Explore Africa provides high-level insights into the current landscape of the Travel/Tourism Industry in Africa; We engage professionals, industry stakeholders, tourism practitioners, regulatory organization etc on the current Trend on the business of travel/tourism in Africa; identifying Trends from the South to the East and West and also discuss some of the current challenges across the different region.

By 2020, it is expected that 1.5 billion international trips will be taken — World Travel Market Africa 2017 Travel into Africa for business and leisure is on the rise, with 39 million inbound trips expected annually in Africa by 2020 — World Travel Market Africa 2017. Online sales power is on the rise. “Mobile is proving to be a game-changer with mobile bookings and sales increasing at an alarming rate — Euro-monitor International

While “business and leisure are prospering” in Africa, leisure travel does not compare to business even though it’s picking up and niche tourism is the reason for leisure tourism — World Travel Market Africa 2017.

Originally published at www.africabusinessradio.com.

