Centrism Is Always a Performance of Political Narcissism

Centrism is a dance, and it always serves rightwing politics

Johnny Silvercloud


A young white man dressed in a white suit in Washington D.C. during Biden’s inauguration. Photo Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

What Centrism Actually Is

Centrists. There’s an arrogance that goes with centrism that has to be addressed. Centrists always tend to show up as if they know what’s best — perfect center — no matter what. They like to make a lot of assumptions about your stance, and others. And they like to announce they are centrists too.

Centrists usually show up and act like everyone who isn’t them are on equal extremes. They act like, for example, the political left and the political right are the same equal things, as if they are looking at it as if all things exist on an equally-distanced binary where they can count equal footsteps to each.

Centrists look at your political positions without comprehension of power differences, intentions, and other aspects of sociology, economics, etc.

People who state they are centrists are annoying, and I never placed a finger on why until now.

A Dance

Each time someone tells me they are a centrist, I’ll tell them that their position isn’t a real position, and their position is a dance. A performance.



Johnny Silvercloud

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.