8 Questions That Will Reveal If You Are A People Pleaser or Not!

Do you think of yourself as a person who live for other people or nah? These questions will make you think again!

Nai Sandura
African Thoughts
4 min readAug 10, 2016


“Don’t be such a people pleaser” “Live for yourself” I believe you have heard.

Sometimes you don’t even know that you are such a people pleaser. Its okay to be good with people but its not okay to have your life and happiness revolve around and for other people.

Today lets uncover if you are a people pleaser or not!

  1. Do you think too much about what others think of you?

People pleasers are always thinking too much about what others think of them. Because they are afraid of rejection, they always imagine how others would react to them often a lot.

If you do this you are a foot into the people pleasing wagon!

2. Do you ask for approval often too much?

A people pleaser usually ask for approval even from irrelevant people often too much than they should. A single mom asking her son for approval to date a guy, pleaser. Ask people living around you to get something often always? You are a pleaser! Because pleasers don’t want to disappoint anyone, they always ask.

3. Have you changed your focus in life because of someone?

One of the negatives of being a people pleaser is that you end up doing what other people want for you not what you want to, because again you don’t want to disappoint anyone. People quit jobs they love, do degrees they don’t want and go to places they hate, not for love but to please someone. If you have done one, you are a pleaser my friend!

4. You don’t want a best friend?

People pleasers usually don’t want to tie themselves to only one person. Instead of having a close friend, you want to be approved by everybody. You end up working hard to please the crew and sacrificing close relations.

5. Have a hard time saying no?

Now we are going deep. If you definitely can’t say no! You definitely are a people pleaser. It is due to the fear of disappointing, you feel like saying no will break other people or scared that karma will revenge you!

6. Work too much to finish your work and cover for others?

If you are a workaholic who does their work quicker so they can take on other people’s work, you maybe leaning towards a people pleaser. Most pleasers never have little time to rest because they can’t say no and don’t want to disappoint.

7. Have a budget but often out of money?

This is a funny indicator of a people pleaser, some people are just careless with money, but some people sacrifice their budget to make friends happy. If you are the latter, you might be a people pleaser. You blow your money, not because you need to but because other people want you to.

8. Are you becoming passively aggressive these days?

After doing so much for people, after pleasing people too much, you end up feeling less appreciated and in the end start to resent people. Because you are a people pleaser, you wont show your anger and try to suppress it by being passively aggressive.

Bonus: Lack confidence in yourself? — usually because you always think others are better than you!

Being a people pleaser generally leads to failure of expressing your real feelings to people because you are too nice. You end up sucking everything in and this will destroy you inside.

Express your feelings!

Its okay to be a nice person, but a people pleaser is a too nice person that don’t give others boundaries and end up being a bolder of stuffed pain.

Start taking control of your life today and say no more often, saying what you want and doing what you want more often.

