What I Always Wanted To Tell Girls In High School

But I didn't!

Nai Sandura
African Thoughts
3 min readOct 14, 2016


She is standing there, trying to play hard to get. Her head in confusion, because she has already fallen! The words of the boy came a little late, a little after her heart had fallen victim to his charm.

“You have to act cool,” she tells her self, “these guys will use you and dumb you quick if you are easy!”

In her mind echoes the sentiments from the old adage, ‘easy come easy go.’ “I wont be easy.”

This is the story of most girls. They tell themselves to never go easy on guys and end up playing hard to get. Hard even when they have already fallen, even when their expressions can’t hide it.

“Its how you build a lasting relationship!”

Is it though?

For long girls have been passing the ball to the guys. They are the ones who have to work for a relationship even though you both want it! If they don’t fight and maneuver their way through those artificial layers you build in the name of trying to protect yourself, nothing happens.

Come on! This is the twenty-first century gurlll!

I was one of the boys who never fell for this shit, partly because I have too much pride (I admit) and partly because I hate when we make life complicated even when its not supposed to be.

I do not live to pursue a relationship! I have lots of other (complicated) shit to do! I am not saying its not worth it to chase a relationship, but if she is making it complicated just for the sake of playing hard to catch, girl bye! I got pride too!

A relationship is a game for two (or more) right? Then lets build it together.

The notion that playing hard to get makes a guy want you more and stay longer is long gone and long proven, not real. Its a story good for a fairytale book!

If a guy is going to dump you, or use you, they gonna do it anyway! How he gets you is not the determining factor. Sorry girls!

A good relationship is where we prove to each other we are worth each other’s time and value each other. A King and a Queen, not a Queen and her servant! If you want to be the Queen, make him a King and he the same.

…and the other thing! ‘I love you’ are not the magical words. If you are still the kinda girl whose waiting to say yes to some words to know that you are in love, its time to upgrade.

I hope you don’t see this as shading on girls, but a relevant advice to help the brothers with real love, but maybe lesser confident. To help you know why that guy hasn't said it.

The words ‘I love you’ are not the reasons she should fall in love with me. I shouldn't ask for a relationship. They call it chemistry for a reason. Let it just happen girl.

I have been with girls who always tried to push me to say the three ‘magic’ words, I just believe love can be expressed and build a relationship over that. Then tell each other how we feel when we are confident enough to!

Making life as simple and enjoyable to everyone as possible!

Don’t ruin the chemistry by playing hard to get, just go for it if your heart wants to and if it doesn't work out, at least you wont kill yourself for not trying!

