Clean & Sustainable Energy

The future sustainability goal that will be written about in this article will be Clean and Sustainable Energy!

Trends that are related to this topic could be things that are seen on a daily basis such as solar panels, windmills, water energy, etc. Knowing how these work and how they help towards generating renewable energy will help you understand why it will help the environment and other benefits.

I’m personally interested in this goal because clean and sustainability energy seems like the only inevitable path that humans will need to work towards if we as a species want to continue our life / legacy on Earth. Using gas and fossil fuels in a lot of our daily lives, such as cars are attributing to the increase in our climate change. In addition to it helping climate change, I believe that as technology advances, so will clean and sustainable energy. There must be other way to harvest energy besides solar panels, windmills, etc.

Some people that could benefit from my findings would be those who are working to fight climate control, want to learn how technology can advance for clean energy, and students. If they don’t already know a lot about the topic, they could get a glimpse of what clean and sustainable energy would be like / what we are heading towards.

Some things that I personally already know about the topic is that if humans together as a society, don’t work together to fix climate control, we could cause permanent damage to the Earth by adding pollution to what is already in our atmosphere. The smaller countries who don’t have access to health care could depend on Clean and Sustainable energy to help power their fights against pandemics such as COVID and future natural disasters if they were to occur. It’s not easy to obtain clean and sustainable energy though, it is quite costly because everything is relatively new. As we progress more into the future and technology becomes the norm, I believe that prices will go down and society will adjust to clean and renewable energy.

Some important questions that I have for my research would be

  1. Would having renewable and clean energy that is enough to power society, still going to create jobs?
  2. Will it help the climate control change?
  3. What happens if the devices for extracting energy stop working (such as solar panel is blocked, there is no wind, etc)
  4. How efficient is renewable energy really?

