We Need Trayvon’s Law

J.A.M. Aiwuyor
African Americans
Published in
1 min readSep 30, 2014


We need Trayvon’s Law. Time out for people using “fear” as an excuse for killing innocent Black women and men. They act like fear is an unique excuse. Get real. This is America, of course they’re afraid of Black people. It’s all that’s been taught. That “fear” is essential to their privilege. It’s the bat signal for modern day lynch mobs. The moment they say, “I was scared,” it really means, “He was Black, so you understand, he was dangerous. And reacting to this danger of Blackness is normal.”

The jury understands this defense, because they too have been indoctrinated with this same fear. This is how we continuously get the not guilty verdicts and non arrests.

It’s time for Trayvon’s Law. No, I’m not under the false impression that it will stop the murders. However, it would add another dynamic in which this fear can no longer be a “legitimate” excuse.

Oh, you were scared? We’ll help you deconstruct this fear from prison.

Jessica Ann Mitchell is a writer, poet and activist. Learn more about her work at JessicaAnnMitchell.com and OurLegaci.com.



J.A.M. Aiwuyor
African Americans

Poet | Writer | HuffPost Contributor | Founder @JoinBBC & @OurLegaci