Secret to earn money weekly passively in affiliate Marketing

Sultan Adeleke
Affiliate marketing made easy 2022
11 min readJun 1, 2022

A 23-Year-Old Student Of The University Of Ibadan Who Has Gone On To Make Over $150,000 In Affiliate Marketing In 24 Months Finally Exposes:

This ‘Exclusive System’ Is The Secret To Earning At Least N300,000 MonthlyFrom Selling Other People’s Products In The Next 30 Days.

According to statistics report as of 2020, the affiliate marketing industry is worth over $12 billion.

And according to another statistics report, there’s a very likely chance it keeps rising to $50 billion by 2025.

The question now is…

How do you take your share of this large global market?

My name is Adeleke Sultan, a medical physiologist and I’m lucky to have stumbled upon this opportunity to be one of Mr Tamilore Adewuyi student who is one of the best affiliate marketer in Nigeria presently and he is highly influential.

But you need to understand something before we proceed at all…

I have had my fair share of struggles in the affiliate marketing world…

I discovered affiliate marketing in 2020 after I started watching youTube and going through stuffs online and I just wanted to build a side hustle.

I struggled a lot, especially when I couldn’t make my first sale…

No one to tell me…

Sultan, do this and don’t do that…

Sultan, you will waste money that way….

I was all to myself trying to figure everything out…

I have gone month upon months without making a single sale…

I have gone to retweet under people’s comment section to beg people to buy what I am selling (affiliate product)

And in the process of doing all these…

I learned some important lessons that I documented which turned out to be the Exclusive System… then which I later got intoduced to the affiliate course which paved my way to better future and i understand what everyone who’s looking for ways to get rich online is going through right now and i can relate to the half-accesed information gotten online.

And this Exclusive System has helped me and a lot of people skip the long process of making their first affiliate sale…

Are you an affiliate marketer who wants to know where you stand in your affiliate journey?
Are you looking for the quickest way to make a ton of money with affiliate
Are you bored of all-theory courses and masterclasses with no practical application?
Are you having trouble studying affiliate marketing and finding it difficult to achieve a financial breakthrough because you’re broke?
Or perhaps you’ve never heard of affiliate marketing before but want to make a lot of money with it?

Then, you’re in the right place because:

I would be delighted to share this Exclusive System with you.

Here’s how it works:

If you want to learn how to become an affiliate marketer or if you are an affiliate marketer who is frustrated by a lack of sales…

And you aim to make between 5 and 20 affiliate product sales per week…

So you’ve saved enough money to enjoy a stress-free life….

Increase your affiliate marketing budget…

And live a financially self-sufficient life…

Without ever having to be concerned about things like:


utilities, etc.

Taking care of your loved ones and assisting those who are in need

This information will assist you in getting there.

Hundreds of people have been introduced to affiliate marketing as a result of my efforts…

Many people who offer affiliate items generate a comfortable six-figure income on a weekly basis.

Working from the comfort of their homes… Today, their lives have been transformed. They’re no longer financially dependent on someone else. They set their working hours, And they have absolute control of their time.

I think it’s only fair to let you know what you’re getting yourself into ahead of time…

It’s true what you’ve heard about affiliate marketing…
That you can earn more money than doctors, engineers, and lawyers…
They’re all correct…
At least some of the folks I recommended earn N200,000 per month.
Some people earn N500,000 per month…
Some people make a million dollars a month…
And some are doing even less…
By referring someone to a useful product and earning commissions…

However, the harsh reality is that Affiliate Marketing is no stroll in the park…
It’s not about putting your affiliate links in people’s comment sections…
It’s not only about pleading with others to help you retweet…
And believe me when I say this isn’t about making one transaction today and then not selling again till next week…
It’s a lot more than that…
At the very least, if you want to generate as much money as I’ve mentioned to you above…

You’ll have to put in a lot of effort.
It takes a lot of hard work, determination, discipline, and patience.
You’ll have to work harder than the ordinary person.
You can’t expect to be successful right away.
You must also be willing to take Affiliate Marketing seriously.
Not as a pastime, but as a legitimate business.
If you don’t comprehend what I’m saying, do yourself a favor and stop reading now.
Because no matter how great people claim my curriculum is, unless you’re serious and consistent, you’ll never make the kind of money You’ll have to put in a lot of effort.
It takes a lot of hard work, determination, discipline, and patience.
You’ll have to work harder than the ordinary person.
You can’t expect to be successful right away.
You must also be willing to take Affiliate Marketing seriously.
Not as a pastime, but as a legitimate business.
If you don’t comprehend what I’m saying, do yourself a favor and stop reading now.
Because no matter how great people claim my curriculum is, unless you’re serious and consistent, you’ll never make the kind of money successful affiliate marketers does.
Are we still on the same page?


Now if you are interested in becoming a high-income affiliate marketer…

Affiliate marketer that never struggles to make sales…

Affiliate marketer that earns nothing less than 300k monthly…

Then I will be glad to let you know that a simple video guide has been prepared for you that encompasses the Exclusive system e we have been using to rake in money crazily…

And it is called:


Here’s a snapshot of…

What you should expect in the first affiliate course


(Ultimate guide and basics to affiliate marketing like you have never seen before)

This is the first step to becoming a high-income affiliate marketer…

It all revolves around the basics…

Even if you have been making sales in your affiliate marketing business…

Or you are just starting an affiliate marketing business…

You need to watch and go over this module over and over again…

The module is not designed for newbies only…

Inside this basic but very important module…


(The right way).. So you don’t waste time and money promoting dead products or selling to a dead market!!

Before you promote anything…

You need to lay some groundwork to avoid getting burned out easily…

Because it’s not fun promoting to a dead market or even promoting a dead and unwanted product (i have been there)…

And some of these groundworks include:

  • Knowing the market you want to promote to…
  • Get into the customers head in the market
  • Know how they think and buy
  • Know how you get them into your list easily and keep them to buy more and more…

And that’s not even all…

  • You need to also deal ruthlessly with the product you want to promote…
  • You need to know HOT products people in your market want…
  • You need to know the product that will sell easily
  • You need to also know how to choose hot selling products to promote…

You see…

Finding the market’s pain points, and figuring out the best solution (products) to promote is necessary…..

But along the line, you will be overlooking some important factors to consider…

But someone who has gone through the trench and this process over and over again goes much deeper into research…

You’ll be shown how to do high-level research like a pro so you can pick the right market and hot products on which you can build…

The most powerful and highly profitable affiliate marketing business.


(Build highly converting funnels and website) e.t.c

In this module, the backend was gone through to show you the whole process of creating funnels…

The details explained are:

  • Get a befitting domain name to fit your market and product (most people make one singular mistake here which always cost them a lot of conversions)
  • How to use the best hosting company to host your website so you don’t have cases of website crash
  • How to create your WordPress website in under 24 hours that will bring conversions for you without stopping.
  • The easiest and simplest page builder to use and how to get the premium version almost for free (It’s not even elementor page builder)
  • How to create highly converting presell pages with a little knowledge of copywriting.
  • How to create opt-in forms that are pleasing to the eyes and convert nevertheless (not those ugly forms you see everywhere)

And in the second part of this module…

  • You will also be shown how to link any email marketing platform (Getresponse, Aweber, Convertkit, etc) to your form without having to manually export them…
  • And many more…


(You don’t have to spend a lot of money before selling out your affiliate offers)

If you create the best funnel and you aren’t pushing traffic to it…

It’s a waste of time and money…

And there are two major forms of traffic…

The FREE traffic and PAID Traffic…

And in this module, details on how to go about FREE TRAFFIC GENERATION will be discussed

This means FREE visitors and buyers and customers and leads…

They come to you by themselves without following them with adverts…

And the best part of this traffic method is that…

They already trust you even before getting to your affiliate link…

And that means automatic sales for you…

So in this module, You will be shown :

  • How to write pre-sell copies that already put your lead in a buying trance (and he has no choice but to click on the sales page button to buy)
  • How to write follow-up emails that will keep bringing in money for you on autopilot…

You see, no matter how good your presell page or even your affiliate sales page is…

Some people won’t buy immediately which is human nature…

……. that’s why you need follow up messages that you will write once and they will keep vomiting money for you over and over again…


When starting out your affiliate program…

One thing you want to take note of is to be prudent in your spending…

You don’t want to start employing all professionals immediately when you start when you still have some free time on your hands…

So you want to learn how to do little things and one of the little things is…

Knowing how to design your advert creatives easily using simple free apps…

And mind you, these images will convert easily and faster because simplicity is key…

In this module, You will be shown:

  • The psychology behind creating highly converting ad creatives
  • What to include to make people stop in their tracks anytime they see your ad creative (it’s not pattern interrupt)
  • How to quickly get a nice and converting ad creative under 1 hour without stress…


(How to always stand out when promoting your affiliate offers)

It’s very easy to fall into the trap of doing the same thing other affiliate marketers are doing…

But unfortunately, these normal ways won’t make you the kind of money that will pay your rent, give you financial freedom or even autonomy…

And you don’t want to settle for crumbs…

That’s why this module was divided into two (2) parts…

In the first part, you will be dealing with marketing ideas that will make you unique in your market…

And in the second part, we will be talking about paid traffic and how to make them work in your favor every time.

These are some of the things you will be discovering in this module:

  • How to easily come up with big ideas to sell your affiliate offer easily from your day-to-day activities…
  • How to use bonuses to jump-start your sales easily and efficiently in no time…
  • How to run Facebook ads that will keep you off Facebook ban radar without ever using VPN
  • How to run Google ads that convert at the lowest cost possible…
  • How to target the right audience for your affiliate offers…
  • How to use propeller ads and the best one to use for maximum and cost-effective results
  • How to use Zeropark to run your domain redirect ads without making it look annoying to your readers that will soon be buyers…
  • Etc..


(Build, nurture and milk your list to turn them to repeat buyers)

An affiliate marketer that doesn’t have a list is a big joker…

Your list is very important just as your affiliate offers…

And in this module..

  • You will be shown how to create your list easily (either on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, or even email)
  • You will be shown how to nurture them easily without losing them… And the biggest part?
  • You will be shown how to leverage other people’s lists to sell your affiliate offers easily and with no extra charges.

And this will take us to the final module of this course…


This is exactly where I will be showing you how to separate the wheat from the chaff…

  • You will be shown the real and easiest way to forge ahead in your affiliate marketing business…
  • You will be shown what to take seriously and what to discard in your journey…

And finally, you will start walking your journey to financial freedom…

And it all starts with a step…

Now, I know you are bubbling with excitement…

You can’t wait to get this course and start making money…

Which is very much understandable…

Especially as there will be a limited slot open for the course…

But that’s not all I will be providing for you in this course…

Immediately you purchase this course., you will also get access to….

Guidance, Support, and Timely Answers to your Questions

Everything inside this course is very easy to understand…

But I know you will have a few questions here and there along your journey…

And you’ll want to interact with like-minded Affiliate Marketers too.

That’s why this group has been created,

So as you go through the course,

If you have any questions, or you need guidance at any point…

Just send a message to the support group

And today,

People are making a LOT of money for themselves

Thanks to what I showed them.

And the same is possible for you,

If you’re serious enough to put in the work.

So how much should you invest in this program??

My mentor could easily charge N50,000 for 1-year’s access to this program,

And it’d still be an amazing bargain

But your investment today is N30,000 only.

NOTE: This course is not limited to a particular country alone it’s worldwide.

It’s a one-time (one-off) payment.

And you’ll easily make that money back 5x, 10x, 20x back, the first 6 months you start using what you learn from me.

Let’s say the first two months were a rough one (which you will make more than your investment here)

In the 3rd month…

You did a whooping N300,000 in affiliate commission…

In one month,

That’s a 1000% (10x) Return on your N30,000 investment.

If you’re pocketing N300,000 a month,

I don’t think you’ll be worrying so much about money as most people do…

See it as an investment that will continue to fatten your bank account for as long as you’re an affiliate marketer…

Even if you decide not to do Affiliate Marketing anymore, the knowledge you would have gathered would still be worth it 100x.

Meanwhile, that’s not all I have to give to you.




Sultan Adeleke
Affiliate marketing made easy 2022

Affiliate marketer and WhatsApp marketing expert