Welcome to Afro-Cinemaphile!

A Publication for the Love of Black Cinema

Johnny Silvercloud


Michael B. Jordan as Adonis Creed | image credit: Creed III (2023) via Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) Studios

Welcome to AfroSapiophile!

Hello everyone! I am Johnny Silvercloud, the creator and editor-in-chief of Afro-Cinemaphile, the publication for all things Black Cinema!

Origin Story

In 2015, #OscarsSoWhite was trending due to numerous Black talent in Hollywood being ignored. Back then, I wanted to create a podcast channel with my friends, talking about various things concerning Black movies and more. I wanted to create something with a bunch of Black nerds who intelligently view various forms of media through a Black lens.

My friends were not as industrious and dedicated as I was, so while that podcast never got off the ground, it doesn’t mean I dropped the concept.

So with my flagship publication having hundreds of writers and over 2,600 followers, I decided now is the time to create what I wanted to do a long time ago. This leads us to where we are now.

I want to share publication space, with folks with parallel goals to mine. Overall, this is a Black nerd-friendly space.


  • By default, we are anti-racism and anti-sexism in nature. In light of that fact, we know that…



Johnny Silvercloud

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.