aeternity Foundation graces æternity Universe One

Cecille de Jesus
aeternity Foundation
5 min readOct 8, 2019

The æternity Universe One conference was quite the adrenaline rush and we were absolutely thrilled to be part of it!

The æternity community huddles up for a photo at the first-ever æternity Universe conference last September 20–21 in La Fabrika, Prague.

Being a decentralized community has allowed us to connect with other human beings from the farthest corners of the world, which is an absolutely wonderful thing. æternity Universe One, however, brought the whole ecosystem together face-to-face!

We felt the motivation and energy flowing throughout the community during the conference, and had lively long chats in between tracks!

Here is a quick summary of the presentations made by the aeternity Foundation at the æternity Universe One Conference last Sept 20–21, held in La Fabrika and Paralelni Polis in Prague.

An Introduction to the aeternity Foundation by Marion Vogel

Marion Vogel, the President and one of æternity’s founding forces, opened the introduction panel with visionary words from cypherpunk legend Tim May and his crypto manifesto. Marion shared the leading principles and values we all commit to as part of the foundation. To sum up:

  • The aeternity Foundation commits to support open-source blockchain technology development, and continues to push for further decentralization.
  • The aeternity foundation is an advocate of inclusion and expanding æternity’s developer force is one of the major priorities. Everyone is welcome to apply for a grant.
  • The foundation supports and interacts proactively with the æternity ecosystem. Part of the foundation’s activities include engaging with Starfleet startups, and providing funding support for the aembassador program.

Foundation Board members Marion Vogel, Emin Mahrt, Peter Schnürer, and Sascha Valenta share the stage for a panel discussion.

In a panel moderated by our lovely colleague, Development and Technical Marketing Manager Pegah Ghojavand, the Board Members shared valuable insights about the foundation’s origin, their motivation to join the Board, and the foundation’s main priorities.

Left to right: Marion Vogel, Sascha Valenta, Pegah Ghojavand, Emin Mahrt, and Peter Schnürer.

Here are some highlights from the panel:

“Open-source blockchain technology is a public good that we continuously want to support and take care of,” Marion explains, asserting this as one of the reasons for establishing the foundation.

“We need to do it in a sustainable way,” adds Emin.

“Open-source development, as any software development, is an ongoing process. In order to be on the top of the industry and lead innovations, you need constant work and resources. The aeternity foundation is doing its best to provide this sustainability. For example, with the BRI we can support developers in the long run. From the tech side, the open-source foundation is focusing on maintaining and improving the protocol and its features.”

“Combining a charity and crypto is possible and we are proving it,” states Sascha. “The challenge is bringing knowledge to the future and we are here to help you.”

“We put the basis of a new kind of network and this will change the way people communicate, do business, and we as a foundation are eager to support that through funding the core protocol,” Peter concludes.

Emin Mahrt opens Day One of the Development Track

In the early morning of Day One, Sept 20, aeternity foundation Board member Emin Mahrt opened the Development Track with his presentation: The State of aeternity Development.”

Emin talked about his experience in understanding the æternity development process. He shared lessons acquired over the last three years, such as why aeternity uses less gas for smart contracts, how he came to the realization that every second is important, and the difference in waiting for 3 or 15 sec until something happens after you click a button. Emin restated his conviction that the future is open source and there is no turning back. Open source is providing security in communication and exchange.

You can watch Day 1 of the Developer Track here.

Pegah Ghojavand opens Day Two of the Development Track

In her talk, Pegah summarized her impressions from the previous day and set the direction for the second day. While Emin and Pegah were ensuring the flawless run of the Development track, the rest of the Foundation team engaged in discussions with various members of the community. We met grantees in person, discussed their impressions from our joint work, as well as mapped new areas for collaboration.

You can watch Day 2 of the Developer Track here.

æternity Universe One was a very productive conference, focusing on collaborations, potential partnerships, and the next steps forward.

Lale Mahrt, Tina Miao, and Marion Vogel.

We are looking forward to next year’s æternity Universe Conference (Two), and we heard that a lot of you are as well! Hope to see all of you there!

The conference also served as a platform for the foundation to reveal our fresh new visual identity and website. Check it out!

For those who have any insights and feedback for the aeternity foundation and/or its surrounding ecosystem, you can share your thoughts with us here: Telegram or email

