5 Key Lessons I’ve Learned from Building E-Commerce Businesses from Scratch

Sander Kah
Published in
6 min readAug 3, 2023

Hello there! I’m Sander, a dutiful pilot with KLM, but that’s just my day job. When I’m not soaring in the clouds, I dive into the exciting world of startups and e-commerce. Over the last decade, I’ve worn multiple hats — a serial entrepreneur, co-owner of a software company (Afosto), and an ardent business-scaling enthusiast.

With a proven track record in building businesses from scratch, I’ve played a crucial role in helping various startups transform into 7 figure companies. My experience spans across diverse e-commerce ventures I’ve personally launched, which has ingrained me with valuable lessons. I’m also the head of new business at Afosto, where I assist our clients in reaching their business objectives and scaling their operations through smart software solutions.

But why am I telling you all this? Well, because I want to share the wisdom I’ve gathered from my entrepreneurial journey. It’s been a thrilling ride, filled with successes, failures, and learnings that have shaped my approach toward e-commerce.

So, whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, an existing e-commerce business owner looking to scale, or someone with a keen interest in the startup world, you’re in the right place. Read on as I unveil the 5 key lessons I’ve learned from building e-commerce businesses from scratch.

Lesson #1: Doing Your Homework: Market Research Before Launch

Picture this: launching a new e-commerce business without doing your homework is like betting your life savings on a horse race without checking the odds. Not the best strategy, right? And, I can tell you this from first-hand experience!

Now, my approach is different. Before starting a new venture or expanding my product range, I take on the role of a detective, scouting the online landscape. Are folks looking for my product? How are my competitors pricing? Can we jump in and still turn a profit? Think of market research as your map to treasure island — ignore it at your own risk!

Lesson #2: Measured Risks: Testing Before Investing in E-Commerce

Jumping head-first into a business without testing the waters isn’t just risky, it’s like flying a plane without a pre-flight check — and I wouldn’t advise either. Once your market research is complete, it’s time to take a small step forward, to test your assumptions.

Imagine setting up a lean, straightforward e-commerce website as your proving ground. The design is simple, the checkout smooth, and your product page is where the magic happens. It’s where customers decide if they’re buying or browsing. To convince them, answer their burning questions clearly:

  • What’s the price?
  • Are there any shipping fees?
  • When will I get it?
  • Is my purchase guaranteed?
  • Have others bought and loved this?

The goal is to validate your product and the market with minimal risk, turning assumptions into data-driven decisions. It’s like taking a test-flight before the big journey!

Lesson #3: The Pitfall of Overanalysis: Avoiding Decision Paralysis

There’s an unspoken rule in the business skies and the startup scene alike: time equals money. If you find yourself stuck in the research phase or constantly comparing variables without taking action, you’re burning fuel while still on the runway. Remember: real learning happens in-flight, in the heart of the actual market dynamics.

Overanalysis is a sly beast that often leads to decision paralysis — an overthinking state that hampers progress and freezes action. It’s like waiting for the perfect wind speed before taking off — you could end up grounded indefinitely. In my early days, I found myself caught in this waiting game, hoping for the ‘perfect moment’ or that ‘last bit of data’. But in the high-speed world of e-commerce, such hesitation can mean missed opportunities or even worse, giving competitors a free pass to take the lead.

These days, I’ve adopted a more action-oriented approach. Sure, I start with the basics and make informed assumptions, but more importantly, I get the wheels off the ground and adapt mid-flight based on real-world feedback. Remember, you don’t have to have everything figured out before you start. Get up in the air, and trust yourself to navigate the journey as it unfolds.

Lesson #4: Design on a Dime: Cost-Effective Aesthetics for E-Commerce

Launching a webshop often comes with a daydream — of droves of customers pouring in, marveling at the pixel-perfect design of your site, and clicking that ‘buy now’ button without a second thought. However, as someone who’s played this game before, I have to bring you back to reality: that’s usually not how things play out.

Web design, while undoubtedly important, is not the be-all and end-all. An effective e-commerce site needs to be user-friendly and intuitive, not just pretty. Sure, a well-designed website can nudge your revenue up a notch, but it’s not a magic wand that transforms browsers into buyers. What truly matters to customers are simple things — clear pricing, delivery timelines, and reassurances that others trust you too.

A crucial element of your site is the product page — the battlefield where most purchase decisions are won or lost. It should be straightforward and informative, showcasing your price, shipping time and costs, warranty information, and customer reviews or other social proofs. This simplicity not only aids your customers in their buying process but also optimizes your resources. After all, design is important, but it’s not worth breaking the bank before you’ve proven your sales capability. Remember, being cost-effective is not about being cheap; it’s about being smart with your investments.

Lesson #5: The Numbers Game: Why SEO and Analytics Matter Most

The digital world, my friends, is a numbers game. Data is the king that rules this kingdom, and Google is its prime minister. Jokes aside, one cannot overstate the importance of setting up Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google Ads from the get-go. Think of it as setting up your own personal oracle — a reliable source of information, guidance, and insights.

When you first create a Google Ads account, go ahead and pause the initial campaign right away. This nifty trick gives you access to a treasure trove of tools to help select the right keywords for your product and category pages. But remember, don’t dive headfirst into paid advertising before ensuring your technical SEO is on point. You want the heart of your website — its content and technical framework — to be sound and solid. This way, you’ll start ranking for the keywords that are key to your business, making every click on your paid ads count, and importantly, cost less!

Use Google Analytics to understand your audience — where they’re coming from, what they’re doing on your site, and what makes them tick. Google Search Console, on the other hand, shows you how you’re performing in search results and which keywords are drawing in the free organic traffic. Consider these tools your secret weapons in the e-commerce battle, helping you navigate the landscape, spot opportunities, and seize them before anyone else does!

To Infinity and Beyond: A High-Five to You!

Well, folks, we’ve had a whirlwind journey through the exciting, sometimes challenging, but always rewarding world of e-commerce. A heartfelt thank you for staying onboard throughout this voyage!

Remember, as you embark on your e-commerce endeavors, the lessons learned are the stepping stones to success. So, do your homework, dip your toes in the water, sidestep overthinking, be frugal with design, and harness the superpowers of SEO and analytics.

And as we wrap up, don’t let the conversation end here! I would absolutely love to connect with you further and continue our chat on LinkedIn. Feel like catching up over a virtual coffee and discuss everything from market research to the latest SEO trends? Well, hop on over and connect with me!

Remember, the e-commerce journey is like a thrilling roller coaster ride — there will be ups, downs, twists, and turns. But hey, that’s where the fun is, right? So keep exploring, keep innovating, and let’s ride this roller coaster together. Until next time!



Sander Kah
Editor for

Pilot turned entrepreneur. Scaling businesses with Afosto. Sharing tips on e-commerce, tech, & investments. Dad-to-be, sports lover, adventure seeker.