If the Answer Is Yes, the GOP Says No…

To the Question, “Will it Benefit My Fellow Americans?”

Kevin Christopher Brown
Published in
6 min readJun 9, 2021


source: gemma evans via unsplash

That’s because the GOP makes a critical distinction between fellow Americans and fellow BLACK Americans. Or fellow immigrant Americans, poor Americans, LBGTQ Americans, Muslim Americans, female Americans, and so on. Anybody they deem outsiders, outcasts, less than, and not one of them. Systemic racism benefits white Americans, so in the eyes of the GOP, it’s perfectly acceptable. Universal health care would help all Americans, but included in the definition of “all” is Black people. Hence, no matter how beneficial the idea of affordable health care for everyone is to white people, it would also benefit Black people, making it a non-issue for the GOP. Their answer is unequivocal, and it is No.

Identifying as white is preferable to identifying as poor

That’s the reason so many poor white MAGA’s and GOP supporters vote against their self-interest. They would choose suffering and the consequences of going without needed protections, services, or benefits over seeing a Black person or “outsider” receive the same. Think about it for a moment; they would rather suffer significant harm and affliction than see an outsider prosper and rejoice — the other reason being that identifying as white is preferable…



Kevin Christopher Brown

Award-winning author of Kindred Spirits, and Stupid Sh*t We Did in College… (and Stuff). Writer, Actor, Designer, Nomad. www.holbrookbrownuniverse.com