Dear Kids: I’m Probably Going to Die.

From my generation to yours: I’m sorry.

Dr. LauraMaery Gold, LMFT
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2020


Empty streets. (Image credit: Pxfuel.)

Italy has stopped treating elderly COVID-19 victims. Hospitals there are now reserving medical treatment for young people. (Source)

Medical “ethicists” think that wouldn’t happen in other places. (Source)

Um…Yes it will. And it should. Because if you don’t prioritize saving young lives, you sentence the young to death. And that’s not the best, or most ethical, use of finite resources.

Which means that I — an “elderly” person — will probably die.

I hope I’m not being dramatic or maudlin, but rather rational. This is a pandemic, and death is a statistical probability. Within the next few weeks, much of my generation will depart this life.

But I’ve had more than half a century to prepare, so as hard as it is to say this: I’m sorry to be leaving you behind.

On behalf of my entire generation: I’m sorry to miss your triumphs, your adulting, your parenting, and your old age.

I’m sorry not to have left you a better legacy — one where we talk openly and gently about how we feel. One where we didn’t discipline harshly just because we were disciplined harshly…



Dr. LauraMaery Gold, LMFT

Therapist, author, and felicitously married mother of seven, writing on communicating clearly and partnering perfectly. Obsessed with