Grant Report #4: Aeternity Foundation awards first round of BRI grantees

Cecille de Jesus
aeternity Foundation
4 min readJul 26, 2019

Applications for the next rounds are always welcome!

After a thorough screening process, the foundation team is happy to announce that the first set of awardees for grants collected through the Block Reward Initiative (BRI) has been selected. This will be the first allocation of BRI funds since it was concluded in May of this year.

The aeternity foundation is serving as an independent body tasked with growing the æternity protocol, selecting promising projects that contribute to the relevance of the æternity platform, and helping spread the word of blockchain technology.

Here are the selected grant recipients:

1. Karol Skocik
BRI Recipient

Karol has been a vital member of the æternity community and is one of the leading architects of Stratum. He will be contributing to the development of the protocol, including features like the Naming System. Karol has now received a grant, in effect until September, 2019.

2. Juraj Hlista
BRI Recipient

Juraj is an Erlang developer with a Masters in Science in Information Systems, and will be contributing to the development of the protocol. This grant will be in effect until September 2019.

3. Papers
BRI Recipient

Papers is the developer team behind the AirGap wallet, which has been instrumental in token migrations for AE. This grant will enable Papers to continue providing support for network upgrades like the upcoming LIMA hard fork in September and maintenance of the æternity airgap-coin-lib SDK and integrations, and is effective until December 31, 2019.

4. CoinFabrik
BRI Recipient

CoinFabrik has been creating decentralized applications since 2014 and has worked with several well-known blockchain platforms. CoinFabrik supports the aeternity ecosystem by developing aeternity applications, focusing on a State Channel payments aepp which will be showcased during the aeternity Universe One Conference (SEPTEMBER 20–21, 2019, PARALELNI POLIS / LA FABRIKA — PRAGUE, BOHEMIA), and contributing to improvements of existing development tools. This grant is effective until September 30, 2019.

5. Tino Breddin
BRI Recipient

Tino will be collaborating with the core protocol team and contributing to improvements in performance, maintainability, and reliability of core features with a strong focus on State Channels. Tino will take part in interfacing and developing demos, supporting core feature development with specific focus on production-readiness and demoing. This grant is effective until January 15, 2020.

Grant awardees present updates and releases under the ISC Open Source License on the aeternity GitHub page on a regular basis, multiple times per month.

“This is the first allocation of grants from the BRI. All of them have been evaluated as highly beneficial for the aeternity platform and ecosystem. The aeternity foundation was pleased to receive well thought through and high quality applications and believes that every recipient of a grant will contribute in growing the aeternity ecosystem,” says Emin Mahrt, who has recently joined the aeternity foundation as a Board Member after serving as COO for æternity during its first two years.

Emin Mahrt, Member of the Board | aeternity foundation.

The aeternity foundation welcomes proposals from within and beyond the existing community. If you have a project in mind that you think would be perfect for the æternity platform, don’t think twice — talk to us!

To get a better idea about the immense use-case possibilities of æternity’s tools and features, you can check out our Documentation Hub. Those who want to learn how to build on æternity can begin by taking Dacade’s tutorials (and earn some tokens upon completion).

You can also start by getting acquainted with community members through the Forum, or better yet, attend the æternity Universe conference this September 20–21 in Prague. Who knows — you might even find team members for your start-up there!

