F#ck Viral, You Are Doing Okay!

Even though everything seems to be moving too fast, taking your time is not a bad thing!

Nai Sandura
African Thoughts
2 min readSep 2, 2016


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Viral marketing, viral content, viral video, ‘I wrote a post and it went viral’, all this viral bullshit had me thinking, some time ago, I was doing something wrong because my shit wasn't going viral!

I read books, online tutorials and blogs, watched a few YouTube videos all teaching tricks on how to get your content viral.

This is all BS. I started sacrificing real content for the sake of viral content, hoping I could get that paper as fast as possible.

The Internet age can trick you to think most people’s success was an overnight achievement, when in actual fact it wasn't.

When I started my first blog, I thought ‘Yeah in a few weeks we would be making that $, yah feel me!’ Damn I had so much to learn.

At the age of 22 I already have three failed start ups. What all this taught me is ‘Fuck Viral!’

Now I take my time on things, I work at peace because I know I am not creating shit for viral. Trying to create content for viral always had me on the edge, constantly visiting blog after blog just to see if I am doing everything fine (for virality of course!)

Thinking that there is an overnight success is what will sweat the shit out of you! Don’t work for overnight success, leave that shit alone! Just leave it!

Just do what you love, the best way possible. If your shit (I’m saying shit a lot, shit!) is gonna go viral its because it deserves it, create something that you would want your friends to tag you into, if it was created by someone!

Success will find you doing that.

The universe work on something called principles, just like gravity is supposed to hold you down, hard and smart working is supposed to elevate you! It is what it is!

If you have been stressing a lot on your shit not going viral, just fuck it! You are doing okay. Keep on doing what you are doing, improve it as you go, don’t let the noise about virals sway you.

Perseverance is what is going to make your work worth the pay! But if you choose to quit, don’t forget to start something new. I am happy because I had to quit something, I am glad that I had to quit somethings.

You don’t need to regret ever quiting anything, just don’t stop.

Most people think saying yes a lot is success, I believe a NO is what will lead you to success.

Saying NO will bring you focus, then you have more energy to do what will make you successful.

Keep on moving, you will find your way!

