I feel like the show organizers knew Baba Tencen was going to flop! But why did they included him?

This is where I applaud their strategy!

Nai Sandura
African Thoughts
2 min readAug 9, 2016


Most people have been accusing organizers of the just ended local comedy show [happened in Zimbabwe, at the HICC] where Ugandan comedian Kansiime was performing.

They are asking why include Baba Tencen [a local skit comedian] as one who had never been on a stand up comedy show before [as an act].

These questions are coming after his big flop at the show. Before that no body asked, really! Which is exactly what the organizers wanted [speculation, in fact this whole article is!]

Why do I think the organizers included him?

I think the organizers already knew the man was going to flop (seriously, what kind of promoter wouldn't see this coming), you don’t skip from being a skit comedian one night to being on the biggest stage in Zimbabwe [the HICC] and be any real good, Gonyeti is taking baby steps and doing okay. They must have known this, anybody would have known this!

Its not like we have a shortage of comedians in Zim for them to take on such a risk (hello, Carl! Are you fit enough to break the world record? Doc I see you!)


So why exactly would they do this. Speculation would say they where banking on Baba Tencen virality (not yet in the dict.) I mean the man is a great example of people who have pocketed on viral content in Zim. From making a fun video for a relative to being a sensation on social media.

Say Baba Tencen and almost every Zimbo would want to listen. Kansiime will perform with who? I really want to see how that will turn out! The message spread like fire on social apps, they [promoters] were winning.

Baba Tencen has one really successful skit ‘Kuripwa Kugara’ which he tries to connect on every skit he puts out, how in the dusty hell was he going to last even thirty minutes on the stage?

Another factor which could have led these guys/promoters to take a bite, Baba Tee is still new in the game, giving him a chance on the big stage would really be exciting for him, right? He wont need much $ [again, pure speculation!]

Maybe other comedians were busy, not interested, asking for too much? Or, maybe he really was the organizers’ pick for the show. Whatever the case we won’t stop speculating!

