5 Steps to Creating Awesome Products from Nandi Mobile CEO, Anne Amuzu

Mel Bailey
Africa Rizing
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2015

Meet Anne Amuzu, CEO and co-founder of Nandi Mobile, an award-winning startup from Ghana that delivers custom mobile messaging services to area businesses. Watch her share her story of success and then check out her 5 steps to creating awesome products.

Step 1: Know Your Customers

Research and define your market. Then, test your idea with your target customers to really hone the features of a new product before you start building. In the beginning the team at Nandi Mobile spoke with people we thought would be using our products. We went through a lot of interview stages, asking, with what they do right now, would they be willing to use our product? How would they use it, what features would be necessary for them?

Step 2: Prototype & Test

Use the information from those in-person interviews to build a testable prototype. Early prototyping allows you to work out any bugs and also create more demand for the real thing from your targeted customers.

Step 3: Pitch & Market

Once you know your product and have customers interested, the next step is to get investors interested too. Or, look for alternatives to provide seed funding. Here in Ghana, it’s hard to find financing but it’s getting better. Competing at MEST and receiving support through its entrepreneurship program is what helped Nandi Mobile get started.

Step 4: Be Ready to Iterate

Make sure your team is all on the same page with the priority features of your product and create that version 1.0. Be confident in your product, know it’s something your target clientele really want, but also listen for feedback and be prepared to iterate and make updates when you need to.

Step 5: Promote

Always promote your products! In addition to having a personal twitter page, Nandi Mobile has a combined network on Facebook and Twitter of more than 6,000 to help promote new features and receive feedback from customers.

Get Connected

more on Anne Amuzu and Nandi Mobile:
Read our profile on Anne Amuzu where she discusses her rise to CEO and the challenges she faced along the way as a female entrepreneur in Ghana.
You can also follow her on twitter, @Ewoenam and connect on Linkedin

Nandi Mobile’s first product, Infoline, allows local hospitals, churches, NGOs and other organizations to track customer comments, send bulk messages using SMS, or market specific elements of their organization to potential clients. Find Nandi Mobile online at http://www.nandimobile.com or on Facebook and Twitter

also mentioned:
Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology, on Twitter @MESTghana
Learn more about their programs for entrepreneurs at, meltwater.org



Mel Bailey
Africa Rizing

Multimedia Journalist, Formerly Digital Media Specialist @VOA_News in #Dakar, @NYU Alumna mes tweets n'engage que moi https://www.linkedin.com/in/bymelhbailey/