A Note About John Fetterman and the Fetishization of Chasing Black Men

Fetterman’s Medium post explaining why he detained an unarmed Black man in 2013 speaks to America's oldest fetish

Arturo Dominguez


Image: John Fetterman at Pop!Tech 2009 in Camden, ME via Creative Commons

Liberal darling Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman has been facing criticism over an incident that occurred in 2013 when he made the decision to grab his 20-gauge shotgun and chase and detain an unarmed Black jogger whom he thought might be a shooter on the run.

He responded to criticism in a blog post on Medium saying he respects “the undeniable truth of the hurt, history, and trauma in Black and Brown communities around profiling and recognize the justified outrage and anger,” as any woke White Liberal would. But I honestly expected him to go further by admitting to implicit biases and talking about how he’s grown and learned from the experience. Instead, he went Bill Maher on us and focused on justifying his shotgun-wielding act of racist vigilantism that led to him stopping an unarmed Black man in the street.

He even mentioned how this occurred “in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary child massacre,” invoking a horrible tragedy to assist in justifying his actions. That right there is the same excuse many Americans used for their vigilantism after 9/11. This nationalist…



Arturo Dominguez

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |