Accused White Domestic Terrorist Kyle Rittenhouse Released from Jail

The White Right (Including ‘My Pillow’ Guy & Trump) to the Rescue

Herbert Dyer, Jr.


Image: &Kenosha Police Department

According to one of his many lawyers, Lin Wood, the accused 17-year-old right-wing domestic terrorist Kyle Rittenhouse “is out of jail.” Rittenhouse stands accused of the shooting deaths of two people during a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin in August of this year. He has been released after posting $2 million bail.

Attorney Wood tweeted a “special thanks” to actor Ricky Schroder and the “My Pillow” guy Mike Lindell, both of whom are staunch supporters of Lame Duck Donald Trump, for their substantial contributions to Rittenhouse’s Gofundme “legal defense fund,” which put them “over the top.”

The viral video of the killings show a white man, who appears to be fresh-faced Rittenhouse, in the act of shooting and killing protesters Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum, and grievously wounding a third man.

Rittenhouse is a self-described enthusiast of so-called right-wing “militia” groups, who crossed the state line from Illinois into Wisconsin with the specific purpose of “protecting” the property of Kenosha’s citizenry from “rioters.” Those protesters initially conducted nonviolent demonstrations against that city’s police…



Herbert Dyer, Jr.

Freelancer since the earth first began cooling. My beat, justice: racial, social, political, economic and cultural. I’m on FB, Twitter, Link,