Rock Your Way to Costa Rica

Sam Slater
African Music in the New World
2 min readMay 3, 2019

Rock music for generations that has been a fan favorite to many listeners around the world. Ever since the 1950s when this genre first took off in The United States. In the early years of rock and roll, artists like Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry were the one who really got the attention of listeners in the US, it was about 10–15 years later when the rock genre expanded to other countries around the world. When other countries picked up the genre of rock, and tried to run with it, many were successful because they were able to realize the background and what rock music originally consisted of. It was known that originally, rock music was a mix between country music as well as rhythm and blues music. As the years go on with this genre, it is leading into more of its own genre and straying away from using the characteristics of country and rhythm and blues. Especially in other countries like Costa Rica. In Costa Rica there are many genres of music that are listened to by the native people of that country, but rock is one of the genres that has excelled in the sense of being popular in the radio world. The Cost Rican Rock band named Gandhi is one of the main rock bands in this country and is still publishing music today. They have had many hit songs, but have also had their downfalls as a group where they would separate for a short period of time so they could all regain what they were really made of in order to create the

In Gandhi’s song titled El Invisible, the use of a metronomic pulse, hollers, call and response, found instruments, and the constant repetition of melodic figures and phrases contribute to the sound of this song in order to allow the song to tell a message of about popular problems that are currently happening, not only through what the lyrics are saying. When used they also bring more culture into the song and make the song not only more enjoyable, but also able to interact with.

