New Writers Needed — The launch of African Palaver.

Black, Brown, White, & All Colours Welcomed.

African Palaver


Photo by Alicia Quan on Unsplash

I launched a new publication.

Welcome to the birth of African Palaver, complete with birthing pangs and gory effluents.

Despite the difficulty it took to launch this publication, which was made up mainly of my self-sabotaging propensity to procrastinate, the bouncy baby publication has been let out of the gate today, 31st August 2023. APGAR score is yet to be determined.

APGAR score is a scoring system used to assess the vitality of a newborn baby and direct professionals on whether to intervene or not.

Why does African Palaver exist?

Just in case you had that question in mind, unroll your eyes, I have a valid reason.

I conceived this publication as a means to fill a void.

As a writer on Medium, I did not set out to tell the ‘African’ story. I felt and still feel that African writers deserve to tell a diverse tale. We are not all about grief and struggles and the ‘motherland’. I wanted to be seen as a writer and not ‘an African writer’ or worse, ‘a female African writer’.



African Palaver

I believe YOLO, but not in the hippie dare devil kind of way, although I am a bit of a hippie on most days, and I dare to go up against my fears often.