Drew Brees, Shakespeare, and a Marine Walk Into a Bar…

Dark Green Marine
Published in
6 min readJun 4, 2020

Drew Brees will never get it. Not because he cannot, but because he refuses to.

An establishment shot of a bar at night. Photography Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

With each passing statement made in a recent interview, Breezy made sure to put on public display his lack of knowledge and unwillingness to comprehend the simplest of concepts regarding the ever-present dangers of police brutality. Never mind that George Floyd was asphyxiated in police custody in Minnesota, Ahmaud Arbery murdered by rogue residents in Georgia, Breonna Taylor killed by police in Kentucky, nor the protests across the nation that have been taking place in the names of innocent Black people killed and the injustice that comes along with it — the reason Colin Kaepernick silently protested in the first place.

In the midst of all that has happened and is currently happening across America’s fruited plain, when asked how he thought the NFL would respond to kneeling, Brees stated, “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country.”


The tragedy of his crash and burn was Shakespearean in a theatrical sense, only because his slow demise was of his own doing; however, the nobility associated with characters such as Hamlet, Julius Caesar, or Macbeth would have to be omitted.

He might not appreciate being compared to Othello, either. If you know, you know.


I know of another noble comparison that’s right down his alley.

“Many years ago there lived an emperor who loved beautiful new clothes…,” so the story begins.

You might be wondering why I am referencing a children’s fable. There are a few reasons — mainly because of the simplicity in which I want to relay my message to a certain few who may have trouble grasping the depth of intelligent convo. In the Marine Corps, we used to call it “breaking it down Barney style.” Another reason is because if Brees doesn’t get why Kap was kneeling now, he’s deserving of ridicule.

One day two swindlers came to the emperor’s city. They said that they were weavers, claiming that they knew how to make the finest clothes imaginable.
“It would be wonderful to have clothes made from that cloth,” thought the emperor.

The Pass

Night scene in a bar in Honolulu, Hawaii. Photography Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

It was a sight to behold his white fragility on public display as well as the lengths to which he was going in order to dismiss the undeserved advantages afforded his whiteness and avoid the truth behind police brutality and the murders of innocent Black people. His performance was both obvious and painful. It was like witnessing a fully grown man drowning in the shallow end of the pool, flailing in three feet of water. All he had to do was stand up. Or have someone rescue him. Neither happened.

His teammates and fellow professional athletes witnessed his ineptitude on full display. Malcolm Jenkins let it be known that Brees is part of the problem. Lebron James began with “Wow man” then proceeded to express his disbelief.

Folks enjoying the night scene in a bar in Honolulu, Hawaii. Photography Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

If you want to get him to understand what is meant by kneeling, go right ahead. I know full well not to engage in what would ultimately amount to a lesson in futility — largely because I’m familiar with “emperors” of his ilk; hence, no explaining will be done here. There are levels to having an intelligent conversation. The key component is intelligence, without which there will be no discussion of serious note.

There is something to be said about discussing sociological matters in a measured, logical way — free from emotion yet intelligent in delivery, covered in wisdom, flowing with intellect, measured by patience, steadied by consistent and calculated responses, but most of all brimming with love and concern for people. Brees’ response had none of that. A flaw plain to see to the naked eye.

Speaking of nekkid…

The emperor took off all his clothes, and the swindlers pretended to dress him, piece by piece, with the new ones that were to be fitted. Then the emperor turned and looked into the mirror.

While Breezy stands there boasting of his supposed weapon of mass destruction hidden inside his Fruit of the Looms, unbeknownst to him, we can clearly see that he is hung like a light switch. He is embarrassing himself and doesn’t even know it. But keep talking, Breezy. The world is sees you. Should the interviewer have interjected? If allowed to ramble, the emperor would. And he did. A grave is supposed to be about six feet deep if I’m not mistaken. He was at about 9 feet and counting when I paused the video.

The emperor’s ego does not allow for rationale. Instead, he arrogantly strutted down the streets of the city, thinking that he was clothed but deep inside knowing good and damn well that he wasn’t.

The Deflection

Beer Pong in a bar. Don’t bounce in his house. Photography Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

Like the emperor’s new clothes, the facade covering Drew’s persona is more detrimental than beneficial and he is none the wiser. In short, he is what can be correctly defined as a someone who, in reality, wears a cloak of nothingness. He belongs to that common breed whose typical argument is based on the deflection of the subject at hand, ignoring any number of sources that prove their own personal argument moot, and paying no attention to sociological truths that are clearly evident. As a good friend once stated, he “view(s) assertive challenge as hate…constructive conflict as ‘negative’ and anything that allows you to continue on in ways that are destructive to the Black community (which allow you comfort) as ‘positive’.”

All of this stemming from a simple question that the interviewer asked — a question that was graciously prefaced with, “Everyone is looking back now at Kaepernick’s protest from a few years ago, and obviously they were always about police brutality…”

“Goodness, the emperor’s new clothes are incomparable!”

“But he doesn’t have anything on!” said a small child.

The Pick-6

A man and woman drinking together in a bar. Photography Credit: Johnny Silvercloud

Should I be surprised that he refuses to get it even when the truth is laid out before him? No.

Drew Brees is a white man in America, which means he is white privilege personified. He runs away from the truth because he knows he can.

I do not shy from conflict, but I also do not try to explain history’s certainties nor present-day truths to those who are not receptive to change and understanding. It is easy to gauge the depth of their waters. I’ll just say something that starts with “F” and ends in “uck you” and just keep it moving. Others more patient than I with more time than I who are willing to put forth that type of effort have my utmost respect and support.

But in the meantime, Drew, you can get rid of those ass-less chaps now.

You’ve already exposed yourself.

