Zoe Saldana Playing Nina Simone Was Stupid.

Every argument supporting colorism is a problem.

Johnny Silvercloud


Using a Light-skinned actress when Nina Simone was, without question, dark-skinned is STILL whitewashing. Nina Simone is on the left, Zoe Saldana is on the right.

Colorblind Logic Promotes Colorism (and Racism)

Zoe Saldana has had a problematic relationship regarding understanding how racism and colorism work. Being that she states she was raised to be “colorblind” (read: ignore racial issues like white people), it’s evident that she is Stacey-Dash-Clueless when it comes to what darker-skinned Black women deal with. Maybe she thought this was no different than playing a blue-skinned sapient tribal alien off of Avatar or the green-skinned Gamora off Guardians of the Galaxy. I’ve heard a few black men make this argument. If that’s her logic and yours, then we are in more trouble than I thought.

Black people are NOT aliens or fictional beings. Black people — darker Black people — exist. Some actual people look the part. I have yet to see a living being who literally looks like Neytiri or Gamora. To compare Black people to fictional technicolor beings, you have to be a particular type of stupid.

Nina Simone is a real-life historical domain figure.

But but but… she is a big name!

When playing a historical domain figure, a big name isn’t needed; Nina Simone is the big name. In fact, it’s better to…



Johnny Silvercloud

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.