Startup Spotlight: AR Engineering

Gianna Pinasco
Aerospace Xelerated
5 min readApr 25, 2023

AR Engineering, a UAE-based startup, is revolutionising engineering education and training through the power of augmented reality. CEO & Founder of AR Engineering, Akram Amir, reflects on the company’s journey, its impact on the aerospace industry, and his experience on the Aerospace Xelerated programme.

Akram Amir, CEO & Founder of AR Engineering

I have always been deeply passionate about the aerospace and aviation industry. The wonders of flight and the intricacies of aircraft design captivated me, and I always knew I wanted to be a part of this exciting and innovative field. That’s what got me into studying Aerospace Technology. During my studies and work a in the sector, I identified the shortcomings of traditional engineering education and training methods. This inspired me to explore innovative solutions. This drive ultimately led to the inception of AR Engineering and bringing together a team with a similar vision!

Tell me more about AR Engineering - what’s the dream?

At AR Engineering, our mission is to revolutionise engineering education & training by making it more visual, immersive, and engaging through the power of augmented reality (AR). We believe that by harnessing the potential of AR technology, we can transform the way students & engineers learn, comprehend, and apply engineering concepts, enabling them to think beyond the limitations of traditional text and pictures in the classroom.

Our goal is to empower students, educators, and institutions with an innovative learning & training solution that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills by bridging the gap between theory and real-world applications. By integrating AR experiences, we aim to create a seamless, hands-on learning environment that enhances the user’s engagement, improves retention, and nurtures the next generation of workforce, better equipped to tackle the complex challenges of the future.

How did AR Engineering come together?

Our journey at AR Engineering began with a shared experience among our founding team members. As engineers from diverse backgrounds, we faced numerous challenges during our academic and professional pursuits. We quickly realized that traditional methods of engineering education and training were falling short in providing clear, visual, and engaging learning experiences, leading to inefficient learning outcomes and a steep learning curve.

We recognised that we were not alone in our struggles and came together with a common purpose to revolutionise conventional engineering education & training. That’s when we established our startup and began our R&D efforts at Sharjah Research Technology & Innovation Park here in the UAE.

What problem are you solving in the aerospace/aviation industry?

We are doing our best to play a pivotal role in enhancing workforce education and upskilling within the aerospace industry. We understand that the traditional training methods in these sectors have long relied on theoretical instruction presented in traditionally large heavy books with text and pictures alongside long PowerPoint presentations, often making it difficult for learners & trainees, especially the younger generations, like Gen Z, to fully grasp complex concepts and procedures.

Our solution addresses this challenge by transforming the training process into a more visual and immersive experience. By incorporating AR technology into the learning environment, we enable users to interact with animated 3D models augmented over their physical surroundings, allowing them to observe intricate systems up close and simulate real-world scenarios, all within a safe and controlled setting. This innovative approach facilitates the understanding of the subject, leading to higher engagement, retention, and ultimately, job performance.

The Gen-Z workforce, having grown up in a digital age, is more inclined towards technology-driven learning experiences. Our solutions cater to their unique learning preferences, providing them with the necessary tools to excel in their work. As a result, we are not only helping these industries upskill their workforce but also paving the way for attracting and retaining top talent in the years to come.

What’s been the greatest learning from your startup journey so far?

We have gained invaluable insights and knowledge from our initial projects implemented within various industries. As we delivered our solutions to several clients & partners, we discovered new areas for improvement and optimisation not previously considered. This experience has been instrumental in refining our solutions and expanding our capabilities.

Furthermore, we have received invaluable feedback from industry experts, which has helped us enhance our offerings and better understand the unique needs of each sector. This collaborative approach has not only allowed us to improve our solutions but also fostered strong partnerships with leading organisations in the industry, such as Boeing, Tawazun Council, Thales, Emirates & RTA, among others.

The experience we gained in the aerospace industry has also opened doors for us to serve other sectors, such as the medical and defence industries. These industries share similar challenges with the aerospace sector, including complex systems, intricate procedures, and the need for advanced technical skills.

How has your experience at Aerospace Xelerated been so far? What are some of the highlights?

AR Engineering’s participation in the Aerospace Xelerated programme has been a transformative experience. This prestigious programme has guided us in numerous directions and opened the doors to explore various opportunities with multiple top-tier enterprises in the aerospace industry and beyond.

One of the most significant aspects of the programme was the exceptional support, mentorship, and guidance we received from Boeing and its accelerator programme partners. Their insights into the inner workings of the aerospace sector were valuable, enabling us to better understand the industry’s unique challenges and requirements. Additionally, Tawazun Council, a key partner in the programme, has been instrumental in supporting and guiding our efforts to drive innovation and in implementing our solutions in the UAE.

A highlight of the AX programme was our gathering in the UAE during IDEX. This event provided us with an unparalleled opportunity to share experiences, learn from each other, and engage in insightful and fruitful meetings with various program partners including all the awesome startups with us in this cohort. The connections and relationships forged during this event have contributed significantly to our growth and success.

Our participation in the AX programme has been a game-changer. The mentorship, support, and networking opportunities provided by the wonderful programme team members and partners have played a crucial role in refining our knowledge, skills, and abilities while fostering strategic partnerships and accelerating our growth in the aerospace industry and beyond!

Thank you, Akram, for sharing more about AR Engineering with the AX community!

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