Be The Bigger Person: Finding Happiness Series

Nai Sandura
African Thoughts
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2016

When it comes to maintaining your happiness, you need to keep your conscience at a balance, thats means you need to be feeling less guilty all the time. One way to achieve this is by being the bigger person!

Being the bigger person means being considerate, giving others a chance. Sometimes it means passing down guilty! What? Am I encouraging you this? Look at this example, you are in a room arguing over something silly, but both of your prides, not wanting to lose make you exaggerate the matter, but then you be the bigger person and withdraw, leaving the other person feeling a short victory. Later when they have calmed down they realise they just lost! LOL…cool right?

I am not encouraging you to trash anyone for the sake of being the bigger person, in fact this is the opposite of being that. When you trash people, that is trying to make them look a little dump than you, you are being the smaller person here. If you still feel like you are winning in life doing this, wait until karma catches up to you. Don’t trash people for the sake of looking better than them, being better is being on the other side of bad.

Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got.

-Robert Brault

You need to start cultivating the behavior of considering other people and your long term happiness, if you have read my last topics, they talk about considering you first, which is what you should do! What you should not do is be overall selfish. There is good selfish, were you are being selfish because you are considering your happiness, but its never good selfish when you are killing other people’s happiness.

You will realise that when you start being the bigger person, you are confident in yourself and never spend the day worrying if you handled that well, you know its your nature to handle things well. Happiness is sister to kindness and kindness always bring with it calmness. If you do not start to be kind and considering others you are only creating a sad future, you are destroying your peace. Start providing the world with love and it will always give you back.

Even when things seem not to be going your way, be the bigger person, be bigger than your problem. Thinking of it, probably the phrase was coined referring to how older people seem to always know how to respond better than a child. Being the bigger person, requires you to be calm through all situations, it might not be your forte, maybe you character is always an over the place kind of person, you know what always help? Imagination. Imagine any situation you think you might find your self in very soon and imagine a response a bigger person would give. Sometimes you don’t have to say anything, avoiding things you know will end up in disaster if you reply is always better than ending in that situation.

Continue to do this and over time you will master the skills of being bigger. Trust me, the feeling is even bigger. I want you to remember this, being the bigger person means being the considering one, being the one to realise how too much pride can ruin everything. A bigger person takes time to apologize even when they are not wrong, a bigger person does not take on petty arguments and a bigger person might not seem the wisest in the room but they are the bravest. You are going to be at peace with yourself and everyone no matter who they are, thats simply being the bigger person!

Be The Bigger Person and Be Happy :-)


