æternity TestNet: Installation and Mining

Vandres Guzman
æternity blog
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2017


An easy guide on how to run the fast æternity TestNet node on UBUNTU.

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to run a node and mine on the æternity testnet!

There are just 10 steps to start mining.

  1. First, it is fundamental that we make sure our system is up to date.
  2. We can do this by using a system console (terminal) [CTRL+ALT+T]
    Please use the following commands: update [sudo apt-get update] and upgrade [sudo apt-get upgrade]
    (you will be asked for a root password)
  3. Following, you may be asked for confirmation to download packages, if so, type “y” and press ENTER
  4. With the following line all node dependencies will be installed:
    [sudo apt-get install erlang libncurses5-dev libssl-dev unixodbc-dev g++ git erlang-base-hipe]
    (Those are programs and libraries the node needs previously installed to work properly)
  5. With the next line, we will auto-download all node files on our computer:
    [git clone https://github.com/aeternity/testnet.git]
  6. The installation process can be continued for these downloaded files. (to install the node)
    First, we need to navigate to the folder, using:
    [cd home/YOUR_USER/testnet].
  7. Now we can install the node in the next line:
    [sh install.sh]
  8. Once installed, we just run it:
    [sh start.sh]
  9. Next, we can start passing commands to the node. A very interesting one, is mining:
  10. After a while It will start showing mining data

If you start mining as above, the system automatically creates a new address for revenue deposits.

Now we’ll see how can we manually create an address with a safe password before mining starts.

  1. After step 8, we can start with the address creation process with the command:
  2. Since a new password was created for the address, we can find the address itself. For it we use:
  3. We should save it now, so it can be sent to anybody who wants, or can transfer some balance to us. The address is something like that: (only the characters between double quotes)
  4. Now. To start mining process, we have to unlock the address keys. We can do it by using:
  5. We can start mining to our new address just as before with:
  6. Before the system starts finding new blocks again, we can check our account balance. It will be empty!
    Mining might take some minutes to find blocks.
    However if it takes too long, we can check if it’s actually running and mining with:
  7. This is a way to ask to the node if is mining. If it answers GO; Then it’s mining.
  8. Once your system found their first block, it might have some balance on its address. You can find out again with command:
  9. If you want to stop the mining process, you just have to use:
  10. We can also change the address password (the one we created before).
    For it, we need to use:
    [keys:change_password(“CURRENT_PSWRD”, “NEW_PSWRD”)]

Remember, every line should be used without square brackets.

Wasn’t hard at all, was it? Now have fun mining and tell us, how things are going.

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