Black Equality, White Superiority

Brainwashed To Fight For Equality

LaDarius Dennison
3 min readJan 14, 2023


Animation By LaDarius Dennison

One of our major struggles toward liberation is our desire to imitate western society. Western society has brainwashed the fabric of Black consciousness (history, culture, values, and identity) to fight for equality while they fight to maintain superiority. They have made us believe that equality is the key to our liberation. Why are we fighting to be equal to our oppressors?

As oppressed people, we should look at some of the effects that oppression has on us. The primary impact is the conquering of our minds. Steve Biko points this out clearly in his philosophy of Black Consciousness, “The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.”

Our oppressed minds tell us that fighting for equality in a racist society is a fight for our humanity. That’s insanity. In a racist society, racism must be perpetuated in all areas of people’s activity (economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war). In fact, when we fight for equality in a racist society, we are fighting for better conditions under oppression — Equalicide.

Our history demonstrates that the reward for fighting for equality has been the cultural, physical, psychological, and economic murder of our people. We have destroyed our schools and minds through desegregation, given away our economic power through integration, and failed to see ourselves as a nation to achieve liberation.

Dr. Amos Wilson, a theoretical psychologist, says, “When you allow another people to have control of the consequences of your behavior, they will have control of your creation.” They have created us to be “Equality Fighters” in a society where equality doesn’t exist.

We fight for equal education to be miseducated. We fight for equal rights to be discriminated against. We fight for equal status to be exploited.

We must strive for superiority. We must recognize that superiority represents a form of control. Western society has control of our desires, behaviors, perceptions, and vision to carry out their wishes. That commitment to superiority results from materialism, colonialism, and imperialism. So in order to understand what motivates white superiority, we have to understand the thoughts and behaviors of white supremacy. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, a psychiatrist, says, “The process of decoding a power system and its culture is a necessary first step to achieve behavioral mastery over that system/culture.”

“The secret Europeans discovered early in history is that culture carries rules for thinking and that if you could impose your culture on your victims, you could limit the creativity of their vision, destroying their ability to act with will and intent and in their own interest.” — Dr. Marimba Ani (Yurugu)

We must understand that in order for Western society to thrive, they must keep us brainwashed and oppressed (i.e., racism). This can take many forms: diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, minority scholarships, elevation to high positions in society, participation in majority white ownership groups, and so on and so forth to service white supremacy. Who owns and finances these institutions, initiatives, and scholarships? Who do we work for? The point is they are in control; they analyze, plan, and finance the solution to our problems to maintain superiority. Is this equality? Or are these better conditions under oppression because they have allowed us to participate in their system?

“We have to have the confidence in our ability to make independent Black observations, Black analyses and Black plans for Black action, if not why seek liberation? One never should seek independence from those upon whom one feels permanently dependent, for that would be an act of suicide.” — Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

Therefore, we must decolonize our minds of western thoughts and behavior to regain our consciousness and cultural integrity. We must work together to build new institutions (schools, hospitals, grocery stores, banks, etc.) consistent with our interests to establish equilibrium. We must be superior in our efforts to control our destiny and to ensure our survival as a people.

A different perspective on equality in America.



LaDarius Dennison

Philosopher | Historian | 💎 Gem-Dropper Scholar 📚 | Creative Professional | #BluPhi 🤘🏾