7 Ways You’d Experience Reverse Racism if Such a Thing Truly Existed

From where I sit, some of the ways may not be too bad, either

Laura M. Quainoo
Published in
6 min readJun 13, 2022


White people standing in a protest for Black lives, with fists in the air in solidarity. Washington D.C., 2020. Photo Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

More than once in my comment sections here, some White person has declared me to be practicing reverse racism. Loud and wrong as these men are (because it’s almost always White men), the idea of reversing racism is an intriguing one. So, today, I…



Laura M. Quainoo

I write about race, CHOSSA (Children of Stolen & Sold Africans…ie Black people), embracing Africa as our ancestral homeland & other stuff as my Spirit moves me.