From Badges to Ballots: How Politics Taint Law Enforcement and Need for Reform

Wayne Ince
Published in
7 min readSep 23, 2023

Police and politics have long been entwined, with the relationship between the two often raising concerns and prompting questions. Understanding this connection is crucial in order to address the problems that arise from it and ensure the trust and confidence of the public in law enforcement.

Understanding the Connection Between Police and Politics

The historical context provides valuable insight into the development of police-political relations. Throughout history, the police force has been an instrument of political power, used to maintain control and enforce policy. This has led to a delicate balance between the independence of law enforcement and political influence.

Politics play a vital role in shaping police operations. This can be seen in the allocation of resources, the formulation of policies, and the setting of priorities. Decisions made by politicians can directly impact law enforcement strategies and the effectiveness of crime prevention initiatives.

One significant example of the connection between police and politics can be found in the development of modern policing during the 19th century. In many countries, the establishment of professional police forces was a response to social and political unrest. These forces were often created to maintain order and protect the interests of the ruling elite.

During this time, political leaders recognized the need for a centralized police force to maintain control over the population. They saw the police as a tool to suppress dissent and maintain social stability. This close relationship between the police and politics laid the foundation for the complex dynamics that exist today.

As societies evolved, so did the role of the police. In democratic societies, the police are expected to uphold the rule of law and protect the rights of citizens. However, the influence of politics can still be felt in various aspects of policing.

One area where politics and policing intersect is in the allocation of resources. Politicians have the power to determine the budget for law enforcement agencies, which directly affects their ability to carry out their duties effectively. The allocation of resources can impact the number of police officers on the streets, the availability of specialized units, and the funding for crime prevention programs.

Furthermore, politicians are responsible for formulating policies that guide police operations. These policies can range from strategies to combat specific types of crime to guidelines on the use of force. The decisions made by politicians in this regard can have a profound impact on the daily work of police officers and the safety of the communities they serve.

Additionally, politics can influence the setting of priorities within law enforcement agencies. Politicians may emphasize certain types of crimes or issues based on public sentiment or political agendas. This can lead to a shift in resources and attention, potentially impacting the response to other types of crime or community needs.

Understanding the connection between police and politics is crucial for a comprehensive analysis of law enforcement practices. It highlights the complexities and challenges faced by police agencies in maintaining their independence while operating within the political landscape. By recognizing and addressing these dynamics, policymakers and law enforcement leaders can work towards a more effective and accountable police force that serves the community's best interests.

The Problems Arising from Political Influence

One of the most detrimental effects of political influence on the police force is corruption and the misuse of power. When politicians exert control over law enforcement, it opens the door for bribery, coercion, and other unethical practices. This not only compromises the integrity of the police but also erodes public trust and confidence in their ability to serve and protect.

Corruption within the police force can manifest in various ways. For example, politicians may use their influence to secure favorable treatment for their allies or to shield themselves or their supporters from investigation or prosecution. This undermines the principles of fairness and equal treatment under the law, as some individuals may be able to evade justice simply because of their political connections.

Furthermore, the misuse of power by politically influenced police forces can lead to a disregard for human rights and civil liberties. When politicians prioritize their own interests over the well-being of the public, it can result in the suppression of dissent, the targeting of marginalized communities, and the violation of basic rights such as freedom of speech and assembly.

This erosion of fundamental rights not only harms individuals, but also weakens the fabric of a democratic society.

Moreover, political interference in law enforcement can hinder the impartial administration of justice. When politicians intervene in specific cases or exert pressure on the police to prioritize certain investigations, it raises concerns about the fairness and transparency of the process. This interference undermines the rule of law and can have serious consequences for the functioning of a democratic society.

Impartiality and independence are crucial for the effective functioning of a police force. When politicians exert undue influence, it can compromise the ability of the police to carry out their duties without fear or favor. This can lead to a situation where law enforcement agencies are more focused on pleasing their political masters rather than upholding the law and protecting the rights of citizens.

Furthermore, political interference can also impact the morale and motivation of police officers. When they are subjected to political pressure or are forced to engage in corrupt practices, it can create a toxic work environment and undermine their dedication to public service. This can result in a decline in the quality of policing and a loss of talented officers who are unwilling to compromise their principles.

In conclusion, political influence on the police force can have far-reaching and damaging consequences. From corruption and the misuse of power to the erosion of trust and the impairment of justice, the negative effects are numerous. It is essential for a democratic society to ensure that law enforcement agencies remain independent and free from political interference, in order to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and the protection of citizens’ rights.

The Impact on Public Trust and Perception

The erosion of public confidence in the police is a significant consequence of the problematic police-political relationship. When people perceive that the police are being influenced by political agendas, they lose faith in the fairness and impartiality of law enforcement. This not only hampers cooperation with the police but also leads to a reluctance to report crimes, further compromising public safety.

One of the key factors contributing to the erosion of public trust is the perception that the police prioritize political interests over their duty to protect and serve the community. This perception arises when law enforcement agencies are seen as aligning themselves with specific political ideologies or parties. Such alignment can create a sense of favoritism and bias, leading to a loss of trust among segments of the population who do not share the same political views.

Moreover, the impact on public trust extends beyond the immediate consequences of compromised cooperation and reduced crime reporting. It permeates the fabric of society, affecting the overall social cohesion and sense of belonging. When individuals and communities perceive that the police are influenced by political considerations, it breeds a sense of injustice and inequality. This can lead to heightened tensions between different groups, exacerbating existing divisions and hindering efforts to build strong and inclusive communities.

Another aspect of the impact on public trust is the perception of political bias in policing. Whether real or imagined, the notion that the police are targeting individuals or communities based on their political beliefs undermines the legitimacy of law enforcement. This perception can fuel resentment and create divisions within society, hindering efforts to build strong and inclusive communities.

Furthermore, the erosion of public trust in the police can have far-reaching consequences for the overall functioning of society. When people lose faith in law enforcement, they may seek alternative means of seeking justice or protection. This can lead to the rise of vigilante groups or the proliferation of private security services, further fragmenting the social fabric and potentially compromising public safety.

Additionally, the erosion of public trust in the police will have a detrimental impact on the recruitment and retention of law enforcement officers. When the police are perceived as being influenced by political agendas, individuals who may have considered a career in law enforcement may be discouraged from pursuing that path. This can result in a shortage of qualified and dedicated officers, further straining an already challenging law enforcement landscape.

In conclusion, the impact on public trust and perception resulting from the problematic police-political relationship is multifaceted and far-reaching. It not only undermines cooperation with the police and compromises public safety but also fosters divisions within society and hampers efforts to build strong and inclusive communities. Addressing this issue requires a concerted effort to restore the impartiality and fairness of law enforcement, ensuring that the police are seen as serving the best interests of all members of the community, regardless of their political beliefs.

The Need for Reform in Police-Political Relations

To address the problems within the police-political relationship, various proposals have been put forward. One key aspect is enhancing police autonomy. By insulating law enforcement from political interference and ensuring that decisions are based on professional expertise rather than political considerations, the integrity of the police force can be preserved. Follow here.

Additionally, strategies for improving public trust and perception should be implemented. Transparency and accountability are crucial in this regard. Regularly sharing information about police operations, engaging with communities, and establishing independent oversight bodies can help rebuild public confidence in the police and dispel concerns about political bias.

Conclusion: Towards a Better Police-Political Relationship

In conclusion, the relationship between police and politics is complex and multifaceted. Addressing the problems that arise from it is essential for the well-being of society as a whole. By understanding the historical context, acknowledging the impact on public trust, and implementing reforms, we can strive for a police-political relationship built on professionalism, transparency, and safeguarding democratic principles.



Wayne Ince

I write about social justice, mental health , politics, and marginalized communities. PHI THETA KAPPA. Published author in National Magazine Veterans Voices