Start Taking Responsibility: Finding Happiness Series

Nai Sandura
African Thoughts
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2016

Hey, I hope I find you well. Today I will teach you how responsibility is necessary for you to live a happy life. Responsibility is simply accountability over something. It is your ability to choose your response to any situation. Happiness is a responsibility that is upon you, you are the one who is going to keep your life in check for happiness. You are not only responsible for yourself, but a lot of other things.

Some people have taken a defensive mechanism of being careless and not minding anything, maybe because they have been hurt a lot in the past and are afraid to take responsibility for anything. Please I plead with you, repent if you are one. Living a careless life is not living a happy life, you are simply destroying a lot of things, you are simply hiding pain under the pretense of not caring. Like I told you once, pain always demands to be felt, stop covering it up with negativity, feel it once and let go, sometimes pain is just stubborn, I know, but don’t lose responsibility!

Why do I say your happiness also depends on you being responsible? Taking responsibility always brings you in touch with your inner self, your soul. Being responsible is the only way you are going to be successful, if you want to succeed you have to be responsible. When you are accountable of what happens around you, you will always strive to do better, you are going to make sure things don’t fall apart. It is this success and feeling of accomplishment that will bring a smile on your face.

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.

-George Bernard Shaw

Successful people are responsible people, success is not just monetary, success can be in form of school grades, in form of a clean life, in the form of a happy child. You want to pass in school. but not taking responsibility, you want to be a better mom/dad, but you are not taking responsibility, you want to live in a clean city, but you are not taking responsibility. Its always easier for us to put the blame on others for not being responsible, esp on the government, but harder to blame ourselves. Who throws litter everywhere, the citizens, who complains about a dirty city everyday, the citizens. Its a crazy world I tell you!

Once you start taking on responsibility, you will see it hard to always blame others when you realize, you also played a part. Then you start to change, not punish yourself for being irresponsible, but change your behavior to be responsible. If you don’t like something, change it and if you can’t change it, well try anyway. Don’t wait for others to start acting on it, because those others are also waiting for you. This might seem like a long motivational article (yeah it is), but it is also to help you live a better life that will help you maintain your happiness.

It is your responsibility to start creating the life you want, but its not going to happen until you start being responsible, until you stop making it everyone else’ fault not yours. Start registering what you need to do, from today, don’t be too relaxed to let things pass you by, you need to take care of your kids and you need to check on them regularly, you need to pass then you need to start reading, doing your work, you need a promotion at work, you just need to start being responsible. Activate your 6th sense to start telling you what you need to do today.

The sixth sense is your common sense, the sense that always remind you of things, probably you have been ignoring it a long time, but its time to start listening again my dear friend, being happy is not ignoring responsibility. To be happy is a responsibility.

What you are not supposed to do is to load yourself with all responsibility, because all responsibility is not your responsibility. Allow others to do their part also, I would love to do everything, but being a human I am just limited. Please note, trying to do everything will also eat away your happiness, but not doing anything is not the answer either. Do your part, change your life, change life around you!

Be Responsible and Be Happy :-)


