Third World Insecurities

Our instincts always tell us to run!

Nai Sandura
African Thoughts
5 min readAug 10, 2016


We have been colonized for years, we have been enslaved by white masters, we have been stolen from, we have been told we can’t do it, we have been used in so many ways, tricked by those who opened their eyes earlier than we did.

Seriously what can you expect. Africa has the largest number of third world countries [in general, Africa is a third world continent] Thats why when people say third world you think of Africa.

We have developed so much insecurities, not because we want to, but because we have to.

We have been kicked for so long that we no longer believe a helping hand is just that, a helping hand.

Our insecurities are in everything, we have seen how greedy the west can be, we are observing everything from down south. What seemed to be good intention, Libya is a example, turned out to be greedy intentions. Who is a better master of propaganda than the west.

I am trying to explain in simple words, words anyone can understand, why Africa is still with the largest number of dictators or why some parts of Africa leaders have let their followers die of hunger and refused any aid.

The bigger picture has always told us that help does not come without sacrifices, is this true, maybe not, but we have seen it somewhere.

Everything happening in the world, we are watching.

Third world governments have lost trust in other governments, esp first world governments. They have lost trust yet still need to engage them. The third world know that it cannot survive without first world help, so we hide our insecurities just like first worlds try to hide their pride.

Third world governments have failed to deliver to the people because of their insecurities and in turn they have lost trust in their own people.

Someone may say I am trying to avoid saying Zimbabwe here, but the truth is, its not just in Zimbabwe. Its a situation haunting every third world, insecurities are everywhere.

So, the governments lost trust in other governments and in turn lost trust from their citizens, what a third world dilemma!

Developments have been halted because we have lost trust in each other, each day our insecurities grow is another day we fail to move forward.

Dictators who have been bred under the African sun, continue to rise and stay in power because of these insecurities. Most presidents labeled as dictators in Africa are loved by some of their people, in Zimbabwe its only because we are at an economic melt down that we have started to resent ours.

Trust me if things were going great, we wouldn't care much. These so called dictators promise one thing we love and we know we can always have, sovereignty. The old aged in our countries know how it was to live under colonization, tell them its coming again and they would do anything to stay free again.

Our insecurities have betrayed us!

People like President Mugabe have stayed in power not because they are good at rigging [one of the over exaggerated points by people who don’t want to face the truth.] Maybe they have rigged, but there must have been a large number they had to tweak.

Living in this country, I have seen how its done, I have seen (although from a distance) I have noticed the winning factor.

Post-independence parties (the ones that have brought freedom, or was in power soon after independence) dominate as ruling parties in most of Africa, why? Because they promise security!

We have been told and also have learned (from seeing) that not all western agendas are for everyone’s good, they are looking out for themselves also.

It is our hope they stop seeing Africa as just a land of colonies they used to own, but as a nation that is growing into a giant, maybe they do, but our insecurities have already betrayed us!

Third world countries need to start trusting again, insecurities have caused us troubles, led to the rise of overstaying leaders, poor development, more sanctions and God knows what.

If we had never been colonized, never been stolen from and never been enslaved, we wouldn't be so insecure, (I am mostly talking for our elders who may believe we are only still free because they are still alive, maybe its true.)

To them, they are doing nothing wrong, but just protecting a legacy they swore shall never be colonized again. To them its a favor to us all.

So when you ask why these people continue to stay in power, I think its more of insecurity, cause nobody knows and when the big push for them to leave office comes from the west, the ones that colonized their countries, it just cements their insecurities. Even though they forget a country is not a possession of one, but all!

I write to provoke, I write to open our minds, I write my thoughts. I am open to any kind of thinking, I never want to limit myself to a theory kind of thinking, so if you feel like I am wrong or want to compliment anything, please let me know!

