Jonathan Kibe, ALA class of 2016


A Poem by Amina Ndagire

Hey, it’s 03.13am and I’m still putting together my letter to God about you

I told Him how I appreciate the work He is doing in you

About how beautiful a masterpiece you are

I thanked Him for what I feel about you

And disclosed to Him how much I love you

I thanked Him for letting me let you in

See, I always prayed to Him to help me love

And by love, I mean the way I love you

How recklessly and carelessly I adore you

It’s inexplicably beautiful. It’s insane….

Isn’t it insane how I love you for no apparent reason

Not the money, not the gifts, not the beauty nor your intellectual capacity

Isn’t it insane how the answer to why I love you this much is:

“I don’t know. Nothing. I just do. I just want to feel this fully.”

Now don’t get me wrong

I appreciate all the good things about you

But awkwardly, I love the shortcomings too.

You know, that beautiful way you stroke your hair

It messes it up too

I try to suffocate what I feel for you

I punish myself for every night I look forward to seeing you in the morning

But trying to suffocate this only suffocates me

So I have now let it be. I have accepted it

And you know the result? More of it.

This feeling

You know this whole thing…

The whole thing of loving you for no reason?

It scares me

It creates a fear in me

That just like I loved you out of the blue, I will “unlove” you for no reason

To be honest I don’t want to

I want to feel this for as long as I can

It’s intense. It’s deep

It’s unlike anything I have felt before.

See when I found you, I found joy and happiness

That money, power and people didn’t give me

I developed a feeling for you that made me overflow with love and peace

And now that I know….

Now that I know what life has brought to me through you, I am going to recklessly and carelessly love you

I don’t know if you have ever felt what I feel for you for anyone

And I don’t even think you could slightly ever feel the same for me

But that’s not what matters

This feeling I have doesn’t have to be mutual for it to exist

Fact is that I have it and I will recklessly feel it for you

I know you don’t understand what’s going on

That’s okay. You don’t have to

I don’t understand it either

And to be honest, many times it feels crazy

For now I am willing to be crazy.

Who said I have to be sane after all

“I wrote that when I realized that the experiences we go through with people shape how we interact those we meet later. I realized that if new interactions are to be fruitful and require trust, we need to make an effort to heal from what broke us before in order to make the best of what we have in the present.”

Amina Ndagire, from Uganda, is ALA class of 2015. Email her at

