Affogato at ETHDenver BUIDL Week

Launching our Proof of Concept!

Robert Lee
3 min readJun 14, 2019


After bootstrapping for months, we needed to test our platform, and there was no place better than at ETHDenver, an ETHGlobal event. We arrived a few days earlier to attend the ETHDenver BUIDL Week, and the goal was to test our first proof of concept with other people also interested in blockchain and crypto.

We were lucky to be offered a hosting opportunity during BUIDL Week, so we presented our platform during a meetup, titled: Equitable Income for Farmers with Transparent Supply Chains: Affogato Network.

Cristian Garner presenting the Affogato Network platform

There were many questions during the Q&A portion. Then we gathered in the cafeteria to drink some coffee from Honduran farmers’ bags we were selling. People could scan the coffee bags and see the coffee batch and profile they were drinking. There were several questions about our platform, the coffee industry, and one person even tried to persuade us to sell only in Bitcoin :p

Robert Lee talking coffee Economics and crypto

We learned some stuff from :

  1. Interest: there is definite interest in coffee economics and how our platform could help coffee farmers.
  2. Stories: everyone has a story about coffee. Whether from traveling, or from consuming, there’s an affinity for coffee and where it comes from.
  3. QR codes: some people are very familiar with QR codes, while others are not. In some countries, QR codes are everywhere and there’s no need to explain how they work. iPhones make it easy since you don’t have to download a QR reader for Android phones.
Getting ready to scan the QR code

Overall, a great experience during BUIDL week. There are lots of meetups and workshops, and a great place to test your products with like-minded blockchain enthusiasts. If you’re going to ETHDenver in 2020, we definitely recommend arriving a few days earlier for BUIDL week.

Oscar Rene explaining the Affogato Network proof of concept

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Robert Lee

Economist, Entrepreneur, Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies