow-up conversations with programme stakeholders including Boeing, the programme team, and the programme’s partners.

Stage 4
The 20 shortlisted startups will be invited — on or before Monday 15th November 2021 — to a virtual pitch on one of our Selection Days. The virtual Selection Days will be held on both 1st and 2nd December 2021.

The 8–10 successful applicants will then be notified and offered programme places shortly after the interviews (we anticipate within 24hrs). The programme will start in early January 2022.

ICYMI, here’s our recent Ask Us Anything webinar:


Is relocating to the UK a requirement of the programme?
No. A decision-maker (i.e. founder or member of the management team) needs to be able to — where possible in light of the COVID-19 pandemic — travel to the UK for the anticipated 3 weeks of in-person content held once a month during the 12 week programme.

We request this commitment so that you are able to make the most of what the programme offers. We are also happy to see more than one team member relocate to join the programme.

Who needs to be on-site in the UK and for how long?
We are looking for commitment from a decision-maker (i.e. someone who would be able to build relationships with Boeing and the programme partner(s)) to travel to the UK for the in-person content during the 12 week programme.

However, depending on the stage of your company, we recognise you may need to spend some time/travel on the business each week. The programme is not currently envisaged as a week per month of residence like some other corporate/ later stage accelerator programmes.


What are the terms for the £100k investment from The Boeing Company?
The £100k investment is an uncapped SAFE (‘simple agreement for future equity’) with a 20% discount on the next round. We will share a draft version of the SAFE with you during the interview process.

Is the programme investment competitive?
No, all startups who are offered and accept a place on the programme will be offered the £100k equity investment from The Boeing Company.

When does the investment get paid? (up front, at the end, installments?)
The programme investment process will start once you accept the offer of a programme place, and we anticipate the investment complete and be paid into your business bank account within the first fortnight of the programme.

Is accepting the £100k investment a requirement of joining the programme?
No, you do not have to take the investment to join the programme. If you’d be interested in joining the programme without taking the investment, we’d still be happy to talk to you.

General Queries

Is there a stipend for accommodation?
No, there is no stipend. Your company is free to spend the programme investment how you see fit.

Can you do the Aerospace Xelerated programme while being on another accelerator?
This will depend on the other programme’s structure and workload. If we are notified about a second programme or the possibility of one during the application process, we can work with you and the other accelerator programme team to assess if and how doing both might work.

The possibility of joining (or actually being on another programme) must be disclosed to us before you sign the Aerospace Xelerated programme offer letter and accept a place on our programme.

Would the accelerator require us to be fiscally located in the UK?
There is no requirement to redomicile the company to the UK, and you do not need a UK LTD company to participate in the programme.

Will we have access to Boeing and programme partners as potential customers?
Yes, over the course of the programme you will be introduced and develop relationships with Boeing and the programme partners (TBA shortly).

Can we work with Boeing competitors?
Yes, there’s no exclusivity preventing you from working with other aerospace businesses.

Sign up to our mailing list to hear the latest news from the Aerospace Xelerated network, follow us on Twitter or connect with us on LinkedIn. You can also book an Office Hours call or contact the team via email.

