Grant Report #6: Aeternity Foundation announces a sixth round of awardees

aeternity Foundation
aeternity Foundation
5 min readDec 20, 2019

Individuals and organizations are welcome to аpply and help the aeternity foundation propel open source technology.

The aeternity foundation is pleased to announce its sixth round of grants. After thorough deliberations, the following proposals have been awarded funding for their efforts towards the growth of the platform.

1. Liu Shao

Having been interested in Bitcoin and blockchain technology for a long time, Liu Shao’s interest in æternity led him to support the platform, translating resources into Chinese and contributing to discourses regarding development.

The aeternity foundation is supporting Liu Shao in the launch of the website — the largest æternity resource in Chinese. This effort will help establish and sustain æternity’s Chinese community by translating and spreading information, news and updates, as well as technical information and development resources. The website will also serve as a go-to resource where the Chinese community can get technical support.

The grant will go towards maintaining a server through which æpps can be tested on both the main and test networks.

2. Cyber Security Challenge 2019 Bucharest

In order to support the local æternity ecosystem in Liechtenstein, aeternity foundation is sponsoring the Liechtenstein team for the Cyber Security Challenge 2019, a competition held in Bucharest. A group of 10 young members between 14–25 years took part in the challenge, going head to head against other European challengers in the field of cybersecurity.

The Cyber Security Challenge is organized by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) with the objective of nurturing cybersecurity talent in Europe.

3. Erlang Ecosystem Foundation

aeternity foundation is supporting the newly launched Erlang Ecosystem Foundation (EEF), and has joined the alliance as a founding member. The goal of this foundation is to ensure the long-term, independent, sustainable progression of the Erlang programming language — on which the æternity infrastructure is built.

aeternity foundation will back efforts and collaborate with other Erlang professionals and companies towards the continuous development of Erlang. More information regarding this allegiance can be found here.

Aeternity Elixir SDK

The Elixir Software Development Kit (SDK) will allow Elixir developers to build their own Elixir applications on top of the æternity platform. Currently, the Elixir SDK supports Accounts, Oracles, the æternity Naming System (AENS), smart contracts, state channels, Noise listener and many other functionalities.

Elixir offers great compatibility and interoperability with Erlang — the language in which æternity is written, as they both target the same VM. Elixir can extend and improve overall users’ and developers’ experience as it enables them to build not only the SDK (which will be used by other Elixir developers) but also various fault tolerant applications and micro services.

The aeternity foundation awarded two highly talented developers with a three-month grant aiming to advance the further development of the Elixir SDK for æternity.

4. Daniela Ivanova, Elixir SDK Developer

Daniela has been supporting æternity for the past two years. Previously, she was involved in the Elixir node implementation, and she was also one of the first ever to write sample contracts using Sophia.

Daniela continues her work on further improving the Elixir SDK. Some of her recent work included the following:

  • Adjusting the gas price calculation for FATE VM contract calls.
  • Adjusting of the contract call results handling.
  • Adding new example tests for the contracts which are deployed by using FATE VM.

You may follow her updates on the Forum.

5. Arthur Kratt, Elixir SDK Developer

Artur Kratt has been contributing to æternity development for the past two years. He is an Elixir developer and has been working side by side with Daniela Ivanova on the Elixir SDK. He helped build the æternity node from scratch in Elixir, wrote the very first tutorials on how to set various things up. He was also one of the first to use and write the first sample contracts in Sophia, and set up new projects using the earlier versions of AEProject, then known as ForgAE.

Artur will continue working on implementing Aeternity Elixir Software Development Kit.

6. Stoyan Vasilev — æternity Wallet and æpps Browser extension grant

Stoyan will continue his work on the æternity Wallet and æpps Browser in the upcoming months. He received a three months grant extension and will continue with his work until January 2020.

Follow Stoyan’s updates on the Forum

This concludes this round of grants. For more information on previous grant awardees, the latest product updates have been published under free Open Source Licenses on the æternity Github page.

You may also follow the project updates through this dedicated Forum thread.

If you think you or someone you know has some really good ideas and skills that would be beneficial in the progress of the æternity platform, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

You can reach out to the community through the Forum with any questions you might have. Our main website is also full of information that can help you get started with your proposal. And as soon as you are ready, just fill up this form to apply for a grant.



aeternity Foundation
aeternity Foundation

Aeternity Foundation : Nurturing blockchain innovation through grants for tech, community, and arts. Join us in shaping the future. #aeternity #blockchain