Around the world with our æmbassadors: see where we’ve been!

Cecille de Jesus
aeternity Foundation
104 min readAug 28, 2019

æternity is bound by neither time nor space.

æternity is conquering the world. And later, the universe. ;)

As you know, our æmbassadors are always on the move — and fast!

In this post, we keep track of æternity’s footsteps in our quest to conquer the whole world (and later, the universe!). We will update this post as we expand the æternity Universe to deliver the benefits of open-source, scalable blockchain technology to those who need it the most.

Erik Vollstädt | Manager, æmbassador Program.

For those who are interested in joining the cause, our æmbassador Program Manager Erik Vollstädt is always on the lookout for brilliant minds. You will find that our friends at also get mentioned quite a lot in æmbassador meet-ups — they made some really awesome, easy-to-follow tutorials to help you get started. Plus, you earn $100 in AE tokens just for finishing the æternity Development 101 course!

See where our æmbassadors have been — maybe that will give you an idea where we should head to next!

236. Osun, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

November 2, 2019: Barineka has started a developers hangout for æternity.

We had Jet and Jesulomini taking the students in the developers session. It was a nice meetup, next time we would be looking at working on use cases and after then, we can consider a hackathon.

235. Karu, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuki

October 26, 2019: Napthali’s meet-up group comprised mostly of techies and SME owners.

234. Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

October 23, 2019: Naphtali met up with some entrepreneurs and business owners to discuss how they can possibly use blockchain technology to their advantage.

“There was a fashion designer. He spoke about his difficulties and challenges and we discussed how we can use blockchain technology to solve his problem. I am working to set up a team for that.”

Read more about it here.

233. Ibadan, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

November 1, 2019: It was Nigeria Fintech Week and Stephen represented æternity alongside other big players like Binance.

“We had a good time during the meetup discussing about æternity and what æternity offer the blockchain space…I was also assigned to be a judge during the hackathon that took place Saturday 2nd November during the fintech week at University of Ibadan. A total of 5 teams were selected to pitch before the judges.”

Read more about it here.

232. Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

October 29 & 31, 2019: Marco holds more workshops in Caracas.

231. Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Boris Guevara

October 30, 2019: Boris holds another technical meet-up with 32 students and faculty from the Computer Science department of the Jesús Obrero University Institute.

230. Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

October 24, 2019: Marco continues with his workshops.

229. Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

October 22, 2019: Marco holds a meet-up to train participants in the theoretical and practical elements necessary to design and develop software projects on æternity.

228. Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Boris Guevara

October 24, 2019: Students and faculty from the Computer Science department of the Jesús Obrero University Institute join Boris in Venezuela.

227. Caracas, Venezuela
Juan Carlos Delpino

October 18, 2019: Juan Carlos discusses æternity’s JavaScript SDK to computer science students.

Para finalizar nuestro ciclo de charlas para embajadores cerramos con la implementacion del SDK de Javascrpt de aeternity.
Estuvimos acompañados de varios estudiantes de informatica entusiastas de la tecnologia de Blockchain y de la plataforma de aeternity. Presentaron ideas acerca de proyectos que quieren inscribir en el proximo hackathon y la posibilidad de concursar en el Starfleet cuando toque en Latinoamerica.

226. Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

October 17, 2019: Marco presents his course modules to another group of meet-up attendees.

Read more about it here.

225. Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

October 15, 2019: Marco presented some course modules to his attendees in Caracas.

“The course consists of eight (8) modules of 3 academic hours each, the seven first with activities and assignments of the work to be developed, the last module will correspond to a mini project, which will be executed in teams of no more than 3 participants. Participants who successfully complete each of the modules will be awarded a certificate of participation as long as they have attended to at least 90 percent of the classes.” -Marco Gomez

Read more about it here.

224. Nasarawa, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

October 19, 2019: Students on internship in Lafia were given information on Starfleet and how they can possibly participate. Stephen had more attendees than he initially anticipated.

We planned for 50 participants but we had 136 people.

Read more about it here.

223. Abuja, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

October 18, 2019: Stephen presented æternity to over 300 attendees in a conference in Abuja.

æternity was invited to the National Association of Computer Science Students (NACOSS) conference which was slated for 15th to 19th October, 2019 to talk about blockchain and how the members of the association can plug into the aeternity ecosystem.

Read more about it here.

222. Cork, Ireland
Jason Roe

October 17, 2019: Jason started a meetup group for æternity blockchain Ireland. For those around that area, follow their Meetup page for their next events.

We had lots of questions about the base app and how to get a wallet. We used the tip bot to show participants to withdraw to a wallet.

221. Barcelona, Spain
Manel Ruiz

October 17, 2019: “It was a meetup focused in the Starfleet program I talked a lot about the previous editions winners, I show them the projects and we discussed different projects from the meetup participants willing to apply.I also did a brief explanation or State Channels and Oracles. I have shown them our courses explaining a bit about the differences of having a functional programming language for smart contracts…I really want to give my support to all the teams that will participate at the Starfleet program, but especially there is one of those teams that has applied through my referral and it’s about tokenization of Real Estate. They are some really cool cats from the University of Murcia that I met in my æmbassador tour last spring. They wanted to do it on Ethereum, but were not convinced 100%. I REALLY think that those guys know very well what they do and Real Estate is a huuuuge business, especially in that area of Spain. Also I think It would be so important to see a Spanish team winning the Starfleet program incubator program to create a community here.” -Manel Ruiz

Read more about it here.

220. Bangalore, India
Ashish Chawla

October 18, 2019: Ashish introduces his group to æternity’s features.

219. Dublin, Ireland
Owen O’Driscoll

October 9, 2019: Owen takes æternity to Dublin.

“Had great time presenting here. There was also a Blockchain developer from Deloittes speaking as well , it was a great event and big turn out from the business community with a great Q&A afterward.”

218. Caracas, Venezuela
Juan Carlos Delpino

October 4, 2019: En esta oportunidad el tema a tratar fue State Channels (Canales de Estado). Como crear un canal de estado, abrir el canal, conectarse al canal , partes que intervienen y envio de información a través de un canal de estado. Para demostrar esta funcionalidad utilizamos un ejemplo practico que envía un pago a una de las partes dependiendo de los valores finales al cerrar el canal de estado.

217. Ondo, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

September 26, 2019: The third leg of Barineka’s blockchain campus tour takes them to the Ondo State University of Science and Technology (OSUSTech).

We are still talking with the team in the school so we can run a series of meetups to introduce everything about the æternity development and make sure we have dedicated guys in the æternity blockchain space.

Read more about it here.

216. Ife, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

September 25, 2019: Barineka’s travelling æmbassador tour continues.

“The blockchain roadtrip bus moved from Ladoke Akintola University to Obafemi Awolowo University and Osustech University…We had Stephen Sunday (æternity lead Æmbassador) and also Jet (winner of Ekiti state Hackathon) and me. We had a nice time bringing these newbies to crypto and æternity ( We are glad we are having a lot of people to be aware of this new technology.” -Barineka Maagbo

Read more about it here.

215. Oyo, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

September 21, 2019: A hundred people gathered together at the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.

“In the quest of mass adoption of cryptocurrency and æternity blockchain in the world, I was able to bring in fun and blockchain education to reach out to various universities (three), so this is the first university we visited on the road trip.” -Barineka Maagbo

Read more about it here.

214. Bauchi, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

September 28 & 30, 2019: Samson discussed æternity with students from the Bauchi State University Yuli’s business management entrepreneur’s campus.

On the 28th, he had 50 attendees, and 95 on the 30th.

“Some of the students have some SMEs they run which I encouraged them to begin to think of deploying them on the blockchain to help them gain more trust and expand their customer base. This is because the blockchain promotes trust and encourages high level of transparency in the business. I was able to speak to them about accepting AE as payment for their service which some of them said they need to study the technology more and they will give me feedback.”
-Samson Dogo
Read more about it here.

213. Bauchi, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

September 30, 2019

“Federal polytechnic Bauchi also recorded a successful meetup with great number of participants and we had a good time discussing about blockchain and how it can be used in real life. We looked at some of the things that make æternity different from other blockchain platforms and also spoke about what æternity is doing to remain relevant in the blockchain space. We looked at topics like scalability and considering state channels and bitcoin-NG, and also looked at security and oracles. I was able to also tell them about some of the funding opportunities æternity provides for the community through the Starfleet program and how they can participate in the forthcoming Starfleet program coming up in Malta this November.” -Samson Dogo

212. Kampala, Uganda
Kabetereine Rodgers

September 28, 2019

“Most of these students were still lacking more blockchain knowledge and had to further introduce them to concepts of blockchain, wallets, cryptography, explained to them the difference between public and private key and why they should always store they private keys secretly. This lead us to share more about æternity’s æpps such as Base æpp, explorer, voting æpp and uses of each æpp. We shared how and what the current æternity’s use cases can solve some of the problems in our surrounding…The main goal of this meetup was to bring up a blockchain community group, that will begin seeing a growth of blockchain ideas, projects through interaction with different students and the utilization of platform that will boost their understanding of blockchain technologies.” -Kabetereine Rodgers

211. Bauchi, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

September 28, 2019: At the Bauchi State University Yuli (business management entrepreneur’s campus), we were able to discuss how businesses can take advantage of this emerging technology and how some businesses have taken advantage of this technology in the area of healthcare, finance, education, and even agriculture. Some of the students have some SMEs they run which I encouraged them to begin to think of deploying them on the blockchain to help them gain more trust and expand their customer base. This is because the blockchain promotes trust and encourages high level of transparency in the business. I was able to speak to them about accepting AE as payment for their service which some of them said they need to study the technology more and they will give me feedback.” -Samson Dogo

210. Bauchi, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

September 27, 2019: “At the Bauchi State Polytechnic, the meetup had students from various departments in the school and I was able to use the opportunity to introduce them to aeternity blockchain and what aeternity offers its community. I spoke about the state channels solution and governance on the æternity blockchain. I used the opportunity and encourage them to begin voting online within the school system. There was a situation with the just-concluded elections of the student governing council where the elections were done electronically but the system was hacked and the result was manipulated in favor of a particular candidate. I used this to clearly prove to them that when they deploy the solution on the blockchain, such situations won’t happen because the system can never be hacked and results can’t be manipulated. I was able to direct them to to learn about Sophia and possibly integrate it into their voting system.” -Samson Dogo

209.Ondo, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

September 26, 2019: Students from the Osun State University of Technology join the fold in what could become a regular meetup in their campus.

“It was a bright and sunny day for crypto enthusiasts from the Osun State University of Technology. This meetup was more of blockchain education and fun. We have a whole lot of students, who didn’t know what was going on, they all joined to hear what æternity blockchain has to offer…We are still talking with the team in the school so we can run a series of meetups to introduce everything about the aeternity development and make sure, we have dedicated guys in the æternity blockchain space.” -Barineka Maagbo

208. Ife, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

September 25, 2019: Barineka went on a campus tour with other æternity community members.

“The blockchain roadtrip bus moved from Ladoke Akintola University to Obafemi Awolowo University and Osustech University. And we met a whole alot students who learnt and had fun, there were a lot of questions from the students. We have Stephen Sunday (æternity lead Æmbassador) and also jet (winner of Ekiti State Hackathon) and me. We had a nice time bringing these newbies to crypto and æternity ( We are glad we are having a lot of people to be aware of this new technology.” -Barineka Maagbo

207. Caracas, Venezuela
Adrian Sanchez

September 25, 2019: “…surgen expectativas y nuevas ideas que se llevan los participantes conociendo sobre la TECNOLOGIA BLOCKCHAIN que a futuro veremos nuevas propuestas. Seguiremos fortaleciendo el ecosistema y brindando este tipo de encuentro con el fin de unir un equipo para la creación de un proyecto con visión y futuro crecimiento de tecnología en nuestro país.” -Adrian Sanchez

206. Kanungu, Uganda
Kabetereine Rodgers

September 22, 2019: “We thank everyone that welcomed us at Great Lakes Regional University, Kanungu, the staff that encouraged us to keep on sharing with their students in terms of Technology. These are the topics we covered: Introducton to Blockchain, Aeternity blockchain, Features of aeternity blockchain, Programming Languages, Smart contract programming Languages, Sophia Smart contract programming Language, platform and what skills and benefits someone can achieve from it. We also looked at the current challenges being faced in our country, talked about the E-voting platform that has been developed by Makerere University of Business School and how a decentralized blockchain based one would be advantageous than it. Most of the æpps were introduced to these students, and what they can be used for, base æpp, explorer and voting æpp. Introduced these students to our social media platform, forum, telegram and encouraged them to engage in daily participation to develop their knowledge about blockchain, shared with them how our telegram Tipping Bot works and how they would be tipped if they become active in our group.” -Kabetereine Rodgers

205. Oyo, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

September 21, 2019: “In the quest of mass adoption of cryptocurrency and the æternity blockchain in the world, I was able to bring in Fun and Blockchain education to reach out to various Universities (3) so this is the first University we visited on the road trip.” -Barineka Maagbo

204. Lafia, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

September 16, 2019: “The meetup at Isa Mohammed Polytechnic had attracted some of the Polytechnic’s lecturers and a good number of students of the computer science department. I was an engaging moment discussing about blockchain and its deployment in day to day activities. After giving a brief introduction on what blockchain is and what cryptocurrencies are, we went further to discuss about the issues blockchain solutions are currently facing and some of the solutions to these problems. We looked at how aeternity is providing a solution for scalability via state channel and how it has proven to be an effective way of solving the scalability issue so far. Also spoke about the Bitcoin-NG solution and we also looked at governance and security.

We spoke about a couple of use cases which including deploying blockchain in the Nigerian educational system, Agriculture, e-commerce, governance and also land tittles. The lectures who do not have an idea of blockchain programming said they will also try to take the aeternity101 course on and give me feedback.” -Stephen Sunday

Here’s a peek at that event.

203. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

September 17, 2019: “So we decided to do a hangout after a while to check their progress with æternity101 and to check what are the possible problems the developers are encountering in the bid to try the aeternity101 course. And 3/4 of the developers that came around today are developers who are new into blockchain and never heard of æternity. So, we did a quick review of what blockchain is and also gave some brief about aeternity and how they can begin to use aeternity to deploy some blockchain solutions. Some of the advanced developers indicated their willingness to be on-site tutors for those who will need help with finishing the aeternity101 course and also help to begin to work on some of the use cases we have identified like the agricultural solutions and e-commerce.” -Stephen Sunday

202. Lafia, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

September 14, 2019: Stephen hosted a meetup at the Federal University Lafia.

Here are some clips from that meet-up.

201. Caracas, Venezuela
Juan Carlos Delpino

September 13, 2019: “Continuando con los talleres técnicos para nuestros embajadores en esta oportunidad se les facilitaron las herramientas para dictar charlas acerca de los ORACULOS, como crear, compilar y desplegar un Oráculo en la red de aeternity. La diferencia entre crear uno a través de un contrato inteligente o con el SDK. Registrar Oráculos en la Blockchain de æternity para que esten a disposición de la comunidad de desarrolladores, etc.” -Juan Carlos Delpino

200.Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Boris Guevara

September 2, 2019: Boris presents æternity to students and faculty at the Fermin Toro University Computer School.

199.Virtual (Tanzania, Ghana, Cameroon, South Africa)
Dotun Wilfred

September 2, 2019: Watch Dotun’s virtual meetup between participants across different parts of Africa.

198. Virtual meetup (Venezuela)
Boris Guevara

August 31, 2019: Boris held a virtual meetup to talk about æternity and its potential real-world use cases.

197. Caracas, Venezuela
Adrian Sanchez

August 30, 2019: Here’s a short clip of Adrian’s presentation in Caracas.

“Esperamos seguir fortaleciendo el ecosistema y brindando este tipo de meetup con el fin de unir un equipo para la creación de un proyecto con vision y futuro crecimiento de tecnologiadlt en nuestro pais.” -Adrian Sanchez

196. Caracas, Venezuela
Adrian Sanchez

August 29, 2019: Adrian presents æternity to a group of professionals, some of whom were already familiar with Solidity and Ethereum.

195. Maracay, Venezuela
Ivan Leon

August 29, 2019: “Albatros Airlines is looking to teach their employees about blockchain potential, this includes crypto adoption and daepps development. This aeternity presentation was focused in daepps development and the resources æternity has for that goal.” -Ivan Leon

194. Valencia, Venezuela
Ivan Leon

August 29, 2019: This event was for young people starting their professional life in an oil company. Their goal is to make changes in this company, with the natural youth energy and enthusiasm within, now they have a new option in their life in the company with blockchain technology.” -Ivan Leon

193. Adamawa, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

August 28, 2019: “While in Adamawa State University after explaining the technology they came up with a student repository system, where students can access their results regardless of where they are. Because as at the year 2014 there was a boko haram insurgent that led to students running away from the school and some have never return since then, part of the student result where burnt, so most of them couldn’t get their results. This led to the students idea of the student repository system where you can access your result and also transcripts wherever you are.” -Samson Dogo

192. Gombe, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

August 26, 2019: Samson explored the use of blockchain for insurance data security.

“At Gombe State University after the explanation they came up with a use case of an insurance policy, how blockchain’s ability to provide complete accountability, transparency and superior security will help insurers save time and money, as well as improve customer satisfaction.

We bring out some of the challenges the insurance industry are facing, Insurance companies currently face a number of challenges as it relates to complex compliance issues, limited growth in mature markets, fraudulent claims activity, third party payment transactions and handling huge amounts of data. The Blockchain does provide foundational technology that promotes trust, transparency and stability. Although Blockchain is in the early stages of adoption, but there are already a handful of ways that insurers are leveraging the technology to mitigate the above mentioned challenges like, security, big data, third party transportation, smart contract and reinsurance.” -Samson Dogo

191. Guyana City, Venezuela
Iván León

July 23, 2019: Iván spoke with university faculty and students to figure out how æternity can be used to make daily tasks easier.

“Many of the attendees were university teachers, including Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela principal. They got æternity’s goal and features rapidly and they left this meet up with ideas for blockchain solutions in their University, community and local government. They wanted more meetups and I will try to arrange a new trip here for that… The attendees work for a university and they could see aepps as a solution for some issues they have, one is a clean and fast way to keep track of employees and students, another one is a way to make a budget app.” -Iván León
Read more about it here.

190. Keffi, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

August 27, 2019: Stephen got some really good insights on the barriers that keep developers from jumping into blockchain programming —the difficulty barrier is one that æternity has been striving to break down and we’re continuously making strides towards that end.

“My experience as a travelling ambassador has given me some answers to why developers are not so fascinated about blockchain development. I was at the Nasarawa state university Keffi where I hosted a meet-up with some developers in the school and from experienced developers within the state. Some of the developers and students told me the reason why they shy away from blockchain development is because the blockchain algorithm is difficult to understand and so this makes them not to be interested. I was able to help them understand that they don’t need to know the blockchain algorithm but to understand how the blockchain works and how they can create aepps. Introduced aeternity to them and why aeternity is ahead of other blockchain platforms and why they should learn aeternity’s smart contract because so far it is the most simplest of all the smart contract languages I have come across.” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

189. Nasarawa, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

August 24, 2019: Attendance rate at Stephen’s meet-up almost hit three times the expected head count — definitely not bad.

“Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa has a developers community where they meet to work on certain projects as a team. And the team lead was in one of my dev hangouts in Abuja and he invited me to come and introduce his team to æternity and Sophia so that they can begin to get their hands dirty with some blockchain syntax. It was an amazing time because we had planned for only 30 people but we had a crowd of 84 people and I was able to introduce them to Sophia and to aeternity. A handful of them signed up for dacade to take the aeternity101 course.” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

188. Caracas, Venezuela
Juan Carlos Delpino

August 23, 2019: Some æmbassadors are also working on their own æternity projects!

“We continue this Technical Meet-up Cycle aimed for our aembassadors in Venezuela in order to give them the knowledge and tools to attract new developers to their future meetups. In this opportunity, we talked about the Sophia programming language and how to create, test and deploy a smart contract…One of our æmbassadors is developing a mobile quiz app that rewards participants with ae tokens for learning the basics of the aeternity platform. The app will be available for all æmbassadors to use in their meet-ups!” -Juan Carlos Delpino
Read more about it here.

187. Abuja, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

August 23, 2019: Students from the Faculty of Science at the University of Abuja discuss a potential solution to a problem in student housing.

“One of the use cases we considered is, the school has a capacity of 25,000 students and accommodation is provided for only 6,000 students. The remaining will have to look for accommodation outside the school because most of the students don’t leave with Abuja so there is no option of coming from home. This is the same situation across the country. Within the school, there are available houses for renting but you will need to pay real estate agents some fees before they can take you to the available house and after securing a house, you pay them another fee before renting the house. There are a lot of irregularities with the system and they believe this is something they can work on and it can be replicated across the country. This is because it’s a common issue in the country and not just particular to Nigeria alone.” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

186. Mumbai, India
Ashish Chawla

August 18, 2019: Ashish explains æternity to a small group in Mumbai.

185. Kumasi, Ghana
Alhassan Yaminu

August 17, 2019: How could æternity blockchain be integrated into business transactions? What æpps are available to be tested? Would there be incentives for accepting AE tokens? These were some of the questions asked at Alhassan’s meet-up.

184. Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Boris Guevara

August 16, 2019: “Buenas noches, El día Viernes 16/08/2019 se realizó en la Universidad de Yacambu, Centro de Emprendedores de la ciudad de Barquisimeto, Estado Lara Venezuela, la charla “Una Introducción al desarrollo de la blockchain de Aeternity”, la charla formo parte de la una iniciativa que promueve el centro de emprendedores de la universidad para un grupo de estudiantes de área de ingeniería electrónica en computación que están interesados en formarse en el área de desarrollo y específicamente en la blockchain aeternity. A la charla asistieron unas 11 personas, conformados por estudiantes que desean incursionar en el desarrollo de aplicaciones. El tiempo de duración fue de una hora, la preguntas estuvieron enfocadas sobre que lenguajes de programación se pueden utilizar en aeternity y que aplicaciones de ejemplos ya existen. Se informaron de las aplicaciones de ejemplo que están en el portal, así como la herramientas y lenguajes que se ofrece la empresa para el desarrollo de las mismas, igualmente se hizo una demostración de cómo funciona la plataforma y se hizo una invitación a utilizar los recursos que ofrece la empresa, tales como foros, portal etc.” -Boris Guevara
Read more about it here.

183. Virtual meetup (Ghana, Tanzania, Cameroon, Nigeria)
Oladotun Wilfred

August 12, 2019: Participants from enthusiasts from Tanzania, Ghana, Cameroon, and Nigeria went online to discuss æternity’s different approaches towards smart contracts and applications.

“Use cases discussed were fintech related and smart contracts for new business models, real life data storage using oracles on æternity. The next meet-up aims to be more problem oriented.” -Oladotun Wilfred
Read more about it here.

182. Caracas, Venezuela
Juan Carlos Delpino

August 9, 2019: Juan Carlos had to explain to his meet-up group that the protocol rapidly evolves due to continuous development activity. While this presents challenges for learners, it’s one of the main aspects that makes æternity a force to be reckoned with.

“In order to give our æmbassadors new tools and materials to dictate higher-level meet-ups, we did the second æmbassadors meeting. On this occasion, we introduced ForgAE, Docker, and Docker Compose. A complete session regarding these development tools, from how to install them, deployment and use.” -Juan Carlos Delpino
Read more about it here.

181. Valencia, Venezuela
Iván León

August 7, 2019: Ivan set out to conceptualise potential projects with some experienced programmers and is optimistic that some applications will materialize soon.

“One proposal was around education/human resources field — how to create an app for certifications and achievements of people using blockchain and æternity. It is possible to create a team, next brainstorm meeting we’ll focus on this.” -Iván León
Read more about it here.

180. Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Boris Guevara

July 31, 2019: “Buenas tardes, El día Miércoles 31/07/2019 se realizo en la Universidad de Yacambu, Centro de Emprendedores de la ciudad de Barquisimeto, Estado Lara Venezuela, la charla “Una Introducción al blockchain de Aeternity”, la charla formo parte del evento “Café de Emprendedores”, donde asistieron pequeños empresarios, que mostraron sus productos y contaron sus historias de éxito. A la charla asistieron unas 17 personas, conformados por emprendedores y comunidad universitaria. El tiempo de duración fue de una hora, la preguntas estuvieron enfocadas hacia como utilizar la tecnología Aeternity en el mundo real y como se puede aplicar al sector del emprendimiento. Se informaron de las aplicaciones de ejemplo que están en el portal, igualmente se hizo una demostración de como funciona la plataforma Se hizo una invitación a utilizar la plataforma de aprendizaje que ofrece el portal Aeternity.” -Boris Guevara
Read more about it here.

179.Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

July 30, 2019: The æternity meet-up I had today was an interactive one. I had the privilege of talking to these students about æternity and the features it comes with…We then came up with a uses case to tackle the problem of database management found within the healthcare sector, blockchain can serve as a secure and tamperproof database on which patient medical records can be stored.” -Naphtali Dabuk
Read more about it here.

178. Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

July 30, 2019: Marco headed out to the National Civil Aviation Institute where participants evaluated potential projects for the institution.

“Meet-up executed in the National Civil Aviation Institute, specifically to the personnel of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies. They are willing to receive technical training and evaluate development projects for the institution. The development and infrastructure team of the organization is made up of about 15 people, 8 of which make up the development department.” -Marco Gomez
Read more about it here.

177. Pankshin, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

July 26, 2019: Samson presented æternity to entrepreneur students at the Federal College of Education in Pankshin.

“With three computer science students and over 60 enterpreneurs, they promised to work as a team and bring up a use case so they want to have more knowledge about æternity technology and start.” -Samson Dogo
Read more about it here.

176. Caracas, Venezuela
Juan Carlos Delpino

July 26, 2019: Juan focused on showing his meet-up group different æpps, tools, and how to use them.

In order to give our ambassadors new tools and topics for up coming meetups , we got together last Friday 26 to show them how to install the aeternity test net environment. This is part of a Tech learning cycle designed to give them the necessary knowledge to teach students how to setup and use aeternity’s platform. Thanks to all aembassadors that came from different parts of the country!”-Juan Carlos Delpino
Read more about it here.

175. Ekiti, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

July 25, 2019: Barineka held a hackathon at the Tech Hub in Ekiti. Decentralized payment system Pæy bagged the first prize, followed by Kwikjobs (2nd prize), MovieCoin (3rd prize), SmartFinance (4th prize), and Monkey (5th).

174.Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

July 25, 2019: Students from the Experimental University of the Greater Caracas assessed possible use cases of æternity technology in the education sector.

“Meet-up directed to the technical staff of the Information Technology Unit, of the Experimental University of the Greater Caracas. The objective is for the unit to support students who have received training and need tools for their learning and future project execution using the aeternity blockchain and all its tools with hardware and software infrastructure resources. The idea is to form a team of accessories of the university to support in the future projects students who study engineering in the area of ​​computer science.” -Marco Gomez
Read more about it here.

173. Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

July 24, 2019: Some of Naphtali’s meet-up attendees were wondering how people can benefit from æternity if they do not have smart phones — something that is absolutely feasible, and something to think about for those who are looking to build start-up projects.
Read more about it here.

172. Barkin Ladi, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

July 24, 2019: Students in Barkin were interested in building some gaming applications.

“I started off at Plateau state Polytechnic Barkin Ladi which was great because the audience were computer science students and other students. I introduced Blockchain, æternity Blockchain with its features and they were interested. Most of them don’t know what Blockchain is and the only thing they do have an idea about is bitcoin but not knowing how it’s works. I then explained to them After which they understood and came up with a Blockchain use case in gaming, P2P betting.”
Read more about it here.

171. Bauchi, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

July 22, 2019: Samson brought æternity to a state university and pointed them to the dacade tutorials so those who are interested can begin learning, and hopefully coding.

“Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi State was happy to have this technology come to their school. I briefly explained æternity Blockchain and its features which are State Channels, Oracles, and Governance. They promised to look into the Sophia syntax for possible deployment on æternity’s blockchain.”
-Samson Dogo
Read more about it here.

170. Abuja, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

July 20, 2019: Stephen and his meet-up group tackled some disturbing problems in their locale.

“We have a lot of issues with buildings collapsing at an alarming rate and this is raising a lot of concerns. We also looked at supply chain within the health sector. A lot of medical supplies have been donated to people who need them but eventually, these people end up buying what was meant to be free. Already this solution is in the process of being developed.” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

169. Maidguri, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

July 18, 2019: Stephen continues his quest to educate locals about the benefits of æternity, particularly in areas of conflict.

“I gave an overview of what blockchain is and how deploying blockchain solutions can help ease day to day living in these hostile regions since to a large extend trust is now a big problem due to the constant boko haram’s (insurgents) attacks on the region…We had in attendance a robotics center in Gombe who sent some representatives to witness the meet-up, and another NGO, Raube Zaman — an NGO that is promoting women participation in Technology in Nigeria.” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

168. Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

July 16, 2019: The meet-up was aimed at students of computer engineering at the Experimental University of the Gran Caracas-Venezuela. The group discussed the potential integration of artificial intelligence into smart contracts, registration and secure storage of information.
Read more about it here.

167. Gombe, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

July 15, 2019: Stephen brought æternity to Gombe and Borno in the hopes that the technology can help address current problems in these areas.

“I was so excited to host the first blockchain meet-up in Gombe and Borno (Maiduguri) states. These States have been greatly hit by the insurgency in Nigeria and I wanted to see how we can immediately begin to deploy some of the solutions on the blockchain to help people continue their lives and make good use of the technological opportunities.”
-Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

166. Ekiti, Nigeria (Virtual)
Emmanuelle Joseph

July 6, 2019: Emmanuelle conducted an introductory workshop to æternity, focusing on smart contracts and state channels. You can watch the Youtube video of this presentation here.

165.Caracas, Venezuela
Adrian Sanchez

July 1, 2019: Adrian’s group pointed out how great it would be if majority of the learning materials for budding developers were also available in Spanish. They also think focusing on other students like themselves would be highly beneficial to both. the æternity network and to aspiring blockchain developers. These are definitely noted.

“El día de hoy 01 Julio 2019 , hicimos un TERCER MEETUP en la UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL EXPERIMENTAL DE LAS FUERZAS ARMADAS ( UNEFA ), esta jornada tiene un objetivo fundamental, levantar todas las inquietudes de aquellos estudiantes interesados en desarrollar y programar en una blockchain para llegar a un proyecto donde sean beneficiados un colectivos o una idea que ofrezca un gran potencial para desarrollar. Son estudiantes de Ingeniería de Sistemas y todo lo referente a nuevas tecnologías sus coordinadores de estudios se interesaron y abrieron las puertas para que AETERNITY pueda impartir toda esa enseñanza al colectivo… El interés de los estudiantes fue excelente y quedaron a la expectativa de seguir recibiendo contenido y a su crear un grupo para una segunda fase un poco mas avanzada. Esta jornada continuara y le seguiremos comentando el desarrollo de los acontecimientos.”
Read more about it here.

164. Jinja, Uganda
Kabetereine Rodgers

June 30, 2019: Kabetereine had a productive meet-up, discussing potential use cases with his group.

“We brainstormed to understand more about blockchain and come up with numerous blockchain use cases. They talked of a transparent ecosystem for better government tax collection to reduce on their tax-collecting operations, reduce the cost of third-party transaction brokers. The participants were requested to all participate in aeternity courses on” -Kabetereine Rodgers
Read more about it here.

163.Ogun, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

June 30, 2019: Barineka led 25 curious minds through a journey into the basics of æternity, tackling cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, and blockchain technology in general. They even delved deeper into the use cases of Bitcoin beyond payments and discussed smart contracts, dApps, and their uses. They also talked about dacade courses — for which some participants signed up!

“Happy to get words out to the masses about adoption of this technology, and I want to thank the æ blockchain for helping to push this movement.” -Barineka Maagbo
Read more about it here.

162. Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

June 29, 2019: Naphtali conducted a very productive meet-up where 25 people discussed how they can use blockchain technology to improve livelihoods, processes, and daily activities in their locale. They even formed a team to test out their ideas in hopes of making blockchain’s benefits a reality for their people.

“We were able to come up with a use case of intensive farming which includes both livestock and crops all in the same location, and how the blockchain platform would help in achieving that.

Using blockchain technology, if farm origination details, such as batch numbers, factory and processing data, expiration dates, storage temperatures, and shipping details could be digitally recorded on the blockchain, it could become possible to more quickly and easily verify the history, location and status of a particular food product. This enhanced end-to-end traceability would significantly improve the transparency and efficiency of the food supply chain.

We also came up with another use case of student records for schools. With the use of a blockchain-based platform, school administrators can manage and consolidate information about students, whether these come from multiple schools or from non-traditional learning experiences like home-schooling, vocational schools, apprenticeships, or online courses. The digital trail which comes with blockchain technology allows the information to be kept secure and tamper-proof. It also allows for the addition of information with every enrollment. It can serve as a digital transcript, which may later help the individual when he or she applies for a job in the future. Companies benefit as well, as they may easily verify the information the student provides via the platform.” -Naphtali Dabuk
Read more about it here.

161. Abuja, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

June 28, 2019: Apart from potential use cases, Samson’s group had an intense discussion about something that remains a hot topic for particularly involving blockchain regulations: the tug of war between privacy and transparency.

“We looked at the entertainment industry as a use case. This is because it is one of the thriving industries in Nigeria and across Africa but it has a lot of problems. For instance, recording artist find it very difficult to secure their work and there by having a lot of piracy happening. This is not just peculiar to the music industry, even film. There is a serious problem with the issue of managing artist/ actors. This is because the managers negotiate on their behalf and at the end of the day leaving the entertainers with almost nothing. This is indeed a problem that needs a long lasting solution; and during the meetup we agreed that the blockchain can give a more viable solution to this problem.” -Samson Dogo

160. Kano, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

June 27, 2019: At the well-known start-up incubator and accelerator Di-Hub in Kano, 40 developers huddled together to discuss æternity and its advanced features. The group explored potential use cases for æternity, particularly in modernizing e-commerce in the highly commercial Nigerian city. They were thrilled to know that they can interact with the æternity blockchain using common programming languages!

“I was so excited because Di-hub is also responsible for training and mentoring startups in Kano. They invited some developers in the state and also some of their subscribers who are also developers for the meet-up. æternity is the first blockchain platform to meet with them and to also introduce them to blockchain coding. I gave an overview of the æternity platform and what æternity in doing in terms of having a robust blockchain ecosystem and also helping startups.

I introduced them to and some of them signed up immediately and promised to look at æternity101 on dacade. They have a number of solutions they want to see if its possible to add some blockchain functionalities and deploy on æternity. I asked them to reach out if they need help or have any challenge in regards to using Sophia or anything relating to æternity’s documentation.”
-Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

159. Caracas, Venezuela
Adrian Sanchez

June 27, 2019: Adrian brought æternity to students, faculty, deans, and career advisers at the Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armadas (UNEFA). They explored how participants can break into the industry through use cases within and beyond the university’s activities, and 28 aspiring blockchain industry builders signed up for dacade’s courses to start building on æternity.

“Se interesaron varios decanos de las distintas carreras y coordinadores para que toda la matricula de los últimos semestres de las Carreras de SISTEMAS, TELECOMUNICACIONES puedan recibir TODA la Induccción referenta a TECNOLOGIA BLOCKCHAIN para que puedan entrar en el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías e inclusive culminen sus carreras de estudios con una idea o proyecto a través de aplicaciones descentralizadas (dApps) dando mejoras, ya sea, dentro de la estructura de la misma Universidad o a su vez dándoles ese potencial conocimiento tecnológico que AETERNITY puede ofrecer para aquellos que desean DESARROLLAR, PROGRAMAR y crear nuevas tecnologías mediante la TECNOLOGIA DLT…” -Adrian Sanchez
Read more about it here.

158. Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

June 26, 2019: Naphtali, being the active, enthusiastic advocate that he is, also engaged with 33 attendees and explained what sets æternity apart from other blockchains. A brainstorming session on potential use cases also ensued.

“…the focus point was scalability and we discussed how æternity’s technology aims to tackle some of the most pressing issues currently faced by blockchain users. We discussed and came up with a use case of Notary for career portfolio, Notarization is the fraud-deterrent process that assures the parties of a transaction that a document is authentic, one way that blockchain could be used in notarization is to ensure proof of existence. The blockchain could be used to prove the existence of a document since the time of creation, and any modifications to the document since then could be detected, Verification that a document has not been altered can be done by hashing the document. Any changes in the document would result in a different hash, allowing the owner of the document to become aware of the change.”
-Naphtali Dabuk
Read more about it here.

157. Kaduna, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

June 25, 2019: Stephen went out on a quest to find developers in Kaduna, and found quite a handful — 37 developers, who were interested in testing out Sophia. The group pointed out an important area for improvement: documentations that developers can use to learn more about the Sophia syntax.

“I had a very engaging time in Kaduna during the meet-up on 25th of June. This was another trip to start an æternity movement in Kaduna State and to also find some developers in the state to try out the Sophia syntax. I took time to do an overview of what æternity offers to the blockchain ecosystem and how æternity is using the state channel approach to solve scalability issues.

We were able to discuss around some use cases like education and health which we intend to build something around that in the future as a community. One of the issues they raised is the fact that they are new to blockchain and they wish they could have someone on the ground that will be available to come and teach them the Sophia syntax. Also they spoke about documentation which I immediately told them we have more than enough documentation and people who can help on the forum.” — Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

156. Ulhasnagar, India
Ashish Chawla

June 24, 2019: In light of recent government regulations, Ashish clarified some things to make sure people understand that banning cryptocurrencies does not mean the end for blockchain technology in India.

“I focused more on creating awareness on how blockchain and cryptocurrency are different because the Indian government is already not in support of cryptocurrency and people here don’t have any knowledge of how different cryptocurrency and blockchain are. They feel that both of the things are same and if the government is planning to put a ban on cryptocurrency, they feel that it is a ban for blockchain as well since they are unaware of what benefits this technology is going to do to the world 10 years down the line. And so I think it is important for the Indian people to understand that cryptocurrency and blockchain are two totally different things and so I managed to make things clear with my discussion.” -Ashish Chawla
Read more about it here.

155. Ulhasnagar, India
Mannat Sukhramani

June 22, 2019: Mannat conducted a meet-up in his office, starting with the basics of blockchain. He then expanded to the problems faced by earlier blockchains and how æternity solves them.

“Some use cases that were discussed was how the army and police can use blockchains to keep records and maps. I also explained use cases in hospitals adopting blockchain.” -Mannat Sukhramani
Read more about it here.

154. Abuja, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

June 22, 2019: Samson checked back on a community of 25 people to see how they were getting along with dacade’s tutorials. Attendees explored the use case possibilities in library and information services, and wanted to get right down to business — they were curious about what happens if and when they release a prototype.

“Always great having a discussion with this wonderful community. It was a follow up to know how far they have gone with dacade course and also to see if they have any question or problem about the technology. I briefly explain blockchain and æternity blockchain with its features for the new participants that join the community, which after the explanation we came up with a use case on how the Blockchain could help in Library and Informations Service. The blockchain makes it easier to keep track and store information, it can also be used to enhance library and information services in schools. Knowing the Blockchain operate as a type of informational ledger that don’t require a centralized data storage, this could be used to build a truly distributed metadata system for libraries and can be used in related organizations.” — Samson Dogo
Read more about it here.

153. Bauchi, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

June 21, 2019: Stephen gathered 43 developers who considered building an agricultural solution to keep up the country’s move to revamp the sector. They also discussed existing applications on æternity, and migrating dapps from Ethereum into the platform.

“It was a time well spent with members of Facebook Developers Cycle in Bauchi state at Uplift Hub on Friday. It was their first time of getting to hear about æternity blockchain so I had to give an overview of what æternity offers and its special features…We also looked at some possible use cases like agriculture and health and the need for urgent grass root adoption citing example with SafeRide in East Africa. We agreed that we will look at a solution that will permit grass root adoption in both the health and agricultural sectors.”
-Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

152. Kaylan, India
Yash Chandwani

June 21, 2019: Yash’s second æmbassador meet-up answered a lot of questions about blockchain and æternity for some really young people.

“Unique governance and naming system was an intriguing topic for people and they were glad to hear the benefits of state channels too and i was clearing their doubts as well. The meet-up was productive and everyone learned something new about this very amazing technology æternity.” -Yash Chandwani
Read more about it here.

151. Virtual meetup (Cameroon & Ghana)
Dotun Wilfred

June 21, 2019: Dotun conducted an online meet-up where he explained the basics of blockchain, peer-to-peer networks, æternity and its features. The audience asked about what makes æternity better than existing blockchains, and were also interested in future plans for the platform — which the community is very much a big part of!
Read more about it here.

150. Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

June 20, 2019: Marco taught 25 students and teachers at the Computer Science department of the Experimental University of Greater Caracas-Venezuela about blockchain technology, encryption algorithms, smart contracts, and Sophia ML. He plans to dive deeper into more technical discussions in the future with the hopes that projects will come out of these meet-ups.
Read more about it here.

149. Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

June 18, 2019: Marco guided 11 students through blockchain, encryption algorithms, smart contracts, and Sophia ML. They also discussed developing web and IoT applications.
Read more about it here.

148. Mumbai, India
Ashish Chawla

June 16, 2019: Ashish started out by presenting the basics of blockchain technology to 12 people, and slowly guided them through æternity’s State Channels and Oracles and their uses, pondering their implications for microtransactions and agriculture in India. He then invited them to try out dacade’s free online tutorials.

“State channels and oracles were as always the best and the most loved topic by the attendees and I took a few examples on state channels. I concluded the meet-up with and it was something which was loved by all the people and everyone was convinced to take lectures online on In short, the meet-up was productive and all of the attendees learned something new about a very amazing technology æternity. All glory to God. And thanks to ætenity!” -Ashish Chawla
Read more about it here.

147. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

June 14, 2019: Stephen brought æternity into the discussion at a developers’ hangout at the University of Jos — and they were interested in building a voting æpp for Nigerian universities!

“We had a very good discussion and a review of the hackathon with the 45 participants that came for the developers hangout at the University of Jos. We took some time to have an introduction on how smart contracts work and how they can be implemented in æpps. Because it was our first meeting we didn’t dwell much on trying some of the syntax I only gave a brief about it. We agreed as a team we are going to work on a unique voting æpp for elections in Nigerian universities and colleges and deploy it on æternity. We unanimously agreed that this will be a great means of adoption for blockchain in the various Nigerian Universities.” — Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

146.Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

June 13, 2019: In a second session on the same day, a group of 19 teachers and students from the computer science department of ​​the Experimental University of Greater Caracas-Venezuela gathered around to listen to Marco explain blockchain technology and æternity’s features, such as state channels and oracles, and their real-world applications. They also began signing up for dacade’s tutorials.
Read more about it here.

145. Caracas, Venezuela
Marco Gomez

June 13, 2019: Marco presented a brief history of blockchain, an introduction to smart contracts, Solidity, and Sophia ML for his first set of attendees for the day. He explained practical use cases of smart contracts to 17 participants, and had them sign up for dacade’s tutorials.
Read more about it here.

144. Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Boris Guevara

June 12, 2019: Boris’s talk, “An Introduction to the world of the blockchain and the technology that offers Aeternity,” stimulated questions about the use of æternity for administrative processes and data security which would highly benefit universities like the National Polytechnic Experimental University (UNEXPO) of the city of Barquisimeto, State of Lara, where the discussion was held.

“…the questions were focused on how to use æternity technology for the University by developing applications that support their administrative academic processes and in other cases for entrepreneurs who want to develop and even miner the currency. The advantages of æternity over other platforms and the use of as an online learning resource were also explained. It was observed enough interest of the audience to deepen and to be able to appropriate these technologies.” -Boris Guevara
Read more about it here.

143. Virtual meet-up (Venezuela)
Adrian Sanchez

June 12, 2019: æmbassador meet-ups are not restricted by geography — our æmbassador Adrian held a video conference for 12 crypto-enthusiasts. The discussions covered an intro to æternity, its advanced features, smart contracts, state channels, and opportunities within the ecosystem. Apart from improving general awareness of æternity, one of the issues pointed out by the community is the need for multi-language tools: wallets, and training modules from dacade, which the existing community will work hard on delivering! The group was also interested in project registrations for æternity Ventures.
Read more about it here.

142. Montreal, Canada
Justin Kat

June 10, 2019: After giving a brief background of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, Justin explained the mechanisms of blockchains, transactions, and consensus algorithms to an audience of 22. He also discussed the current issues blockchains face, and how æternity solves them through state channels, oracles, and Bitcoin-NG. He then went on to tackle Sophia for smart contracts, existing æternity applications and supporting tools, as well as æternity’s hackathons and incubator program, Starfleet.

“I also focused on discussing the great learning material that provides in order to get started on developing smart contracts for decentralized apps and really encouraged everyone to check it out! Last but not least, I opened the floor to questions and had some really good questions! I had to cut the Q&A a bit early though because we were going overtime as I took most of the time covering a lot of material during my presentation.” -Justin Kat
Read more about it here.

141. Abuja, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

June 3, 2019: Samson hosted 27 attendees and they’ve found a particularly promising use case for æternity.

“After explaining æternity blockchain, blockchain and its features, we came up with a supply chain use case, because now it’s one of the biggest Blockchain use cases where immediate real world use comes from…The solution will be achieved through æternity blockchain: Digital ownership, proof of origin, trusted maintenance tracking, documentation, contracts and other information that define expectations throughout the supply chain, demand and supply chain, tracking and authentication of goods, onward logistics and distribution of goods to the end customer. I Also referred my audience to for more knowledge on Blockchain and æternity development 101.”
-Samson Dogo
Read more about it here.

140. Lagos, Nigeria
Daramola Oluwakorede

June 2, 2019: Daramola guided 16 participants through setting up their AirGap Vaults and AirGap Wallets, as well as their Telegram accounts so they can interact with the Telegram bot. Dacade’s tutorials will also see more sign-ups as this group begins exploring meaningful projects using the æternity platform.

“Participants took interest in opening a wallet to store their cryptocurrency(ies) and as suggested, they took to downloading the Airgap wallet and Airgap vault. I had a swell time putting them through the wallet setup process and it was a huge success, Most of them said they would advise their friends and families to also setup a wallet because most were new to the idea of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. We also discussed about the courses available on and most of them will be taking the courses on in the coming weeks (starting with the “Introduction to Blockchain” course).”
-Daramola Oluwakorede
Read more about it here.

139. Edo, Nigeria
Success Oganiru

June 1, 2019: This is a particularly large event: 265 attendees at the æternity blockchain session at the Google IO Event learned about æternity’s components and the features that make it the perfect Blockchain 3.0 solution. There was also a pitching session for both tech and non-tech ideas, and talks of crowdfunding.

“We had a nice time learning about blockchain technology and how æternity is revolutionizing the blockchain space. Participants and developers asked lots of questions and we covered a lot as time permitted, they all begged and wished we had a blockchain meet-up. #Aeternity rocks.”
-Success Oganiru
Read more about it here.

138. Ekiti, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

June 1, 2019: Members of the æternity æmbassador program as well as dacade’s Moritz Stellmacher showed their support and discussed the tutorials and hackathons with attendees from Eriki State University.

“We believe in relentless evolution of systems and societies. æternity will push the boundaries of innovation and make blockchain technology ready for mass adoption. We had some guys from the æternity team who graced the meet-up: Erik (community æmbassador Manager), Moritz (, Stephen Sunday (æternity lead æmbassador), Barineka (æternity lead æmbassador). Moritz gave a breakdown into Æternity 101 and to help prepare them for the upcoming hack, and in case of further clarifications, they can reach him through telegram.” -Barineka Maagbo
Read more about it here.

137. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

May 30–31, 2019: Hackathon time! Stephen launched the “Joshackaeternity” event starting with 15 teams armed with brilliant ideas. Wonderful use cases were flying all over the place with 94 attendees in the house. Ultimately, Budgetchain won the competition. Budgetchain aims to provide transparency and traceability in the use of government funds to curb corruption and misappropriation of funds.

“It was a worthwhile experience not just because it was the first æternity blockchain hackathon in Jos but it was the first blockchain hackathon to be hosted in Plateau state. The student/participants were truly excited about the hackathon and they asked for a bigger event where they could be engaged for bigger productivity. The winners are going to continue work on the prototype and possibly host it on æternity; also the other participants are also willing to fine-tune their ideas based on recommendations from both the jury and some of the participants and eventually have some smart contract codes as well also using Sophia.” — Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

136. Alicante, Spain
Guillermo Abellan Berenguer

May 29, 2019: Guillermo had 15 people in attendance, discussing blockchain, state channels, oracles and their authenticity. They also tried dacade’s tutorials on the testnet, and a second workshop will be conducted soon.

“We spent about 2 hours first a basic blockchain introduction, then we started the course of, we practiced on the testnet æternity with the usefulness of the example of an aepp to vote ‘MEMEs on blockchain.’”
-Guillermo Abellan Berenguer
Read more about it here.

135.Kabale, Uganda
Kabetereine Rodgers

May 27, 2019: Kabetereine met with 16 computer science and IT students from Kabale University, who came up with several potential use cases for æternity, one of which was supply chain management, inventory, and payments for supermarkets.
Read more about it here.

134. Mumbai, India
Mannat Sukhramani

May 26, 2019: Mannat explored the different uses of blockchain, particularly in the education sector,. and discussed whether identity information can be misused.

Read more about it here.

133. Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

May 25, 2019: Naphtali’s meet-up group went straight down to business and explored possibilities for e-commerce, a rapidly growing industry that is predicted to hit 4.88 trillion US dollars by 2021.

“It was yet another privilege for me to talk about æternity in the meet-up I hosted, I was able to discuss about æternity in general, smart contracts, and oracles…We talk about one of the more straightforward use cases for blockchain in eCommerce which is the use of cryptocurrencies as a means of more secure, fee-free payment.” -Naphtali Dabuk
Read more about it here.

132. Madrid, Spain
Manel Ruiz

May 23, 2019: Manel’s presentation to 24 attendees focused on oracles, as it was of special interest to the audience. The meet-up was organized by Dev Academy Madrid and Óscar from cryptocurrencies magazine, “Territorio Bitcoin.”

“This meet-up was the closure of my traveling ambassador tour and after 5000km, 13 meet-ups I want to share with everyone that it’s being such a wonderful experience for the communities I’ve met. Thanks to everyone for supporting me during these weeks.” — Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

131. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

May 22, 2019: Stephen knows how to gather quite a big crowd — 81 people attended this meet-up at the University of Jos where an upcoming hackathon will be discussed!

“The meet-up was a preparation for the hackathon — 90% of the people that came for the meet-up have never heard about æternity and so I had to give an overview about æternity and what the blockchain offers; also how the school can take advantage of some of the features of æternity. we discussed about state channel and oracle and also spoke about the just concluded voting on æternity. 70% of them are final year students of the University and are happy to participate in the hackathon. This is the first blockchain hackathon to be hosted in the University and I am very sure we will have very positive and high profile solutions. Some of them are already taking the æternity101 course of and we had a side chat with some few students to looked at some of the sample codes on and how it works. We look forward to a great hackathon and the first blockchain hackathon in Plateau state and I will keep spreading the news and having more participation and aepps soon on æternity.” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

130. Mumbai, India
Mannat Sukhramani

May 21, 2019: Despite being a cozy group of only 11 people, Mannat’s meet-up group wasted absolutely no time and came up with several impressively promising potential use cases for æternity, with particular focus on banking services.

“I started with [the] working[s] of blockchains and explained how æternity makes it user friendly. State channels and oracles were much discussed topics. Smart contracts had a detailed discussion. There were many questions about it. I am glad I was able to give them satisfying answers! Lastly, I would conclude that the meet-up was very informative and productive for the attendees. It was an amazing experience!” -Mannat Sukhramani
Read more about it here.

129. Mumbai, India
Ashish Chawla

May 19, 2019: Ashish drummed up some noise for æternity and dacade to get people interested in building meaningful projects on the platform.

“State channels and oracles were the best and the most loved topic by the attendees and I took a few examples on state channels and people were glad to realise that state channels actually are amazing and I was super glad to clear their doubts as well. Last but not the least I spoke about dacade and boom!! All the people were amazed and excited to learn about æternity and blockchain and willingly signed up for the same! In short, the meet-up was productive and all of the attendees learnt something new about a very amazing technology æternity. All glory to God. And thanks to æternity.” -Ashish Chawla
Read more about it here.

128. San Sebastian, Spain
Manel Ruiz

May 17,2019: Manel’s meet-up at the Impact Hub in San Sebastian led to some very fruitful discussions — many participants got in contact with Luka, our Director of Investments for Æternity Ventures, to explore possible partnerships!

“The guys from Bilbao that receive funds from the European Union for Blockchain development want to go on with our partnership, and I ll send right now his contact to @Luka. Also, I met a miner that is interested in mining AE. And maybe the best was a contact I made with the owner of a company for charging stations of electric cars that saw in State Channels the right way for his business. I’m also giving his contact to @Luka. Right now, I finally have a few days off until the last meet-up in Madrid, it’s being 5 meet-ups one after the other, looots of km but still has being a so nice experience: I’ve met really cool crypto enthusiasts and I’ve learned a lot. Thanks to all for your support of my tour.” -Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

127. Bilbao, Spain
Manel Ruiz

May 16, 2019: Manel met some really interesting people, some were interested in the Starfleet program and others were interested in partnerships. He walked them through æternity’s technology as well as the processes startups have to go through to get started with building a project on the platform and getting funding.

“The biggest achievement of this meet-up is that I started to talk with a guy from a company Called Blockchers, they manage funds of the European Union for Blockchain development, I already passed the contact to Luka and I think they are talking.” -Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

126. Valladolid, Spain
Manel Ruiz

May 15, 2019: Manel managed to establish a connection between æternity and education — a very important aspect for mainstream traction, and drummed up interest for the Starfleet program.

“Even if just 10 persons showed up I have to announce something BIG, in the audience there was a teacher of the Master in Blockchain of the European University Miguel de Cervantes. He is very interested in having the decade courses inside the program, he is asking me if we could do some certificate for the students that finish the course… The main one was the possible partnership with the University of Valladolid to include our courses in their program, I already connected the teacher with Moritz.” -Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

125. Mukono, Uganda
Kabatereine Rodgers

May 15, 2019: Although quite a small group, Kabatereine’s meet-up participants are serious about getting their ideas off the ground.

“People had different views about use cases, including about police sector in Uganda and more. Mr. Hyper and his fellows will discuss and concentrate on one of their ideas, him and his team will be building.” -Kabatereine Rodgers
Read more about it here.

124.Léon, Spain
Manel Ruiz

May 14, 2019: It’s not all fun and games for the æmbassador program — from time to time, we encounter tough crowds. Our æmbassador Manel faced an audience with lots of hard questions, but remained true to the advocacy, knowing that we as a community will always try to find the best solutions to real problems that face not only æternity but all blockchains in existence. And despite the tough crowd, a potential partnership was born. It’s not all that bad.

“There were 11 participants and two of them were Bitcoin maximalists, I have to confess that this has been my hardest meet-up of all the tour because those two were doubting all the time of the possibility of æternity to achieve any of its goals. It was a shared meet-up in which Alex Casas [who] was introducing DappNode. Basically it’s an open software that makes it easy for non-technical users to run their own nodes of different chains. He proposed to have the installation nodes package for æternity, it’s a process that is so easy, the only thing is that you need to be updating it if there’s any update. It will give us a lot of exposure.”
-Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

123. A Coruña, Spain
Manel Ruiz

May 13, 2019: Manel met up with some people at the developers hub “Hack a Bos,” where the questions were tough and the ideas were absolutely something! Participants explored the possibilities for nano and micro-transactions and are interested in joining the Starfleet program.

“There were around 16 people and I had to say that it was tough. They made [asked] hard technical questions but also they like it a lot. They are going to do the courses and with @erik93. We created a Telegram group of Galicia that I think it will keep growing. They like a lot our approach to the Oracles. I really have to say that they were so nice and they sincerely liked the æternity project, let’s make the community grow in the north of Spain little by little. If the focus of æternity is to have coders creating Dapps in its ecosystem, places like this should be the æmbassadors target.” -Manel Ruiz

122. Murcia, Spain
Manel Ruiz

May 11, 2019: Manel presented æternity at the Congreso Blockchain of the Murica University CEEIM( Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Murcia). There were around 30 attendees, most of whom were students and developers. There was also a lot of interest in the Starfleet program!

“Someone said that ‘functional programming is the future of smart contracts…’ There is a contact with a guy that wants to develop a payment gateway for online businesses, I will give his contact to Luka. Also in this area there is our new ambassador Guillermo and he is in contact with the people from Murcia as well.” -Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

121. Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

May 10, 2019: Naphtali’s group came up with some use cases for digital identity: provision of digital credentials, certificates such as birth, death, marriages, etc. for Nigerians for secured use on different online channels.

“I had the opportunity to talk about æternity and its features which are state channel and oracle. I explained blockchain 101 and referred my participants to for further study and understanding I then encouraged them to sign up on the course.” -Naphtali Dabuk
Read more about it here.

120. Murcia, Spain
Manel Ruiz

May 9, 2019: Manel presented æternity to 18 attendees who saw the benefits of the technology despite not having substantial backgrounds in blockchain. He connected some of them with æternity team members to discuss applications as well as possible Starfleet participation.

“There were 18 persons of different levels, it was very interesting because even the ones that didn’t have any knowledge of smart contracts understood their utility thanks to easy to understand examples.” -Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

119. Alicante, Spain
Manel Ruiz

May 8, 2019: Another big crowd for our æmbassadors — 140 attendees from the University of Alicante in Spain listened in on presentations about state channels, virtual channels, the Bitcoin NG protocol, Cuckoo Cycle, Oracles, courses, and the Starfleet program!

“The students of the University want to create a Crypto for the University. The thing is that they want a stablecoin attached to euro because otherwise, places like the University restaurant won’t accept it. Some group of students want to create a payment gateway for cryptos and are interested in using State Channels for it, and some other group wants to create a fidelization system of customers probably using Oracles…I have various groups that want to participate to the next Starfleet program, it would be cool to start the next edition so teams can start preparing their proposals.” -Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

118. Zaragoza, Spain
Manel Ruiz

May 7, 2019: 38 people learned about æternity and came up with wonderful ideas — one of which was for keeping flight data synchronized in airports.

“There was a good crowd of people interested in different aspects: some lawyers, few techies and some guys from the Blockchain Association in Aragon. The most interesting idea, in my opinion, was how to implement æternity oracles in Airplanes delayed reclamations. I think it could work very well, maybe the airport authority could be an Oracle, in fact they already collect this information without making money out of it.” -Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

117. Abuja, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

May 4, 2019: Samson brainstormed with 30 people about how æternity can modernize and streamline local businesses and industries in Nigeria. They formed a team hoping to turn these ideas into reality.

“I took time to also highlight why we need to on board SMEs on the blockchain and how that can make them scale and be even more efficient because Nigeria has a lot of SMEs, and that can be a great influence in the economic system of the country. And deploying these SMEs on the blockchain makes it transparent and can attract more investment. We took time to look at a particular use case of fish farming. This is because a lot of Nigerians are into fish business and tons of fish being imported into the country. Also one of the trending issues in Nigeria is forgery of certificates and we also took time to look at how this can be put to an end by deploying a solution on the blockchain.” -Samson Dogo
Read more about it here.

116.Lisbon, Portugal
Sergey Simanovsky

May 3, 2019: Sergey guided 16 people through the mechanics of æternity, its features, and architecture. There was a lot of interest and questions on Oracles, some of which have been posted on the forum! They even considered the possibility of creating an ML for æternity oracles that would evolve and learn.

“It was a good meet-up, with an amazing audience and some tough questions, in regards to the oracles tech in general. The meet-up was held at the Block cafe in Lisbon, and I think I can say that it was a start to the Portuguese AE community! A great thank you to everyone who made it. It was a pleasure!”
-Sergey Simanovsky
Read more about it here.

115. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

May 3, 2019: 30 people joined Stephen as they explore possible use cases in the locale as well as impending decisions by government authorities on blockchain integration. The local community thinks a partnership between aeternity and developers and universities would be of great interest.

“We looked at a couple of use cases like how tax payment applications can be deployed on the blockchain, voting application can also be deployed on the blockchain to check transparency and effective voting system. But first of all, it should start from the grass root to promote a bottom-up adoption. Also there was a call for aeternity to begin to partner with universities and developers hubs to begin to teach blockchain technology and more so to teach Sophia as part of the programming languages being thought in their institutions. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) today said they are thinking of how financial institutions can begin to use blockchain to boost their efficiency and to scale. We had a lengthy discussion around this topic and how it can be possible to achieve it on aeternity. One of the use case to be considered during the hackathon will be financial services so this is coming from the CBN at the right time.” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

114. Ekiti, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

April 27, 2019: Barineka hosted a meetup for 61 people at the Google TechHub in Ekiti. One use case they considered was for school fee payments and records. They plan to hold a hackathon soon.

“It was a great meetup with these group of Google Cloud developers, front end devs, full stack mobile app devs. These students are really amazing, and I look forward to working with them. I introduced a lot of, and intro to Aeternity, they were fast in learning, but i didn’t want to rush it, was able to interact, communicate and answered all the questions. And a whole lot of questions, we had an interactive session, talked about blockchain use cases, they suggested one too. In regards to this meetup, I would be following this university up, and see how a hackathon will be held by June, to see these use cases been deployed on the æternity blockchain.” -Barineka Maagbo
Read more about it here.

113. Castellon, Spain
Manel Ruiz

April 25, 2019: At his meet-up, Blocks and Beers, Manel Ruiz encountered some questions about Bitcoin NG blocks and the authenticity of Oracles, as well as possible gaps in reputation systems. As much as honesty can be rewarded, mechanisms can be made so that malicious entities can be treated adversely. Thereby, discouraging dishonesty. Questions like these really open up the discussion about solutions, and the need for community participation in making these solutions a reality. If you think you have the solution for this or any other issue, we greatly encourage discussions and proposals from community members like you!

“El meetup de Blocks and Beers del pasado día 25 en Villarreal (Castellón), consistió en 2 ponencias, por un lado la empresa local con gran proyección nacional Bit2me nos contó de sus últimas novedades. Luego Manel, nos explicó que es Aeternity, la blockchain, los mini bloques, diferencias y afinidades con Ethereum, los planes de Aeternity, las Dapp, la búsqueda de nuevos desarrolladores y embajadores, ICO’s en la red, próximos eventos y no se si me dejo alguna cosa más…”
-Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

112. Albacete, Spain
Manel Ruiz

April 25, 2019: Manel’s meet-up serves as a testament to the reasons why we need to continue to pursue our advocacy, and to do so throughout communities in the far corners of the world — no matter how small. It was also here that Manel met Julio, who is now our local æmbassador for Albacete.

“Just wanted to share with you that yesterday I had probably my best Aeternity meetup in Albacete. I met an amaaaaaazing community there. Some were old cats in crypto, some miners, some newbies. Don’t underestimate small cities for meetups, there are amazing crypto-communities hidden in places that you would not imagine. It was a huge surprise!” -Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

111. Montreal, Canada
Justin Kat

April 23, 2019: Justin had to begin with the basics of blockchain since his audience for this meet-up were largely new to the concept. One of our æmbassadors’ primary goals is to educate the general public not only about æternity but the underlying mechanisms and possibilities of well-designed blockchain platforms.

“The second meetup in Montréal was a great success, lots of positive feedback! Majority of the audience had heard of bitcoin/blockchains in the past but were not so familiar with the concepts in detail. So, I covered a lot of content including but not limited to: history & motivation of bitcoin, inner workings of blockchains in terms of protocol, transactions, mining, etc., advantages, challenges, and how æternity solves key issues such as scalability and usability. Of course, this naturally led to an intro into æternity’s state channels, and their advantages such as speed, higher transaction throughput, increased privacy, lower costs, etc. Additionally, I presented other related concepts such as Layer 0/1/2 to shed light on the significance of æternity’s approach, touched upon æternity’s proof of work going into key blocks and micro blocks, and talked about the features and how simple yet powerful the base æpp is! I held a quiz at the end as well with prizes and opened the floor to Q&A! All in all this was another long meetup, the night was finally done after 3 hours!” -Justin Kat
Read more about it here.

110. Lagos, Nigeria
Roland Adewunmi

April 17, 2019: Roland rounded up some government officials to discuss the possibilities of æternity blockchain for agencies — streamlining processes, raising funds, and perhaps even generating revenue.

“I had my first meetup yesterday, it proved to be an interesting session. It was an eye opener to the reality that a good number of persons still don’t know what blockchain technology is all about. But equally, an uncanny experience that after explaining and give examples of real world uses that blockchain can be applied, the participants amongst whom were some senior officials in some government agencies soon were boisterous about the radical changes that could be brought to bear on bureaucratic bottlenecks in G2C and G2B engagements. An attendee was more interested in how he can make money by embracing blockchain technology, I told him about the inherent opportunities in BC business development, crypto currencies trading, investing in ICOs, IEOs and STOs etc. The meetup ended with a number of attendees wanting to know if there would be follow up meetups to further avail them the chance to learn more about Blockchain technology.”
-Roland Adewunmi
Read more about it here.

109. Ljubljana, Slovenia
Nick Jan Polc

April 17, 2019: Nick gathered a small group to discuss the features of æternity. They even formulated a medical use case for animal shelters, where medical records and operations can be logged and tracked.

“When I came across æternity, I was immediately impressed and decided to invest and follow how the company will develop. And I am not disappointed. I am happy to be a part of this project and hope to do good and learn much more…It was fun and I am excited for the next meet up and hope more people will come. Greetings from Slovenia!” -Nick Jan Polc
Read more about it here.

108. Bogotá, Colombia
Guillermo Prado Obando

April 16, 2019: æternity Board Member Pablo Coirolo showed his support for our æmbassador program and discussed business opportunities and possibilities with the community at We Work in Bogota. Migration of dApps from Ethereum to æternity was also a topic of interest.

“For the first time, Pablo Coirolo, member of the AEternity board, came to Bogotá and he showed us the expansion plans that AEternity has for the region and the new business opportunities. I’m very glad to meet with Pablo and work with him to grow up the AEternity’s regional community.” -Guillermo Prado Obando
Read more about it here.

107. Formentera, Spain
Manel Ruiz

April 16, 2019: One of the main responsibilities our æmbassadors is to educate, and correct misconceptions about blockchain technology. There are lots of communities that could benefit from the tech but are reluctant to engage with any blockchain-related project due to unfortunate incidents in the past. This is completely understandable given the rocky history of blockchain. And it is our job to make sure we give the right information — both to deliver benefits and protect from ill-intentioned individuals or groups.

“Some people are starting to realize the huge potential of this technology but also some people keep thinking that cryptocurrencies are all about drug dealers and money laundering. We still have a long way to go to create a Decentralized world! Among the assistants to my meetup, there were a plumber that has some mining rigs and is very interested in the profitability of mining AE, a politician, a guy that bought BTC when it was at 2$, and some crypto friendly people of the island. I made a Telegram group for the Balearic Islands so they can join it and ask whatever they want, I think it’s a good idea.” -Manel Ruiz
Read more about it here.

106. Akure, Ondo, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

April 12, 2019: Stephen hosted quite a big crowd at the Federal University of Technology Akure — 300 people were given insights on æternity as well as the opportunities for change-makers within the platform. The aeternity foundation is openly accepting proposals for projects. There’s also Starfleet, an accelerator for start-ups on æternity! Stephen believes engaging with students and universities will yield a lot of positive growth for the ecosystem.

“I was one of the speakers at the event to discuss blockchain adoption and usability across Nigeria. I spoke how aeternity is promoting adoption by educating people who don’t know anything about blockchain on and also incentivizing people for participating and also how user friendly the aeternity’s blockchain is and the need for developers to explore and use the blockchain because of its unmatched efficiency…I also didn’t withhold not talking about Starfleet incubators program and how aeternity is funding brilliant ideas that have global impact to run and be maintained on the blockchain.”
Read more about it here.

105. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

April 9, 2019: Over 300 people from the University of Jos got to listen to Stephen’s keynote speech where he tackled the need for Nigeria to accept blockchain technology and use it to benefit its economy, and most importantly, its people.

“I started by giving an overview of what blockchain is and gave out some of the innovations that came from the technology and how the technology is gaining acceptance in some of the parts of the world. Pointed out the fact that a lot of people who are aware of what the technology can do in Nigeria have been trying to get the government to accept the fact that blockchain has come to stay and its high time Nigeria begins to accept and deploy the technology because it is the catalyst the country’s economy needs. I also spoke about how the technology can be deployed in the various sectors of the economy like health, agriculture, transportation, finance and education; and also highlighted how this technology can increase efficiency and make governmental systems very effective.” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

104. Abuja, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

April 6, 2019: Samson’s meet-up was graced by 24 attendees, and they plan to work with a local developer community to deploy certain use cases on æternity — one of which is an idea for a peer-to-peer betting system.

“We generally discussed scalability, state channel, liquid governance, oracle, efficiency, speed, and security. It’s always good talking about Aeternity Blockchain, general overview of Aeternity Blockchain which we discussed the features and uniqueness of æternity, most importantly the incubator program which interest my participants Hackathon: we talk about how we will get our idea and pitch in at the coming hackathons organized by æmbassadors.” -Samson Dogo
Read more about it here.

103. Dubai, UAE
Ashish Chawla

April 3–6, 2019: Dubai has been actively positioning itself as a global tech leader for years. They’ve been launching efforts to be at the forefront of tech development. Ashish set out to help æternity take part in Dubai’s bid to lead the blockchain race.

“This trip gave me experience and also an amazing knowledge of how Blockchain can change the world and how æternity can be a part of doing so. I got an opportunity to meet some of the great people of Dubai including the Dubai Health Officials and also the Airport Officials and some government officials as well and the best part was that they found æternity interesting and of some use to Dubai in its development in a lot of ways. Dubai is looking forward to being a blockchain country by 2021 and transform all its visa applications and other government transactions on the blockchain. I am glad to know and tell you that state channels of æternity blockchain were loved and oracles were the second most loved features about æternity. Also, in this two-day conference, I was just searching for a slot of 10 mins to explain the visitors about aeternity and God listened and got me 15 mins of the slot to tell the visitors and the present government officials about aeternity.” -Ashish Chawla
Read more about it here.

102. Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

April 4, 2019: With a hundred people in attendance at the Coinfest in Nigeria, Stephen answered questions about how æternity’s potential role in law and arbitration — an undoubtedly tricky aspect of blockchain and governance, but definitely something our developers have been pondering solutions for.

“Various speakers at the event pointed to the fact that there is need for blockchain adoption so that transparency can be seen across the board and systems can be effective; also the fact that blockchain is young and innovations needs come out of Africa…It was an honor to speak about aeternity in such a big event as Coinfest. Thank you for the opportunity!” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

101. Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

April 3, 2019: This meet-up yielded some potential Starfleet contenders. They’re exploring possibilities in modernizing poultry farming.

“So great to talk about Aeternity Blockchain with this wonderful entrepreneurs. We basically discussed introduction to Aeternity Blockchain, the features and difference from other Blockchain platform, we focused on state channels and smart contract. We discussed how it’s cheap and safe to make transactions through state channels, and also the transparency that smart contract brings, we also discussed how these entrepreneurs can integrate the blockchain technology into their ideas and bringing it to reality, and we are working with the developers community in Jos, who are ready to work on any idea that’s going to work on the blockchain.” -Naphtali Dabuk
Read more about it here.

100. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Kidus Ayalew Megbaru

April 2, 2019: Of the many technologies ever created, blockchain technology is one of the few that have a real chance at making lives better and instigating positive change for people in third world countries. This was Kidus’s stance when asked why people in a third world country should care about blockchain technology.

“I was invited as guest speaker at Addis Ababa university blockchain seminar. we discussed on the potential use of aeternity in helping our countries economy. we discussed the opportunities there are in working with aeternity for software engineers, and mainly introduced the concept of blockchain and its impact on the future of our country.” -Kidus Ayalew Megbaru
Read more about it here.

99. Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

March 30, 2019: Over 60 attendees from the University of Port Harcourt were given an introduction to blockchain technology and æternity. They also brainstormed on possible use cases and they came up with different uses, ranging from data, to money, government, and even student governance.

“A whole lot of dignitaries from Nigeria came around, the likes of the CEO infinite-blocks @Destinysaid, Jeremiah (Credits-blockchain Amby), @cherywhites @kweenzykruzy, @japfive (Karma Ambassador) and a whole lot of them that graced the occasion, including the unique students of the University of Port Harcourt.” -Barineka Maagbo
Read more about it here.

98. Zaria, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

March 29, 2019: Stephen took the stage at the Ahmedu Bello University at an event organized by the African Blockchain Lab. In front of 103 attendees, he discussed how grass roots adoption can be executed in the West African region and went over some possible use cases as well.

“Election which can be used at all levels to promote transparency, waste management to help the country manage waste adequately and agriculture to help the industry be more productive.” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

97. Stuttgart, Germany
Marco Walz

March 28, 2019: Learning about blockchain technology doesn’t have to give you a massive headache. Marco presented æternity to a techie audience and they all had fun in the process.

“Yesterday I had the honor to present æternity to the technical audience in Stuttgart at OLI Systems as part of the CryptoMonday meetups… I tried to cover all features æternity currently provides. I think the audience had fun (especially to take the quiz at the end of the presentation to win some tokens) and is now interested in learning more about æternity in general… I had the feeling that the people are really interested in learning more about Æternity. Some also liked that its core implementation is written in Erlang. I think it is crucial now to provide the tools that allow the people to play around with all [of æternity’s] features and more tutorials to see how to do implement it.” -Marco Walz
Read more about it here.

96. Kaylan, India
Yash Chandwani

March 24, 2019: Yash held his first meet-up for a small group of people and explored use cases in banking and education.

“As it was my first meetup, I started with the basics of Blockchain because I wanted people to know the true definition of a blockchain, how it works, and why it is necessary. Once I was done with that, I smoothly transitioned it to aeternity and made them understand why aeternity is better than the other blockchains in the market. State channels was an intriguing topic for people and they were glad to hear about the benefits of state channels and I was super glad to clear their doubts as well. The meet-up was productive and everyone learned something new about this very amazing technology æternity.” -Yash Chandwani
Read more about it here.

95. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

March 20, 2019: For starters, Stephen hosted a group and discussed æternity and introduced attendees to the platform’s features in order to get a better view of what use cases they can tackle.

“Had an overview of aeternity, looked a bit deeper into state channel and oracle. We also looked a little bit into sophia and how to begin learning sophia language..We didn’t discuss any use cases because we have a lot from the previous meetups I hosted. And since the aim of the developers meetup was to introduce the developers to aeternity and to look at how we will begin to work on the use cases and deploy solutions on the blockchain.” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

94. Mumbai, India
Ashish Chawla

March 17, 2019: Ashish gave some young enthusiasts a proper introduction to æternity and also explored a potential business idea.

“This time I thought about taking the healthcare as a use case in which people get paid for learning and teaching about fitness and also for all other fitness tips.” -Ashish Chawla
Read more about it here.

93. Lagos, Nigeria
Daramola Oluwakorede

March 17, 2019: Daramola and his group want to start building on æternity. They’re thinking of æpps for micropayments and for property leases and transfers.

“Overall meetup was awesome and I look forward to my 4th meetup where we intend to work ourselves through the ‘Aeternity Development 101’ tutorial on” -Daramola Oluwakorede
Read more about it here.

92. Bogotá, Colombia
Guillermo Prado Obando

March 7, 2019: Guillermo held a virtual meet-up where he explained what blockchain is and went over æternity’s advanced features. Online meet-ups are a great way to bridge physical distances and collaborate on potential projects.

“After the meetup I’ve talked with a guy [who] knows the background about æternity: Erlang, elixir, sophia and so on. I believe we can work together in finding real use cases and develop aepps.” -Guillermo Prado Obando
Read more about it here.

91. Lagos, Nigeria
Oluwakorede Daramola

March 4, 2019: One of the reasons the æmbassador program is an integral part of the æternity crypto foundation’s advocacy is because there are lots of people who can benefit from blockchain technology — if only they knew what it is and how to wield it to improve their lives.

“‘If Blockchain can really solve so many problems, why are we yet to see mass adoption of this so called disruptive technology?’ The question above was asked by one participant and majority of the other participants backed up the question. Most people said they had never heard about the word ‘blockchain’ all through their life and they were surprised to know that such a technology exists.” -Oluwakorede Daramola
Read more about it here.

90. Santiago de Chile, Chile
Herminia Gammarano

February 21, 2019: Herminia’s meet-up group had a lot of questions about æternity’s features — we take this as a positive sign indicating interest, or curiosity at the very least. And they have promising ideas for political improvements.

“Se discutió el potencial de Aeternity como instrumento político promotor de democracia y transparencia; visto como una herramienta para conocer y registrar las opiniones de los ciudadanos frente a desiciones del estado y su potencial para ayudar al financiamiento transparente de obras de infraestructura pública. Si se puede crear un equipo en torno al tema, falta convocar a desarrolladores que puedan ayudar a proponer como implementar las ideas.” -Herminia Gammarano
Read more about it here.

89. Kampala, Uganda
Kabatereine Rodgers

February 18, 2019: Different locales focus on different solutions. That’s because each community experiences different sets of problems that may not be of consequence to others.

“Participants came up with integrating aeternity blockchain in Uganda’s tourism sector to solve the current problems facing the tourism industry in Uganda.” -Kabatereine Rodgers
Read more about it here.

88. Montreal, Canada
Justin Kat

February 14, 2019: Justin addressed questions and discussed some potential use cases with this cozy group. He notes that it would be much easier for people to understand concepts if there were some live demo æpps — which are underway!

“There were some brief discussions about gambling related projects and animal tracking related projects. These were just ideas that the audience had bounced around and nothing well formalized or thought-through as they were new to the space. My first response would basically be: Does this need to be on the blockchain?” -Justin Kat
Read more about it here.

87. Gatuna, Rwanda
Muriisa Julian

February 13, 2019: Muriisa’s group was quite thrilled to know about the opportunities within the æternity ecosystem.

“We looked at Starfleet Incubator program, aeternity ventures and the reasons why people like entrepreneurs, programmers, and all other people with good business ideas for blockchain should apply! My participants gave their views about use cases, like in the health ministry, and some use cases for managing games on the blockchain. Sure we can create a team to solve one of these problems.” -Muriisa Julian
Read more about it here.

86. Gbagada, Lagos, Nigeria
Barineka Maagbo

February 9, 2019: A lovely bunch of 27 people gathered in a cafeteria to prepare for our hackathon. They had our æmbassador Program Manager Erik Vollstädt on web chat to help guide them through what’s coming ahead. They focused on a primary problem in their country for pensioners. It’s insights like this that make us even more determined to deliver blockchain technology to everyone.

“We had an in-house discussion on the social/national problems in which æternity blockchain can solve in terms of transparency and scalability. The miserable conditions of pensioners in were discussed: delayed payments of benefits, poorly coordinated verification exercises, and huge arrears of entitlements. Some, after working for 35 years or more, somebody goes home with all their entitlement, which is very bad. It is a truism that pensioners in Nigeria truly constitute the new non-working poor whose gratuities and terminal benefits are either denied or paid to no one even when they are already dead. Smart contracts would save pensioners from pension fraud. And at the same time, all the data about the pensioners is recorded on the æternity blockchain and available for everyone who is determined enough to check the database. The transparency of the pensioners records makes fraud almost impossible. As there’s no bureaucracy involved, transactions become fast and cheap.” -Barineka Maagbo
Read more about it here.

85. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

January 28, 2019: Stephen and his group are getting ready for an upcoming hackathon, scheduled to kick off on February 4, stretching to the 9th!

“It was a great time discussing the aeternity starfleet and the online hackathon hosted by aeternity Africa (What the Hack). A number of the developers showed great interest in learning Sophia language which I referred them to the forum and the aeternity tech Twitter handle. We were able to also look at a use case on waste management and also some of the developers indicated interest to begin to work on that. I had about 65 participants.” -Stephen Sunday
Read more about it here.

84. Abuja, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

January 27, 2019: Samson kicked off his year with 30 people in Abuja.

“My first meetup for the year 2019 was very interesting and engaging. We had a discussion on one of the use cases we came up with, which was fish farming. And we also came up with a draft of how we can apply for the starfleet incubator funding. . Not forgetting Aeternity Africa, we talked about the hackathon and how we can make it a success. I briefly explained Aeternity blockchain to my new participants, the difference between æternity and other blockchain platforms, state channels, and oracles which bring real world data into the blockchain.”
-Samson Dogo

83. Barcelona, Spain
Manel Ruiz

January 23, 2019: Yesterday we had a meetup in the Movistar Center of Barcelona — a very nice place! The space was full of people interested in Blockchain, mostly students from the Blockchain Institute of Barcelona. They got surprised about the progress made by æternity in such a short time since the ICO. Many of them came along to explain to me their projects and they wanted to know how they should apply for the incubator program of “Aeternity Ventures.” So you can expect some applications to be sent in the next weeks. In fact, one of the most interesting is the one of the Blockchain Institute and Technology for creating an Educational Aepp. The more I get to know about æternity, the more this project impresses me as one of the most promising and solid projects of the cryptoworld.” -Manel Ruiz

82. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

January 23, 2019: Stephen and 30 people are excited about the opportunities within æternity and are determined to make it work for their community.

“We had a good time talking about the Starfleet and æternity Africa virtual hackathon. Those who attended today are engaged in different SMEs and were greatly interested in applying for the Starfleet. Also, we discussed extensively on how to use blockchain and solve food shortage in Nigeria and West Africa because hunger is a threat to the country and region. Another use case we looked at is the fashion industry and if blockchain can be used to improve the industry because some of the participants are into fashion design and tailoring.” -Stephen Sunday

81. Mumbai, India
Ashish Chawla

January 21, 2019: Ashish gathered a group to explore possibilities in the education sector.

“Education System is on the first priority on my list and I feel that aeternity can help change the whole education system if we could create just something which rewards the students for teaching other students. It would be amazing for all the education societies in India because students would be keen in teaching other students in return for the reward they get.” -Ashish Chawla
Read more about it here.

80. Geneva, Switzerland
Robert Zaremba

79. London, United Kingdom
Mo Nomally

January 12, 2019: A small group explored possible æpps use cases for æternity in banking, decentralized governance, healthcare, real estate, IoT, and even storage. Our æmbassador Program Manager Erik Vollstädt happened to be in London and showed his support.

“We had a small but nice Aeternity London Meetup on the 12 January 2019. Thanks for the aeternity community that turned up. Also, thank you for Erik for being in London at the time.” -Mo Nomally
Read more about it here.

78. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Kidus Megbaru

January 4, 2019: This group put their heads together for a use case very specific to a development within their country. They explored how æternity can help make life easier for travellers who have recently been granted Visa-free access to Ethiopia.

“It was a warm afternoon and we sat by the garden. We had seven participants and were all interested on how to use this new technology to benefit their lives. They were all college students from business and software engineering fields…The most interesting question we had was that due to current policy change in Ethiopia, all African citizens are allowed to come to Ethiopia Visa-free. So, all these African citizens are going to come to Ethiopia with different currencies with respective to their countries. So, how can all these people have a seamless exchange when they come to our country? We thought of using aeternity platform to build them a one-stop exchange so that they can use AE to exchange to Ethiopia’s currency birr.” -Kidus Megbaru

77. Abuja, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

December 31, 2018: Great way to end the year with 35 people finding ways to make life easier through æternity.

“Wow so today end of 2018 i had a great crowd with like 35 participants which we generally have and overview about Aeternity Blockchain and we also discussed about the use cases we are working on which where fish farming, census and how we can use aeternity’s proof base aepp to register land ownership. Happy new year guys!” -Samson Dogo

76. Barcelona, Spain
Manel Ruiz

December 28, 2018: A perfect way to end the year — Manel held his very first meet-up in Barcelona, in an artist association in Poble Nou. From the photo itself, it looked like fun!

“Artists really liked the æternity logo and we were discussing how to replicate it in some of their creations. For example, there was an artist called Marta Jimenez who does 3D design and she was thinking to do rings with the Aeternity logo. Maybe we could use them as merchandising. Any thoughts? Also a couple of sculptors with programming skills were interested in the decentralized mining of æternity. There is a girl from Ukraine that is preparing a Crypto Artist Event by February in Barcelona maybe we could partner them, there will be the representation of Liberland in Spain, some crypto-enthusiasts of Barcelona, and many different artists. In general, they are all interested in selling their creations through Internet and accepting AE and other cryptos as a form of payment. I’ll show them how to do it. That’s the next step.” -Manel Ruiz

75.Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

December 28, 2018: Stephen’s last meet-up for the year was a full house.

“It was a massive turn out today as I wrap up my Crypto event for the Year. We had a very fruitful Aeternity meetup today in Jos with about 40 participants. We discussed liquid governance, State Channel, Scalability and efficiency on the aeternity’s blockchain. Also we look at how we could ease transportation, security and food security by having more SME’s in Jos creating more aepps on the aeternity’s blockchain. Jos has alot of security challenges and so we spent a good amount of time considering the use case of improving security in the state using blockchain technology.” -Stephen Sunday

74. Wenzhou, China
Lin Yan

December 27, 2018: A beautiful group in a beautiful view gathers in mainland China. Around 50 people were in attendance.

73. Moscow, Russia
Sergey Simanovsky

December 27, 2018: The cold may have cut down attendance rate for this meet-up but they still managed to push through.

“It was very cold and snowy outside. So many people that planned to come, unfortunately, didn’t make it. But the ones who did were all keen to listen and to learn. To say more, there were 4 or 5 developers at the meeting, which is always a good thing.The next meetup will be slightly different, so as to try out new formats. In code we trust and may the code be with you.” -Sergey Simanovsky

72. Mafinga, Tanzania
Richard Mbasa

December 26, 2019: This group explored possible use cases and potential benefits.

“Happy new year to you all. We enjoyed meeting in this festive season, talking about aeternity blockchain in particular, smart contracts, oracles, state channels, and how blockchain can benefit everyone using the current blockchain technologies… We are looking at developing a blockchain use case from the Tourism sector. Yes we are looking forward to build a team and find possible ways of working on our use case.” -Richard Mbasa
Read more about it here.

71. Kampala, Uganda
Kabetereine Rodgers

December 19, 2018: Kabetereine made sure to follow through with previous meet-ups and keep the gears rolling.

“In our last meetup in Wandegeya, we looked at how we can use aeternity technologies in our project most especially to make it secure using smart contracts and using the naming system. My participants were interested in knowing more about the naming system and how basically it is of more advantageous from the wallet address. We still had some new participants were blind about blockchain and were eager to know how blockchain came into existence, its advantages and how they can be part of it.

Aeternity blockchain being so innovative and an answer to the current blockchain problems, we are making more extensive research push to see build solutions to the current problems faced by mobile payment systems and their users. aeternity’s technology like the naming system, off chain, state channels are to see us ride of these challenges in the coming near weeks.

This was a continuation of our Mobile payment system, looking for new members on the board and how we can do our best using æternity blockchain to find solutions in the mobile payments field.” -Kabetereine Rodgers
Read more about it here.

70. Wrocław, Poland
Przemyslaw Thomann

December 18, 2018: Przemyslaw presented “æternity: Blockchain Framework 3.0” to 20 participants in Wroclaw.

“It was general æternity overview, a little modified version of base presentation — with explanation of base components of æternity blockchain (oracles, state channels etc.).”
-Przemyslaw Thomann

69. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cristian Linguer

December 17, 2018: æternity founder Yanislav Malahov and æternity crypto foundation’s President of the Board Marion Vogel attended the meet-up to share some updates — and some beers with these enthusiasts!

“We were able to personally listen to Yani and Marion to tell us about the progress of the project and share some beers after the event. It really was a precious moment. Hopefully you can visit us again soon. I leave photos of the event. many thanks to @erik93 @marion @yani.” -Cristian Linguer

68. Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

December 17, 2018: “It was yet another interesting meetup with 18 participants, we had a discussion on aeternity blockchain and how it can affect our daily life with the aid of oracle which bring real world data into the blockchain. We also discussed how Startup companies in Nigeria will integrate the blockchain technology (aeternity) into their system, taking the advantages of smart contract mostly in the area of secure and transparent transactions, and also solving the continent’s recurrent problems.” -Naphtali Dabuk

67. São Paulo, Brazil
Diego Ortega

December 15, 2018: aeternity presentation for the Product Team from Atlas Quantum.

66. Abuja, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

December 14, 2018: “So amazing discussing blockchain yesterday explaining the features and the difference of æternity from others’ platform where I concentrate on state channels, privacy, and governance. We also discussed how æternity blockchain can be used in the next census in Nigeria and also, introducing blockchain (æternity) to stop land fraud in the country.” -Samson Dogo

65. Bukoba, Tanzania
Ronald Nkamushaba

December 13, 2018: Ronald came across a common problem in blockchain education — one that needs to continuously be addressed. Some people are completely unfamiliar with the concept, and Ronald is making sure all efforts are done to change this.

“Currently, my participants were a bit more confused about blockchain. However, introducing them further to æternity blockchain will enlighten them most especially by participating in live use cases.” -Ronald Nkamushaba
Read more about it here.

64. Dodoma, Tanzania
Christabel Moses Oke

December 12, 2018: “We are glad to say after an intense weeks on planing, discussion and negotiations we have finally sign and agreement with wonderfully programmers as part of our team in developing an education app in aeternity blockchain and I and my team are so excited about the project.” -Christabel Moses Oke

63. Caracas, Venezuela
Juan Carlos Delpino

December 11, 2018: A room of 45 people joined Juan Carlos in Caracas.

“Great meetup! This time we talked about Aeternity’s blockchain features and specially about the implementation of oracles and smart contracts in the Insurance industry.” -Juan Carlos Delpino

62. Mafinga, Tanzania
Richard Mbasa

December 9, 2018: Richard and his meet-up group pose with æternity shirts after a session of discussions.

“It was really joyful sharing blockchain, aeternity blockchain, the technology being used and the impact that it has in our economic, social and political arenas. Participants were interested in knowing why aeternity blockchain is special from other blockchains.” -Richard Mbasa

61. Kampala, Uganda
Kabetereine Rodgers

December 9, 2018: Kabetereine explored mobile payments for airtime, utility bills, and transport as potential use cases with some notable people in Kampala.

“It was impressive having shared with some of important key personnel in the government, a doctor at Mbarara Referral Hospital, one of the head teachers from KABASCO, and others. They really embraced blockchain and the technology it uses. They welcomed our aeternity blockchain use case and they think it will help them in very many sectors.” -Kabetereine Rodgers
Read more about it here.

60. Santiago de Chile
Yury Cancino

December 7, 2018: “No dudes en venir y unirte a nosotros para un poco de pizza, bebidas y networking informal. ¡Te damos la bienvenida a todos a nuestros encuentros en Santiago!” -Yury Cancino

59. Kampala, Uganda
Moriise Mwesigye

December 6, 2018: Moriise is reaching out to university officials hoping to get more students to learn how to build on æternity.

“The Guild’s office at International University Of East Africa welcomed us. We shared the æternity blockchain, the great technologies used i.e smart contracts, oracles and more. We are getting in touch with the guild and his cabinet to see if programing students can take up Sophia programming language as one of their course units to help them start building blockchain related projects.” -Moriise Mwesigye. Read more about it here.

58. Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

December 4, 2018: “Today’s meet up was engaging. We discussed about the major deference between æternity and other blockchain platform like bitcoin and ethereum, the focus point was scalability and smart contract, how it’s safe and enhance privacy, we also came up with a use case, we discussed on how to help SMEs accepts AE as payment for services, in attendance I had some SMEs owners.” -Naphtali Dabuk

57. Gatuna, Rwanda
Muriisa Julian

December 3, 2018: The æternity community in Gatuna looks at how they can solve major problems that affect them and other people through aeternity blockchain.

“Surely, we are continuing with the app development though we are looking around to have experienced developers in our community to help us on this.”
-Muriisa Julian

56. Abuja, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

December 2, 2018: “Yesterday we had a discussion about æternity blockchain were we focused on the features of æternity which is state channel, liquid governance and oracle we also talked on how aeternity is turning blockchain strategy to business outcomes using the incubator program. We are also looking at a viable use case in fish farming.” -Samson Dogo

55. Chiplun, India
Ashish Chawla

December 1, 2018: 95 people joined Ashish for what turned out to be quite a pleasant event.

“This meetup was the best Indian meetup till date with all participants interacting nicely and actively. Their interest in learning a new technology was a fuel to me to make the session more interesting and friendly. Rather than bombarding the technology and making them understand the concepts from the slides, I made them understand the concepts with practical daily life use cases which turned out to be an amazing idea for Indian students. The use of local and multiple languages while the session also helped a lot because some people understand the concept fully in the local language Hindi but still English and Hindi both are used.

The best part about the meetup was the feedback and this time the feedback was really overwhelming for me. There was one group of 10 people among the crowd who came to me after the conference and forcefully gave me a small bag which had pizzas and Tacos in it as I was travelling. The happiness they had was showing, how much they understood.

My inbox was filled with thank you greetings and I was overwhelmed with the feedback.All glory to God. And thanks to æternity.”
Read more about it here.

54. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

November 30, 2018: Stephen had a bigger turnout than he anticipated, and it is a positive sign.

“The most recent of all my meetups happened 30th November and it was massive… Words went out I was expecting about 30 people and I had 47, though 2 left before we finished the meetup. I had a whole crowd coming to hear what aeternity is all about. I am glad they didn’t go back home disappointed. These were people who have been involved in other blockchains and wanted to know what was different about aeternity. We spoke about how to mine the coin on Ubuntu, the advantages state channel has, the use of oracle on aeternity’s blockchain. We also try to look at the possibility of how those who were involved in SMEs that were present in the meetup can use the AE token in the normal day to day transactions which we are mapping the possibilities out.” -Stephen Sunday

53. Caracas, Venezuela
Juan Carlos Delpino

November 29, 2018: Our Venezuelan æmbassador Juan Carlos Delpino had his second meetup at the offices of the insurance company Seguros Hispana in Caracas! He had about 43 participants in total who discussed potential use cases of æternity’s oracles for payments with security collateral based on Sophia smart contracts.

52. Xiamen, China

November 28, 2018: Zen hosted a meet-up at the Jimei University for 22 students.

“I introduce them blockchain base and aeternity, and mainly focus on smart contract,oracle, how aeternity solve the issues that blockchain still facing. We mainly discuss a very interesting use case, how to use the aeternity smart contract and oracle to the internet of things that SCAO can make you to pay at a gas station automatically.” -Zen

51. Taizhou, Jiangsu, China
Qiuyan Gu (Flora)

November 28, 2018: Gu introduced a small group to æternity in Taizhou.

Read more about it here.

50. Mukona, Uganda
Atwinirembazi Lucky

November 27, 2018: “Some participants were interested in the technical part. However, they asked if they can learn from scratch. I shared with the and encouraged them to use to learn more as they have programming lessons.” -Atwinirembazi Lucky

49. Gbagada, Lagos, Nigera
Barineka Maagbo

November 25, 2018: Barineka and his group enjoyed the day discussing potential uses of æternity particularly in keeping elections honest.

“It was a bright day for æternity talk. The arena was filled with crypto enthusiasts all around Lagos and environs and beyond. Amongst these persons were also those who haven’t heard about blockchain before that came to feed their quest for blockchain technology. Amazing, isn’t it? The hall was filled to its capacity with people eager to hear more about it, I was among those eager and thirst to be filled with the æternity blockchain ice to quench my thirst for more information, mind you, i was the one giving the lecture.

Oracles can provide tamper-proof data upon which contracts can act. Election results, many other real-world data play a crucial role for many business applications. We need credible, fast elections.

Nigeria budgets for 2019 elections according to vanguard Newspaper for 242.9 billion. That’s a whole lot of money, in which can be channel into blockchain. It would be transparent, cheap, scalable.” -Barineka Maagbo

48. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

November 22, 2018: Thirty people had quite a lot of questions about æternity — and they’re all asking the right ones!

47. Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

November 22, 2018: Naphtali and his meet-up group from Abuja.

46. Abuja, Nigeria
Samson Dogo

November 19, 2018: “My first meet up today in Abuja Nigeria was a success. We had an overview about aeternity blockchain and we discussed I gave highlights about State channels and Oracles. I invited 10 people but i had 12 people who attended the meetup. The participants asked questions like how the state channels function and how the mining of the token works.”

45. Dodoma, Tanzania
Christabel Moses Oke

November 19, 2018: This group is determined to build projects that would benefit Tanzania and the rest of Africa.

“The team came up with various ideas based on some already apps in the market and theirs setbacks. And using it as a guide in our design after the meeting, the team was divided into two groups. One to concentrate on the app design and programing, the other to focus on content creation. And we decided that each group will be meeting weekly while the two groups meet bi-weekly to keep updated on the progress made. I think now the real ambassador job has began for me making aeternity usable by ordinary Tanzanian.” -Christabel Moses Oke

44. Kampala, Uganda
Kabetereine Rodgers

November 16, 2018: Kabetereine shares guidelines for AE token transfer to the mainnet phase 0 with some community members.

43. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cristian Linguer

November 16, 2018: Our Argentinian æmbassador Cristian Linguer held his first æternity meetup at the Technical University of Buenos Aires!

42. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

November 15, 2018: Stephen got more than what he had hoped for and was graced with 41 attendees who were all eager to get to work.

“I sent out invitation for about 30 people and I had 41 people came for the meetup…hahaha. 2 of my participants came from Kaduna, Nigeria (4hrs drive to Jos where the meetup was held). One of the participants asked how æternity can help him use the blockchain to step up the Agro services he renders, since Jos is known growing vegetables and the potential is yet untapped. One of the participants from Kaduna asked me if it is possible to have his app run on aeternity’s blockchain. There were other questions but these two were a bit engaging.” -Stephen Sunday

41. Awka, Nigeria
Afoenyi Ik

November 11, 2018: We had an awesome discussion about the aepp development. One of the contributions that came from the programmers is for the app to have an in built alert system that will notify you once there is a change in indicator you set so you can have real time decision making. Also, they came with the idea of the app having the ability to give each the choice to select the indicators. He wants to monitor per time and can change them when he or she wants .making it flexible also an idea of adding new indicator as they became a factor in the market into the app also. All these where some of the ideas that came during our discussion today. We will start working on all of them to see how far we can go on the development.” -Afoenyi Ik

40. Gatuna, Rwanda
Muriisa Julian

November 9, 2018: “We have an idea of creating a ae payment system app which can be used by large organisations, companies and other institutions to pay salaries to their employees, and even in marketing their products. This means every employee of such a company has to be using such an æpp for receiving salaries, wages, allowances, and other payments in AE currency. We shall be sharing this idea with some merchants here requesting them to accept AE currency as a mode of payment. As we are hoping some to do since we already have those in our community.” -Muriisa Julian

39. Mumbai, India
Ashish Chawla

November 8, 2018: Ashish trained eight young high school students in Mumbai.

38. Geneva, Switzerland
Robert Zaremba

November 7, 2018: Robert gave this group a run-down of æternity’s features.

37. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

November 7, 2018: “There were questions about how efficient is the blockchain, governance, and scalability. I had someone who wants to have his app running on the blockchain. We had a guy who is running an online Agro store and wants to discuss how he can have the site on aeternity’s blockchain… They want to try the syntax and see how successful they can be with the syntax. They said they will need a contact in case they find some difficulty somewhere. I had a meeting with them and they showed me some UI they designed. They also want to develop a mobile app for local transport booking like Uber.” -Stephen Sunday

36. Santiago de Chile
Yury Cancino

November 6, 2018: Chilean æmbassador Yury Cancino had his first meetup in Santiago de Chile! Our æmbassador manager Erik Vollstädt joined him in Chile together with his local smart city team and they discussed several potential use cases for æternity in Chile. They found three potential implementations that need to be evaluated by peers and local authorities: 1) an IoT scenario with smart buildings that save energy consumption, 2) blockchain-based community services for the discriminated Mapuche minority and Haitian immigrants in Chile, 3) blockchain consulting services for SMEs and cooperatives. Yury and his team are working on defining a more concrete proposal for the next round of æternity ventures.

“We will be back in Chile in one month for La Bitconf, the biggest blockchain conference in Latin America!” -Yury Cancino

35. Mumbai, India
Ashish Chawla

November 4, 2018: Our Indian æmbassador Ashish Chawla hosted his second meetup in Mumbai with a group of 9 computer science engineers. Ashish presented the basics of blockchain as well as æternity’s unique advantages in the market. They went through state channels and scripting languages and concluded with an overlook of æternity’s governance. We are happy to see Ashish back in the game and are excited to see more events in India!

34. Xiamen, China

October 31, 2018: Our æmbassador Zen has made the first step towards establishing an æternity research center at a local college in Xiamen, China. About 20 students joined him when he taught them the basic principles of æternity blockchain and how it will make a difference in their lives. They were very curious about the new opportunities œternity provides and want to learn more. We are looking forward to see the results from Zen’s educative initiative in China!

33. Kampala, Uganda
Kabetereine Rodgers

October 30, 2018: Our Ugandan æmbassador Kabetereine Rodgers held his second meetup with 11 participants in Kampala! He presented æternity’s overall technology stack and answered questions about our Sophia smart contract language, mainnet launch, how and where to buy AE tokens as well as advantages over existing smart contract platforms like Ethereum. We hope to see more meetups from Uganda with localized æpps use cases!

32. Massachussetts, USA
Joshua Thomson-Hansen

October 28, 2018: US æmbassador Joshua Thomson-Hansen organized his first æternity meetup in Southborough, Massachusetts! He and his participants talked about the benefits of Erlang and functional programming, oracles and what the user interface might look like, building social networks on the æternity blockchain, as well as merchant adoption and the possible use of state channels with the government for sales tax payments. Stay tuned for more æternity meetups in the USA!

31. Lagos, Nigeria
Daramola Oluwakorede

October 27, 2018: Nigerian æmbassador Daramola Oluwakorede held his first informal meetup in Lagos with his coworkers. They discussed basic questions about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, but also delved deeper into the functionalities of the bæse æpp and how to build æpps on the æternity blockchain. Finally, they discussed how Nigerian developers could participate in æternity’s incubator program and how the migration of æternity’s ERC-20 tokens to the mainnet will affect coin circulation. Daramola will focus his efforts on Lagos’ IT institutes and universities to educate a new generation of blockchain developers!

30. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

October 26, 2018: About 50 students joined our æmbassador Stephen Sunday at his last meetup at the Ujay hub Computer Science department of the University of Jos. The students raised questions such as “Why are we building a new blockchain and why should people use our blockchain rather than using Ethereum’s blockchain or EOS?” and several ones of them were convinced to let go of learning Solidity to learn Sophia smart contract development instead. They also discussed the security of the æternity blockchain’s mining algorithm and how much faster and affordable transaction will become with our new infrastructure based on state channels.

29. Córdoba, Argentine
Horacio Chiarella

October 25, 2018: On October 25th a new meetup of æternity was held in Córdoba, Argentina, by our æmbassador Horacio Chiarella. In this case, the meeting was aimed at developing strategies to strengthen the agro-ecological market, from production and storage conditions to its distribution and marketing, both to producers and consumers. The meeting was attended by representatives of Espacio Abasto, Drimcom Incubator, FENIX Center and Polites Foundation, as well as the team of programmers that will shape this new æpps project.

28. Sofia, Bulgaria
Aarjan van Eersel & Yulian Asparuhov

October 25, 2018: Our æmbassadors Arjan van Eersel (Netherlands) and Yulian Asparuhov (Bulgaria) had a great æternity meetup with over 20 participants in Sofia! They discussed the Cuckoo Cycle, offchain transactions and state channels, why oracles are important and how to actively engage with æternity as a community member on the forum and as æmbassador. Amongst the participants were blockchain developers, small business owners and students, all of which are excited about æternity’s upcoming mainnet launch! We are looking forward to more events hosted by Arjan and Yulian.

27. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

October 23, 2018: Today, a group of 26 people joined Stephen Sunday at his second meetup in Jos, Nigeria, where the advantages of æternity’s blockchain over other projects in the crypto space where discussed. The topics involved state channels and privacy as well as several æpps proposals: A group of 7 young people want to create an æpp for their Creative Art company and another team working on a waste management æpp for a movement called Green Planet, which has been founded in Jos.

26. Gatuna, Rwanda
Muriisa Julian

October 22, 2018: Rwanda has seen its first æternity meetup with our local æmbassador Murisa Julian who discussed blockchain basics and how to use æternity in their daily life. She also explained to her 9 participants how to buy AE tokens using fiat currencies and how to securely store a wallet.

25. Jos, Nigeria
Stephen Sunday

October 21, 2018: Our new Nigerian æmbassador Stephen Sunday held his first meetup with over 20 Computer Science students at the University of Jos. A group of 5 programmers want to start learning Sophia and the audience discuss how to start creating æpps and utilizing the AE token. Stephen pointed out æternity blockchain’s advantages by using state channels. They would particularly like to see a project where æternity is implemented for waste management. Another suggestion was to create an æpp for insurance similar to SafeRide Africa in East Africa. æternity is excited to see Stephen’s new activities in Nigeria and we are happy to welcome more developers in our æpps ecosystem.

24. Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Barineka Magboo

October 20, 2018: Barineka Magboo organized his first informal meetup with 6 participants in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. They discussed the basic concepts of the æternity blockchain and how they could participate in the project. Another concern was whether cryptocurrencies are a ponzi scheme and how they work in general. Barineka is planning bigger meetups starting next month!

23. Dodoma, Tanzania
Christabel Moses Oke

October 19, 2018: Tanzania has seen her first æternity meetup in Dodoma with our local æmbassador Christabel Moses Oke and his colleagues who explored the financial use of æternity’s blockchain for forex trading with real time data using oracles and private state channels. We are eager to see more from Chris coming soon!

22. Xiamen, China

October 15, 2018: This time our æmbassador Zen has been discussing possible implementations of æternity within IoT, supply chain and intellectual property. About 23 entrepreneurs discussed how the æternity blockchain could be implemented in traditional business industries. Stay tuned for his next meetup in Xiamen, China!

21. Córdoba, Argentina
Horacio Chiarella

October 10, 2018: Our Argentinian æmbassador Horacio Chiarella discussed how to use æternity’s technology for open democracy with 32 participants; amongst them 3 developers who want to start developing in our æpps ecosystem with Sophia smart contract language, 2 eco-entrepreneurs who want to integrate æternity in their organic farming network, America’s Blockchain Association, as well as representatives from NEM and Hyperledger. The discussion included various examples of governance dapps such as the Estonian e-residency and how blockchain could be used by the local administration in Córdoba. We are seeing more and more interest by local players and hope to see great collaborations arising from Horacio’s æternity meetups in Argentina!

20. Kampala, Uganda
Kabetereine Rodgers

September 27, 2018: Our new æmbassador Kabetein Rodgers organized a meetup with 7 participants to explain the basics of æternity blockchain and to work on first possible æpps ideas for his fellow citizens in Uganda!

19. Cork, Ireland
Owen O’Driscoll

September 26, 2018: Owen O’Driscoll, our Irish æmbassador, organized another fantastic æternity meetup with about 15 participants at a local cinema in Cork, Ireland.

18. Xiamen, China

September 18, 2018: Our local æmbassador Zen shared information about state channels, oracles, bitcoin-NG, cuckoo cycle pow, mining and æpps at his last meetup on September 18th in Xiamen, China.

17. Awka, Nigeria
Afoeny Ike

September 17, 2018: About 15 visitors joined our æmbassador Afoenyi Ik at his æternity meetup at Marble Arch Hotel in Awka, South East Nigeria! They had a lengthy discussion about the usability of the æpps platform with oracles for day to day problems. Some visitors also suggested the integration of datasets for gold and crude oil for their trading activites. We hope to see more localized æpps coming soon from Nigeria!

16. Córdoba, Argentina
Horacio Chiarella

September 4, 2018: Horacio Chiarella concluded the first meetup in Latin America! More than 30 people came to his presentation at the Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomics and Physics in Córdoba, Argentina. They discussed technical problems such as the 51% attack, how hashes are created on the æternity blockchain, properties of functional languages, possibilities of forks and scalability challenges with state channels and oracles as their solution. The crowd stayed for over an hour after the event to talk about possible integrations in their projects and how to maximize blockchain use in their industries. All of this points towards more æternity action in Argentina! We are excited to see more of Horacio’s events in the future.

15. Caracas, Venezuela
Juan Carlos Delpino

September 2018: æmbassador Juan Carlos Delpino organized the very first æternity meetup in Venezuela! He gathered about 40 engineering and computer science students at the Simon Bolivar University in Caracas to discuss Venezuela’s opportunities through blockchain technology and æternity as an outstanding platform for scalable smart contract execution. They also discussed how to participate as active community leaders and how to make use of æternity’s upcoming mining possibilities. We are excited to see æternity gaining traction in Venezuela!

14. Awka, Nigeria
Afoenyi Ike

August 31, 2018: Afoenyi Ike met up with his newly founded æmbassador team at the ICT HUB in Awka, Southeast Nigeria.

13. Sofia, Bulgaria
Yulian Asparuhov

August 30, 2018: The first æternity meeting from our æmbassador in Bulgaria and the Balkans Yulian Asparuhov! Even being a CEO of his own blockchain company can’t hold him from spreading the Aeternity vision and values! Amongst the participants were not just crypto enthusiasts, but even teachers, athletes and restaurant owners. They were discussing how to best contribute to the æternity blockchain and how to take advantage of this new thriving ecosystem. We hope to see Yulian soon again in Sofia, Belgrade or Bucharest; he is our æmbassador of the Balkans!

12. Denver, USA
Mike Murrell

August 30, 2018: æmbassador Mike Murrell presented the concepts of æternity at his first meetup in Denver, USA.

11. Cork, Ireland
Owen O’Driscoll

August 29, 2018: æmbassador Owen O’Driscoll had his second meetup in Cork, Ireland!

10. Ogun, Nigeria
Gideon Ogunsola

August 20, 2018: æmbassador Gideon Ogunsola held his second aeternity meetup at Bells University of Technology Otta, Ogun State, Nigeria. He introduced the audience to the concepts of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain-based problems aeternity is going to solve. There were more than 20 people in attendance. They were glad and happy to know about aeternity and cryptocurrencies in general.

9. Kumasi, Ghana
Alhassan Yaminu

August 16, 2018: Alhassan Yaminu, æternity’s æmbassador in Ghana, had quite a fruitful afternoon at the computer lab of Garden City University College in Kumasi. He took the opportunity to share some of aeternity blockchain recorded videos to the local students, and also explained the concepts of Aeternity to the participants. Alhassan is looking forward to stage bigger meetups across the cities of Ghana soon!

8. Chengdu, China
Martin Cauu

August 14, 2018: Martin Cauu, our æmbassador in Chengdu (China), organized his first meetup at his workplace with his colleagues. Amongst them were newcomers as well as experienced blockchain enthusiasts, so he clarified the basic concepts of blockchain as well as the current problems of blockchain which aeternity is about to solve. They discussed state channels vs. side chains, centralization vs. decentralization in regards to off-chain transactions, as well as possible obstacles for the implementation of oracles. Martin is fully motivated to present to a bigger audience in Chengdu now that he had his first local meetup and we are excited to see what is coming next!

7. Xiamen, China

August 13, 2018: China has seen its first aeternity meetup in Xiamen, China! Our æmbassador Zen explained the concepts of state channels and oracles to an audience of 16 people coming from industries such as banking, supply chain management, computer engineering and investment. We are excited to see more and more meetups happening in China so we can reward our local community for their support and loyalty to aeternity.

6. Cork, Ireland
Owen O’Driscoll

July 29, 2018: Our æmbassador Owen Driscoll organized the first AEternity meetup in Cork, Ireland! Starting with a coffee and round table discussion about blockchain, Owen and his 10 meetup participants delved deeper into æternity’s technology watching some videos of the Aeternity team explaining the use cases of blockchain applications in everyday life. And also how the æternity differs from other projects. Stay tuned for Owen’s next presentation in Ireland!

5. East Java, Indonesia

July 28, 2018: æmbassador Ihwanil organized Indonesia’s first Aeternity meetup in Tulungagung, East Java! Promising features have been discussed such as oracle network, state channel, and the most awaited features — hybrid proof-of-work and proof-of-stake. Ihwanil also wants to build a brand awareness of aeternity to people nearby. Meet-up participants are expecting Aeternity to be more well-known to the public in Indonesia so that more people hear and realize its potential for government as well as non-government adoption. We hope to see more coming from Ihwanil and his community in Indonesia!

4. Seoul, Korea
Peterson Lee

July 25, 2018: First aeternity meetup in Seoul, Korea! Our local æmbassador Peterson Lee was explaining the ideas behind state channels, oracles and our Sophia smart contract language. We are looking forward for more in-depth discussions about AEternity’s technology in Korea.

3. Nairobi, Kenya
Apollo Omer

July 13, 2018: æmbassador Apollo teaching the fundamentals of blockchain and aeternity to the local community in Nairobi, Kenya! More than 40 people participated and learned about state channels and transactions on the aeternity blockchain. Africa has a big potential and blockchain came to change the game for hundreds of potential entrepreneurs eager to spearhead this global revolution.

2. Mumbai, India
Ashish Chawla

March 26, 2018: First aeternity meetup in India! Our æmbassador Ashish presented in Mumbai to over 60 blockchain newbies and explained the very foundational concepts of aeternity to them. He is fully motivated to keep spreading the word all over India and teach people about blockchain and aeternity!

1. Abuja, Nigeria
Naphtali Dabuk

January 4, 2018: It is wonderful to start the new year with Aeternity Blockchain meetup where I briefly explain blockchain 101 to my new attendees after that we generally had a discussion about the loopholes in other blockchain platforms like bitcoin and ethereum. We talked about Aeternity and how we can trade with AE coin, We discussed a use case of modern poultry farm, a one stop shop for poultry products. I had 25 participants though 4 left, it was great to have these people around.

