New performance records and January monthly report

Aerum Technology
4 min readJan 31, 2019


Dear Friends of Aerum, Crypto investors and enthusiasts!

We are happy to present you this Monthly Report for January 2019 that market several very important milestones for the Aerum project and its community. We will try to keep it short and concise and appreciate your time dedicated to reading our report. If you are not yet familiar with Aerum, please check out our Intro at

Our campaign is ongoing and is planned to continue until March 31st, 2019. Our primary goal is to build a community of Aerum early adopters to compliment our growing B2B partnerships and customer acquisition activity.

As reported earlier, the token sale campaign is taking place with weekly price increases. Currently we are in week number 4. On Sunday night the price of token will increase from 0.00033 to 0.00034 ETH per XRM.

Currently our funding process have over $4 Million in token sales completed, well over $3 Million Soft Cap. We have commitments to get us to the Hard Cap of $6 Million before the token sale completes.

You can participate in the token sale by visiting our website at registering directly at our token sale wallet at

Aerum has marked an important step in its campaign by listing on ExMarkets exchange on January 24th. It means you can acquire Aerum’s XRM tokens via an exchange using any major cryptocurrency, stable coins and even fiat. Check it out at

One of the very significant developments we had this month was signing an official partnership with Dezos, GMBH, a Swiss-based blockchain company. Dezos will work with Aerum on integrating Aerum technology, wallet into the Dezos app and building a live pilot on Aerum blockchain. You can read the PR about the partnership here

On the technology side, we are not standing still. We have completed our pre-production performance testing in conditions resembling a production network and have been able to achieve well over 800 transactions a second, well over declared 500 transactions a second in our White Paper. We firmly believe that we can easily push the network to 1000 transactions per second with more signing nodes and transaction gateways deployed. Have a look at the video test report at

Our consensus mechanism has been successfully tested and we are preparing to launch a live network in the coming weeks. Our partner company Bethereum is working with us on building a live pilot app that will be run on Aerum network.

We also have a several very big potential partnerships coming up in next weeks, so stay tuned!

We also plan to hold a live AMA video chat on Saturday this week, it will take place on YouTube Live. Live AMA participants will be able to leave their ETH addresses in comments to be rewarded with XRM for participating in community building. If you have any questions you would like to hear answers for — send it to us via email to with a Subject “AMA”.

Please subscribe to our channel to be updated on new videos being released!

Get more information by visiting our website at or participating directly at our token sale wallet at

Thank you for reading and have a great day!

