Black History Matters All Year Round

#Hiddenhistory & #Hiddenherstory Compilation #1

Allison Wiltz


Photo Credit | The author Allison Gaines created and owns this photo | made via Canva

Black History Month highlights the triumphs and perseverance of Black people in America and throughout the diaspora. This month offers a great opportunity to learn. However, it’s really tragic we only have a short period of time to educate the public about lesser known facts. For that reason, I am launching a special project alongside Johnny Silvercloud. Each month throughout the year, I will publish a compilation of Black History articles that reveal #hiddenhistory & #hiddenherstory. It’s important for us to push back against whitewashed versions of history that either undermine or misrepresent our accomplishments or struggles.

Some articles you should read, share, and archive:

In his memoir, Northup recounts his early warnings regarding the dos and don’ts of slave life. One of importance is that if he was “ever caught with a book, or a pen and ink, that he would receive a hundred lashes.” Northup realized that slaves were bought to be worked, not educated. With this same understanding, he knew it would be life or death carrying out the opposite to be freed

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Allison Wiltz

Black womanist Scholar bylines @ Momentum, Oprah Daily, ZORA, GEN, EIC of Cultured #WEOC Founder