Chadwick Boseman was More Than the Black Panther

His legacy will inspire Generations.

Estacious(Charles White)
Afro Scribe


Photo by visuals on Unsplash

It’s taken me weeks to write this story about Chadwick Boseman. Honestly, the state of the world has dampened my enthusiasm to write. Usually, for me, its the opposite. I can’t wait to write my commentary on the state of matters. However, now I am mentally and spiritually drained. It isn’t easy finding happiness or positivity.

When Boseman died, something in me wilted. A young man was taken from us by an insidious disease that devastates thousands of families a year. Black Americans are 20 percent more likely to die from colorectal cancer than any other race in America. The man known for playing iconic roles had a limited chance of surviving a stage three cancer diagnosis. It seems Black people can’t win on any battlefield; whether it’s a social and racial justice, education, or health, its always a struggle.

However, Chadwick was an inspiration. A star for us to follow across a dark sky. He gave us hope through the iconic characters he chose to play. He was Jackie, Marshall, James Brown, and ultimately Black Panther. Pimps, players, and drug pushers were roles he would never consider. His art added to the African Diaspora and exemplified the best in Black America. Black tropes and stereotypes were not on his radar.



Estacious(Charles White)
Afro Scribe

I am a southern writer and teacher living in the midwest. I focus on education, poetry, and fiction. I am an award-winning playwright.