“All the Good Things and The Bad Things..”

Bailey Boner
African Music in the New World
3 min readNov 20, 2019

Salt-N-Pepa is female Hip Hop Trio that formed in 1985, but their fame took off in 1987. The trio became famous during a time when there were not many female artists in the Hip Hop industry. Women were sexualized and objectified by male artists and many females found it distasteful. Salt-N-Pepa were not afraid to sexualize women and talk about the topics male artists do. They were comfortable sexualizing themselves, and that is what helped make them famous. They used this fame to talk about women empowerment, sex, drugs, and so many other topics. Salt-N-Pepa create resistance through their song “lets talk about sex” through the use of descriptive and graphic rhyming words to convey their message about women empowerment, practicing safe sex, and the dangers that can come if you do not. Salt-N-Pepa also use upbeat and simple melodies and harmonies to make thier song catchy, allowing their message to “stick”.

“Let’s Talk About Sex was a ground breaking song not only for the Trio but the whole hip hop industry. They brought in social issues, made it fun, and made an impression and a legacy. (messenger). The trios use of rhyming words such as spore, pores, yours, which is located in lines 14–15 in verse three; are used to talk about the symptoms of STD’s. Could be and should be, located in lines 9–10 of verse one; are used to describe how sex can happen, but also how it should happen safely. Sex is never perfect, but both parties should find it enjoyable, no one should be uncomfortable or forced. And topic and stop it, located in lines 5–6 of verse one; are used to say that this is a natural occurrence that everyone will go through in their lives, and no one can stop them from talking about it. The song does not contain any allusions because it like a public service announcement. They are honest and use common words associated with sex.

The tempo is upbeat, but the rapping and singing throughout the song vary in speed, which keeps the song intriguing.The trio raps each verse together, but not always at the same times. They mix talking lines with rapping.When they rap verse three, the beat slows down, almost stops at the beginning so that you hear the trio very clearly. This rap is where, a lot of main points that they talk about reside.The beat slowly picks up, but never changes from the original tempo we heard in the introduction.

Their songs lets women know that they can be sexy and powerful and have any man they desire. They also however warn, that men will do or say anything to get into a woman’s pants. Salt-N-Pepa are known for being fun, sassy, and independent women, they give their fans what they want to hear. (Cain).

Salt-N-Pepa was a young female Hip Hop trio that changed the rap world. They stood up to men by showing that they too can sexualize women, talk about sex, drugs, and violence. They are a group of young women who want to empower other young women for years to come. They have shown that it is not a mans worlld and women are incharge of their own sexuality. They also have shown us that by talking about what makes us uncomfortable in a honest, and upbeat way it creates a lasting message. Salt-N-Pepa’s success on their song “lets talk about sex” has lasted them for deacades. Their ability to create such an impactful message on a controversial topic is admirable.

Cain, J. D. (n.d.). The Growing Pains of salt ’n’ Pepa. In Essence. Retrieved from Hoover Library database. (Reprinted from Essence, 25(5), n.d.)

Crosley, H. (2007, Dec 01). Let’s talk about success. Billboard — the International Newsweekly of Music, Video and Home Entertainment, 119, 38. Retrieved from https://hoover2.mcdaniel.edu:2443/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/1015464?accountid=12333

Messenger, R. (n.d.). Salt-N-Pepa Could Make Any Mans Eyes Pop… Canberra Times. Retrieved from https://advance.lexis.com/document/?pdmfid=1516831&crid=d22987e1-b784-46a7-98cf-980d1e417132&pddocfullpath=%2Fshared%2Fdocument%2Fnews%2Furn%3AcontentItem%3A450R-BFP0-0045-54H0-00000-00&pddocid=urn%3AcontentItem%3A450R-BFP0-0045-54H0-00000-00&pdcontentcomponentid=161300&pdteaserkey=sr1&pditab=allpods&ecomp=wp79k&earg=sr1&prid=7c9dcf7b-48b3-4325-99f2-7669286963ed

