Enhancing the Performance of Spring-Based Apps

Sampath Thennakoon
Published in
6 min readMay 2, 2024
Spring Boot Performance Tuning


This article aims to provide a brief overview of technologies and techniques that the developers must possess and the knowledge and skill set to understand some of the more challenging aspects of spring performance testing so that they are able to come up with the correct testing and measuring strategies to perform an in-depth analysis. This also discusses the importance of observability and preparation, which is a must in performance analysis.

The article begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of spring performance to give a sense of the complex environment where the developers operate and also the tools, techniques, and technical improvements relating to Java and other technologies used alongside spring applications. By adopting the essential tools and techniques mentioned here, spring developers are able to master the art of performance engineering and utilize it as a recurring routine in their daily schedules.

Why Performance Matters

Performance is a crucial element of spring applications because it directly affects the user experience and, in turn, the efficiency of the business. Faster reaction times are achievable with high application performance, which is essential for improving and preserving user happiness and engagement. Any degraded performance factors like load delays might cause user dissatisfaction and will result in consumers switching to competitors since today’s users demand rapid and flawless experiences. The application performance has a strong correlation with application scalability as well, as load management and growth depend on the apps’ ability to process more requests with fewer resources. This is especially significant because Spring apps are often used in business settings where scalability is essential, and the proper performance and scaling improvements result in financial gains as well as savings. More efficient use of resources by high-performing apps may minimize the need for costly server additions or infrastructure improvements. This is particularly important in cloud-hosted systems because the cost of operations is directly associated with resource usage and the demand in daily operations.

What Can Affect the Application-Level Performance

Application Design: The application’s architecture, including the choice of patterns and components, can impact performance. Poorly designed algorithms, excessive object creation, and unnecessary database queries can slow an application’s performance.

Database Performance: With inefficient data retrieval methods, slow database servers, and poorly executed queries can significantly affect the speed of the application.

Network Latency: Due to slow or unstable network connections, applications that rely on third-party services may experience delays.

Server Resources: The availability and efficiency of server resources such as CPU, memory, and disk I/O can influence application performance.

Code Quality: Bad coding practices, such as not aligning with the SOLID principles, can lead to performance issues.

Logging: Excessive logging can consume I/O operations and degrade performance.

Concurrency Model: Not being familiar with or not correctly implementing the concurrency model can lead to inefficient use of system resources.

How To Measure the Performance

Tracing: Tools like Spring Sleuth can trace requests through the system, which helps identify bottlenecks.

Profiling: Java profilers like JProfiler, Java Flight Recorder, or VisualVM are used to identify the application’s memory leaks, thread contention, and CPU usage.

Load Testing: Tools like JMeter can simulate high loads on the application to test how it behaves under stress.

Benchmarking: Measure startup time, memory consumption, and response times to establish performance baselines.

Optimization: Based on the metrics collected, identify areas for optimization, such as database queries, algorithm efficiency, and resource utilization.

Application Design Level Optimization

Optimizing the design of a Spring Boot application involves several strategies to ensure it runs efficiently and effectively. Here are some essential practices:

Avoid Unnecessary Dependencies: It is necessary to manage the project’s dependencies carefully to prevent bloat. It is also required to review the application dependencies, remove any dependencies that are not directly used by the application, and stick to the required versions of dependencies to avoid the overhead of managing multiple versions. Use tools like Maven or Gradle to exclude unnecessary sub-dependencies.

Minimize Features: Only include features necessary for the application — Disable auto-configuration for components that don’t need to be used in the application by using @EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude={…}).

Implement Caching: Use Spring’s caching abstraction to store frequently accessed data in memory, reducing the need for expensive operations like database calls. Some popular caching frameworks are Redis, Memcached, Hazelcast, and Ehcache. Caching can speed up the application, reduce database load, and improve the user experience.

Leverage Asynchronous Processing: Whenever possible, utilize @Async annotation to handle tasks asynchronously, which can improve throughput and reduce latency. Note that Async operations do not guarantee the application’s transactional behavior.

Optimize Application Startup: Use lazy initialization, minimize classpath scanning, and consider using Spring Boot’s DevTools for faster restarts during development.

Streamline Configurations: Externalize the required configuration and use profiles to manage different environments. Keep the configuration files clean and well-documented.

Custom BOM for Dependencies: Maintain a custom Bill of Materials (BOM) to manage third-party dependencies and ensure compatibility across the project.

Profile and Monitor: Regularly profile the application with libraries like Spring Boot Actuator and Micrometer to monitor performance metrics and identify areas for improvement.

Leverage New Language Features: Each new Java version introduces language enhancements that can simplify code and improve performance. Also, ensure the application source code is clean, well-organized, and follows best practices. This makes it easier to maintain and optimize over time.

Optimizing the database access: Database access is often the bottleneck of restful web services and batch processors, as it involves network communication, query execution, and data processing. Minor tweaks such as lazy initialization, turning off open session view, optimal usage of Transactional and Transaction templates, DTO-based projection while fetching only necessary data, and other hibernate and JPA query-based optimizations can be implemented.

Application Infrastructure Level Optimization

Optimizing the infrastructure for Spring Boot applications has a significant impact on performance. Here are some strategies to consider:

Use a Faster Server: Choose the servers with high-performance hardware specs and use CPUs with faster clock speeds, more RAM, and NVME/SSD storage to enhance application responsiveness and manage increased workloads. More threads can use available CPU cores efficiently. Still, they may also result in higher memory consumption as well as resource contention, which would contribute to performance bottlenecks. Balancing the application CPU and memory utilization is essential, depending on the business use cases.

Use a More Efficient Database: Optimize the databases by selecting a suitable database system that best fits the application’s needs/domain and implementing indexing to speed up query processing with efficient connection pooling to manage database connections efficiently. Also, monitoring and tuning the database regularly for optimal performance is necessary.

Make advantage of a content delivery network (CDN): With content delivery network (CDN) to provide and cache static material from locations nearer to the end consumers. Improving the user experience lowers latency and accelerates content delivery.

Container Orchestration Platforms: Utilize container orchestration tools like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or Apache Mesos to manage containerized applications. These tools help to automate application container deployment, scaling, and operations across clusters of hosts.

API Management and Rate Limiting: Implementing rate limiting in a Spring application’s API gateway is a crucial strategy for managing performance and ensuring the stability of application services. It helps to control the traffic to APIs and prevent the overuse of resources.

Distributed Monitoring: Integrating the distributed monitoring platforms to get insights into the application’s performance across various systems and locations. This helps identify issues quickly and ensure the application’s high availability and reliability.

Final Words

Scaling and performance optimization for a spring-based application can be complicated; however, by adhering to the best practices and strategies, you should be able to design and implement a highly scalable application catering to the performance requirements. This provides the end users with the best user experience and also attracts more and more users. Analyzing and enhancing performance should not be a one-time process and should be reevaluated from time to time, so remember to have the processes to upgrade, monitor your application, and adjust parameters often. Also, consider using caching and asynchronous processing to get the best results.

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Sampath Thennakoon

Love travel , love programming , experiments and solve problems , curious learner