Grant Report #3: Aeternity Foundation’s first steps

An overview of the first grants made by the æternity crypto foundation.

aeternity Foundation
aeternity Foundation
3 min readJul 2, 2019


æternity @ re:publica 18, Berlin

re:publica attendees experienced æternity’s beer æpp, aeternity foundation ensured that viewers from all over the world can witness the trill from the event.

In May 2018 æternity blockchain partnered with re:publica — Europe’s biggest conference on topics concerning digitization and society. On the 2–4th of May, Yanislav Malahov, æternity’s founder presented the specially developed for the event beer æpp, enabling attendees to complete their very first blockchain transaction. The beer æpp quickly became one of the greatest attractions of the event, demonstrating blockchain technology application in simple day-to-day activities. With the support of the foundation, a video was created to capture the first interaction of the attendees with the blockchain.

Here’s a video of that exciting moment:

Supporting the Cybersecurity Liechtenstein youth hacker team at the 2018 Cybersecurity Challenge.

Cybersecurity Liechtenstein is a nonprofit organization with the mission to contribute to a more secure, healthy Internet, and information flow. The organization provides courses for talented youth interested in learning about the wide variety of IT risks and vulnerabilities and how to apply appropriate countermeasures.aeternity foundation supported the youth Cybersecurity team who attended the 2018 Cybersecurity Challenge. The Challenge is an initiative of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) and aims to enhance cyber security talent across Europe as well as connect high potential talent with industry leading organizations.

Cybersecurity Liechtenstein

aeternity foundation and, Liechtenstein

In September 2016 in Liechtenstein was held the Finance meets Future conference that brought together Fin-tech enthusiasts, introduced Digital Banking Know-How and latest financial trends. In keeping with æternity’s tradition of fun and unique presentations, the foundation contributed some locally brewed pink beer for participants of the event.

æternity beer @

æternity and Blockchain for Humanity

aeternity foundation supported the first round of projects for social impact organized by Blockchain for Humanity. Blockchain for Humanity is an international not-for-profit foundation that supports, receives grants, and catalyzes resources to projects applying the blockchain technology on positive impact use cases. In 2018 æternity crypto foundation joined the Coalition 4GOOD, initiated by Blockchain for Humanity with the purpose to support the b4H Catalyzer Program. The program was designed and implemented in relation to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and it seeks to develop sustainable business models and business plans for reaching scalable solutions. The Coalition 4GOOD supported altogether 35 project concepts that resulted into 10 launched products. The grant made by æternity crypto foundation was utilized for the first round of projects and proof of concept.

æternity is a sponsor of the b4H Catalyzer Program.

aeternity foundation and æternity’s æmbassador Program

One year after the announcement of the æternity’s Æmbassador Program and a multitude of events organized and executed by our amazing ambassadors, the foundation committed an ongoing support to the program.

The æternity’s æmbassador Program build a network with off-line meetups all around the world. Our ambassador’s efforts helped to spread out the word about æternity across the globe. We are witnessing a thriving community of supporters in the areas of our local æmbassadors. With the grant that the foundation provided, the æmbassador program would expand even further its scope by introducing the Traveling æmbassador Program.

More about the first adventures of our travelling æmbassadors could find here: Report for 2019.



aeternity Foundation
aeternity Foundation

Aeternity Foundation : Nurturing blockchain innovation through grants for tech, community, and arts. Join us in shaping the future. #aeternity #blockchain