The africanDRONE Training Initiative

africanDRONE Organization
2 min readNov 2, 2023

Exploring the Transformative Power of Drones

Screenshot from the second africanDRONE online training, held on October 12–14, 2023.

From October 12–14, a groundbreaking event unfolded in the heart of Africa, as africanDRONE orchestrated a transformative drone training program. With a visionary outlook to harness the potential of drones for societal betterment, this initiative brought together over 100 passionate members from diverse corners of Africa. The central purpose: to equip enthusiasts with skills and knowledge to utilize drones for the greater good.

The ethos of the training centered on accommodating the broad spectrum of interests and goals among attendees, recognizing the common thread that bound them all — the pursuit of leveraging drones for social impact. The program was meticulously curated to cater to a wide variety of drone users, ensuring a bespoke learning experience for each participant.

Leading the charge was africanDRONE co-founder, Johnny Miller, a stalwart in the field. His expertise and experience formed the bedrock of the training, imparting invaluable insights to the eager participants. The sessions spanned a multifaceted array of subjects, encompassing photography, journalism, drone mapping, the diverse applications of drones in the African context, and the winds of technological change.

Miller’s rich sessions delved into the art of photography, elucidating how drones could serve as powerful tools for capturing breathtaking visuals from unique vantage points. Beyond mere imagery, the training delved deeper into the intersection of drones and journalism, exploring how these unmanned aerial vehicles can redefine storytelling and reporting by providing aerial perspectives that were once unattainable.

Undoubtedly, the core of the training lay in the realm of drone mapping — an increasingly crucial domain. Participants were immersed in comprehensive learning on how drones, coupled with mapping technology, can chart unexplored territories and facilitate crucial insights for varied sectors, ranging from environmental conservation to urban planning and disaster response.

The discussions were not confined merely to the theoretical aspects. Instead, the sessions were structured to provide hands-on training, ensuring that attendees acquired practical skills, fostering a more profound understanding of drone operations.

Throughout the training, the underlying emphasis remained consistent: to harness the potential of drones to tackle societal challenges and engender positive change across the African landscape. The program echoed a resounding call for innovation, fostering a community of passionate individuals equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to pioneer drone technology for good.

The africanDRONE training program encapsulated the aspirations of an entire continent, where drones are envisioned not just as technological marvels but as catalysts for societal progress. It served as an empowering platform, paving the way for a new cohort of drone enthusiasts primed to lead the charge towards a brighter, more innovative future.

This expansion elaborates on the event’s purpose, the curriculum covered, and the broader impact it aimed to achieve in the African drone community.

