Kicking Off #NVDay15 with a Young Bunch on the Streets of Adjirigano

Eunice Ofori Onwona
Africa Rizing
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2015


Getting an Early Start

ADJIRIGANO, ACCRA — The students of the Learning Skills Centre, a pre-school and primary school that promotes inclusive education, got their hands a bit dirty on a Friday morning to help kick-start a weekend long series of events across Ghana, leading up to National Volunteer Day on September 21st.

1st grade teacher, Serwah Agyeman Nkansah of the Learning Skils Centre

First grade teacher, Serwah Agyeman Nkansah, said in the weeks leading up to NVDay15, students were asked how they could help make their community a better place.

She said some suggested donating clothes and food to the needy, while others suggested planting trees. Eventually she said, the students decided to hold a clean-up exercise and water the plants and flowers on their school’s street. Nkansah said she is a believer in volunteerism and getting an early start at it, “the children need to learn good values today, to make their country a better place. If we teach them to pick up after themselves now, in class and at home, when they are older, they will not litter .

Here’s why these 5-year-olds from Nkansah’s class at the Learning Skills Centre said they are volunteering.

“It is good to clean up. I am helping a lot of people and I am happy to help them.” — Missionelle Molayo

“I like cleaning up with my friends. My parents will be happy with me because I did a nice job for everyone.” — Malike Edudzie

Why I Volunteer

Check out all the photos below from more students at the Learning Skills Centre and be inspired by some of Ghana’s youngest volunteers as they kickoff this year’s National Volunteer Day.

With #NVDay15 underway, the @africarizing team wants to see you in action. Share your pictures and videos with us on Twitter and Facebook, and tell us why you’ve decided to volunteer using the hashtag, #WhyIVolunteer.

First grade students line up, in preparation for the day’s activities
Students get glove-ready
Instructors distribute garbage bags to students
Students pick up plastic waste on the street where their school is located
Team work makes the dream work or in this case, gets the bucket to the other side of the road
Students water the plants and flowers outside their school compound
Ahead of Founder’s Day on September 21st, students honor Kwame Nkrumah, whose sacrifices for the nation are an example of volunteerism

For more information on Ghana’s National Volunteer Day or to get involved, check out the Ghana Volunteer Program at and follow #NVDay15 on Twitter



Eunice Ofori Onwona
Africa Rizing

Never enough news, plane rides or food for this girl. Digital Media Specialist #DC #ACC