Psychology Fact: Colorblind Logic Doesn’t Work

So stop advocating for the erasure of unique Black experiences.

Johnny Silvercloud


Photo of protester by Lafayette Square, Washington D.C., north side of White House. Silence is Violence. Photography Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

If anyone is even vaguely familiar with the Bible, one should know of the story of Adam and Eve. The story consists of Adam, Eve, and a “Tree of Knowledge” that they were not supposed to bite into. Once they both bit the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, they both realized they were “naked”, meaning, they were without clothes. They then went to make clothes upon this newfound knowledge.

Whether you believe in this Bible story or not, the function of knowledge is factual as it’s illustrated in the story of Adam and Eve: basic knowledge cannot be undone. Once they knew they were both naked, they knew what it means to be covered with something or not.

This simple fact of life, how sapience cannot be removed, is the precise reason why colorblindness doesn’t work.

In the story, Adam and Eve could not go back to walking around naked after knowing they once were. If they were to do so, they would be pretending to act like they don’t know they are naked — and pretending to not know something leads to awkward and idiotic results.



Johnny Silvercloud

20 yr U.S. Army vet turned analytical street photographer who talks about power, protest, and politics. Do not defend racism or sexism when I’m in the room.