Why I Don’t Say Hi in the Midwest Anymore

A bit of politeness goes a long way; trust me

Estacious(Charles White)
Afro Scribe


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

For 17 years, I've navigated the frigid temperatures of the Midwest. However, the attitudes here are just as chilly. Here folks don't wave or speak to you. They can be your neighbors and may only say something when spoken to.

Occasionally, you may see neighbors hanging out, but in my neighborhood, that's not a regular occurrence. I've never stepped one solitary foot in most of my neighbors' houses. A couple of former neighbors invited me in years ago, but besides that, nada.

If I need assistance, I believe my neighbors will help me. It's interesting that when I moved in, my next-door neighbor cut my grass for me because I didn't have a lawnmower, and he shoveled my snow for a while. But I don't get invited for even a beer.

A few months ago, I went to Walmart. I walked up to this guy wearing an ugly ass wig to ask about a manager who worked there. I said, "hello, how are you?" Do you know what this man did?

He smacked his rather dry lips together and rolled his eyes. I consider myself a nice guy, but I wanted to snatch that raccoon cap-looking wig right off his head, but I refrained. So instead, I smiled and asked my question.



Estacious(Charles White)
Afro Scribe

I am a southern writer and teacher living in the midwest. I focus on education, poetry, and fiction. I am an award-winning playwright. estaciousw1914@yahoo.com