The Fear That Corners Ours Talents!

Sadly its everywhere!

Nai Sandura
African Thoughts
4 min readDec 26, 2016


unwrap your gift!

Life teaches us one big lesson from our childhood, every one of our actions has a repercussion.

You are beaten, shunned, or punished if you do wrong, say something wrong, like something wrong, be something wrong. Its the world we live in.

Later on you start living to avoid these things, you start doing things so that your friends accept you, so that no one laughs at you, so that you fit in. And sadly the only way to do this is kill your inner spirit.

You become scared to express yourself, because you are not sure what expressing your talents will revoke all the time (unfortunately success is not always guaranteed), it becomes natural and easy to just be normal and acceptable, you then package your gifts in a corner and live a life thats not yours, but at least you are normal!

It is fear that was instilled in us from the day we walked this earth, from the day we had family and traditions that tells us whats acceptable, from the day we had friends that we secretly judge others with and the moment we had teachers that punish us when we fail.

We have made failure and being different a big sin.

Even if your talent is as natural as singing (who doesn't love a good voice?), you are scared of messing up the notes, you are scared of looking ugly while shouting out loud, you are scared of falling of the stage and be laughed at (like you did that other dude).

Our talents die, not because we never had them, but because we were afraid to ever try, because we know, nothing in this world comes without a price. There are your friends waiting to laugh at you if you don’t do well (so much of friends, hey), there are bills waiting for you if you quit your job, there are family and community fellows waiting to call you crazy because you don’t want a degree!

If you are reading this from a developing nation you know how deep is what I am talking about. With the high dependency on extended families and reliance on culture to guide our every step, individuality becomes scary. You have a lot of people to disappoint and a lot of things you are not supposed to do.

Even though the new generation is breaking away, our conscience is always cautious not to step too much out of line.

Until we can be motivated by embracing failure, we will always have this fear, afraid to fail because of what might happen, afraid to be different because some may not like it, afraid to try what we love because its not normal.

Our confidence is weeded away by all these forces, we stop believing in ourselves, we stop expressing our passions and we carry other people’s light, we start doing what is right (scratch that, ‘what others say is right’) or what is accepted.

Start doing and stop worrying!

What if is the cancer thats eating your life away. You have so much to give this world but you can never do so if you don’t stop worrying about what could go wrong!

Things go wrong every time, but its not a reason not to try, its not a reason to keep your-inner-self boxed in a corner.

Start shifting your paradigm and believe in failure (it still feels wrong even to me) and the importance of being an individual.

Believe in failure because it is through trying and failing and trying again that we find success. We were taught our whole lives to be scared of failure and because of that we became afraid to try because we might fail. Yes, you will fail sometimes, its the process. So what they laughed at you, so what the world thinks you are weird, so what??

Believe in being an individual because you are the only one who can do what you do, because you are the only one who knows what exactly your heart desire and in those desires is a talent waiting to be unleashed.

Fear will always be part of our lives, its in our chemistry, but let it not stop you from being happy, from getting what you want and being who you want to be.

That weird, unacceptable, ‘what the hell are you thinking’, ‘what if I fail’, ‘no one does this’, talent of yours is the reason you are alive, start living IT!

