July 2, 2019 Community Update Recap

Industry News
ChainPayments Release
Exchange Announcement
Development Update

Alan Goodman


We’ve been pushing hard this last week and ½ has been some great work and progress as a team and amazing collaboration.


What’s important to our efforts:

As a community it’s important that you are in line with the overall scope and strategy of Aeryus.

What were looking at is a really strong crypto market, it is outpacing the actual momentum of 2017 where we saw all time highs and alt markets high as well.

A big deal now as it makes our job easier in adoption. 8–9 months ago the markets were at their lowest point since last bull run. We continued on….

Almost 18 months were the toughest environments we can imagine to start a business let alone a business that is in the crypto space.

We held on to get to the other side and we made it.

The most important thing that has in the past few months that has happened is Facebook’s Libra. It’s getting a lot closer — they released their white paper and website… they’re gearing up for a transition for people to globally start using digital money.

Aeryus started in this industry with the idea of a borderless transactional application concept ChainPayments. It’s good to see larger companies doing this and paying attention to this space. They will face a great deal of regulatory battles on behalf of the entire space.

They will fight a lot of the battles that will set the precedence with how we move forward with borderless currencies on the whole.

The introduction of Libra by Facebook and Zuckerberg has validated this space to the point now where we are no longer just a group of ideas, rather a serious industry that can change the planet.

Important measure that is coming about is there’s a whole new level of regulatory pressure that is about to take place.

For a while, as an industry, we have been able to operate and function as shadow warriors as it were, opening accounts of exchanges without a public face.

US regulations has set the stage for the next round of pressure. All exchanges will have to accept KYC. (Know Your Customer).

With this pressure we will see many exchanges that can’t comply and they will have to change their business models.

We talked about this early on in our design and development.

We weren’t going to release a product without taking the regulatory landscape seriously.

Dealing with people’s money is very serious and subject to enormous regulations and compliance. We have taken this into account the start.

Industry specific things will drive our strategy moving forward. Things are look promising for all of us.

KYC — Know Your Customer…collecting info when onboarding a user to platform allowing you to identify that person is really important, especially with financial tools. Opening a bank account is one of the most recognize KYC so far.

KYB — Know your business. We need to be able to comply with anti money laundering etc. to make sure our users are not doing business with services or products that are banned.

There is still a level of anonymity. Personal info not going out with every transaction, but enough has to be out there to know who you are transacting with….

*Welcome mastermind group-a great FB group that have supported us since day 1. Thanks for joining in tonight.

ChainPayments Web Release July 2019!

Really important to us! We are really close to launching the CP web application. Have redesigned it. Migrated entire code base to a really scalable infrastructure to help onboard users.

Plug ins are all adapting to new build. Hopefully before the end of the month we Will have a full announcement around it.

Creative and Product development working really hard on this.

You will be the first to know and Nic will make a personal announcement when it happens.

All plugin and APIs will be live and in this version.

If you have a website that wants to accept these services you can use CP!

This payment space is limited to the big names or really small faceless companies.

We have so much support in the background for what we are working toward.

ChainPayments App Release

Full steam ahead. Gotten first round of feedback to getting listing in the Apple. Android version is well along.

We have updates, new VP of product design, he has helped us shape the the UX with his Fintec background, it has allowed us to build user able product. App will follow close behind. 30 days


Working really hard to build a company that is a blockchain solutions company — we have been approached by several companies to help them with blockchain solutions.

Aeryus has deal flow as a revenue stream. With over six figures of deals in the pipeline.

3 projects that we have determined to work for and in are in contract negotiations.

One project we are working on is a gateway project for WAVES gateway. You will be able to take your WAVE assets and use them for payment or conversion to the ERC 20.

Working on APIs to provide a wallet infrastructure for a women centric mobile application introducing women to digital currencies.

Aeryus and ChainPayments will be powering the back end of these clients applications.

This month is about getting the word out about the behind the scenes work we do..


We have contracts in hand to list with a few top 25 and a top 50 exchange.

I passed on some because I had a conversation with one of the top exchanges and they have a program that we can take and place AER in their pipeline and make it to one of the top exchanges on the market. I think it is a smart move for the company and a strategic move for our early adopters. We are working at creating value with all our work but another is to allow the token to find new markets by choosing good partners.

Not all of them have good volume and it hurts the industry.

A lot of false hope out there. We don’t fake our volume, it is build by the people participating in it. We want to choose a market that will benefit our adopters.

We don’t want to waste time or opportunities.

Some exchanges we are looking at:

CoinAll, Okex, P2PB2B, Probit, Binance Dex and using BEP2 as a potential option.

Real discussions but we are not committing. We have to make a strategic choice so not to waste time, money or energy.

We will do our best to finalize after July 4th and have a listing announcement. We are not going to rush and do the due diligence we need to do to make the right choice.


Our dev team has been working on a KYC platform for ChainPayments it will be blockchain compliant pool and have KYB elements. In process to put together agreements for databases for submissions.

Will be important for us and our customers. We will migrate our KYC completely to the blockchain.

Will be blockchain specific profile. We will be able to offer these services to the public as APIs or products.

Working diligently on web and smartphone app

In the process of bringing in a few more plugins WHM and wallet APIs.

Will share more after the holidays.


19:15:01 From james to Nicholus Andrews (Privately):
Q: Please explain what the acronyms you are using mean…

Q:19:15:21 From james to Nicholus Andrews (Privately) : KYC

A: KYC answer described above

Q: 19:21:57 From 1790067665 : so apps will come just after the web release for Chainpayments?

A: We will ensure to meet the Q3 deadline for release of the Apps.

Q: 19:25:36 From 1790067665 : pigsby?

A: No not pigsby

Q: 19:26:09 From 1790067665 : So AER working directly with WAVES?

A: We will be working with the WAVES platform we will be asking WAVES development team to support our work

Q: 19:31:08 From CryptoVol : did they announce the exchange?

Q: 19:33:20 From 1790067665 : AER working and discussing possible listing with Coinall, OKEX, probit, binance Dex, P2PB2B I think that is right

A: Correct.

Q: 19:34:43 From Brent 2.0 : Time to pickup some more AER…

Follow us on all our social media channels to keep up to date on all things Aeryus!

Telegram news channel. https://t.me/aeryusone
Check out our website: https://aeryus.com
Looking for token info? https://aeryus.com/token
Follow us on twitter at: https://twitter.com/aeryus_one
Aeryus is currently listed on IDEX. https://idex.market/eth/aer

