A Play-By-Play of a Black Woman’s View of President Biden’s Resignation for Reelection
This article was written real-time, so initial thoughts and new developments are all captured. So, why publish as-is? I think America needs to see the thought process (aka emotional roller coaster) in process.
About 10 minutes ago, approximately 30 minutes after his announcement, my mouth opened, a chill ran up my left arm, and I felt like crying. Although I read the rumors that President Biden was dropping out of the 2024 Presidential campaign, and that we could get an announcement as soon as today, I was utterly shocked to read his letter. I did not think it would happen.
X’s trending topics gave it away as soon as I navigated to the site. I did not have to search, there was the letter as the first post on my timeline.
So, I read it from top to bottom — word for word — already knowing the punch line. I read with anxiety and hope that it would not be so.
The Game of Politics
I don’t know much about the details of how politics or campaigns work, but what is evident is that money and power rule politics more than the people it serves.
It is a very sad day when elite, high-power Democrats can convince a career government servant with integrity and high moral…